Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Philip Hammond

Boris Johnson must publicly reject the Previous Treasury Predictions

It will be shown below that the Treasury has been using incorrect “predictions” to influence the debate on Independence.  If the Conservatives are truly now a pro-Brexit party they must publicly rebut the Treasury Reports. There have been two high profile sets of Treasury Predictions during the campaign for Independence …

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The Scottish establishment is wrong about Brexit and Boris

There is a conventional wisdom in Scotland about politics that everyone agrees on. It doesn’t much matter which party the Scottish establishment support, they still hold the same assumptions. The problem is that this same Scottish establishment has been wrong about everything ever since they came up with the idea …

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The case against George Osborne, Philip Hammond, and the Treasury

This paper considers whether George Osborne, Philip Hammond and senior Treasury officials should be prosecuted for Misconduct in a Public Office. Prior to the EU Referendum the HM Treasury issued a document called: HM Treasury analysis: the immediate economic impact of leaving the EU. This document was widely used by campaigners …

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Bank of England gives Green Light to WTO Brexit

Coverage in the media of the fact that the Belfast Agreement does NOT specify open borders with frictionless trade in Ireland has been entirely suppressed (read the Belfast Agreement here if you don’t know this) and the news that the Bank of England has calculated that a WTO Brexit with a 21 …

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No Surrender!

Another day, another cave by Theresa May. Today, it appears that Theresa May is willing to keep the entire UK bound in perpetuity to the EU Customs Union.  It also appears the Prime Minister has plans to betray her allies in the DUP and Northern Ireland by having EU regulations …

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The Future of the UK is in the hands of the Conservative Party.

It was only in May 2017 that the Conservative Party enjoyed the best local election performance in a decade, making significant gains at the expense of the Labour Party.  The Conservatives won four out of six metro-mayoral areas, including in the traditionally Labour-voting Tees Valley and West Midlands while increasing their local government seat count by 563 …

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Theresa May just blew her last chance

At last the long awaited cabinet reshuffle has been called and my word it was depressing. I kept an eye on the TV reporting live from Downing Street while I was in the Gym this morning hoping that a major rejuvination might boost me, but instead I watched the same …

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Budget 2017 Reaction

This was a holding budget designed to buy the government some political breathing room, and so Philip Hammond kicked the can down the road on nearly all of the major fiscal and structural issues facing Britain I intended this piece to be just a few disjointed thoughts reflecting on Philip …

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Hammond’s chance

Assuming he is not replaced, UK Chancellor, Philip Hammond, is shortly to present his Budget, outlining spending and taxation plans.  This will be the first time we have the budget in the Autumn. There has been conflicting talk of loosening the reins and then of tax rises. First, let us  be …

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Weekly Globe Episode 10 #podcast

This is the tenth in a series of weekly podcasts featuring Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson. The podcast summarised the latest in Brexit, Charlie Gard, Justine Greening and her transgender policy,  and concluded with a progress report on the CRCC- the Commonwealth, Realms & CANZUK campaign. We hope readers enjoy …

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An Open Letter to the Conservatives- Hold your nerve and enact Conservative policies.

Dear Conservatives: I am getting increasingly concerned at the ideas and suggestions coming out of Philip Hammond’s Treasury not least of which is the very un- Conservative idea of increasing taxes to fund the cessation of so called austerity. Conservatives don’t increase taxes, they reduce them. Historically that is our …

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Weekly Globe Podcast: Episode 3

This is the third in a series of weekly podcasts featuring Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson. The podcast summarised the previous week’s articles to give in-depth analysis and perspective to what was published on the site. We hope readers enjoy the Weekly Globe podcasts. You can listen to it here: Times …

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Conservative Party Conference 2016: The Verdict

Overall, this year’s Conservative Party Conference was a success. It was so wonderful to see the Conservative Party finally be united in support of Brexit. Guido Fawkes said it right when he said Theresa May’s Brexit speech was the speech many of us have hoped for decades to hear a Prime …

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Two Month Report Card – First Thoughts On Theresa May’s Premiership

After an assured and confident start, Theresa May’s government shows welcome signs of moving boldly, if not always in the right direction To date, this blog has not wasted undue time speculating about Theresa May’s premiership and assessing her early performance – not least because we are only just starting …

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What we want to see from the May Conservative Government

When Theresa May became Prime Minister, most of the Daily Globe writers and I were not overjoyed. We wanted a Brexiteer as Prime Minister and we felt uneasy about May due to her lack of devotion to smaller government as Home Secretary.  However, in the little over a month she …

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House of Cards Tricks

The debate surrounding Britain’s referendum on the EU is well under way. After making some surprising statements at the end of February and start of March, Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, has been surprisingly quiet. Hammond’s reputation was once that of being something of a Euroscpetic. As recently as 2013, in …

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The Good, Bad and Ugly Pragmatic Reshuffle.

Hello all. I am in the midst of preparing for my “bar exam” (an attorney licensing examination) at the end of the month, so I’ve had less time then I would like to devote to my blog. However, I thought I would give my drive by overall impressions of the …

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