Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Politics

The Political Fallacies

Political beliefs depend on the many assumptions that we accrue during our lives.  The young voter is particularly prone to fallacious assumptions because of lack of experience. The worst fallacies are the caring fallacy, the fallacy of reasonableness, the globalization fallacy, the fallacy of historical responsibility and the fallacy of …

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Heart of Oak?

On the 19th of this Month, the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), an internationally declared terrorist organisation, seized the Stena Imperio, a British flagged oil/chemical carrier, in the Straights of Hormuz between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula. On the 21st, HM’s Government took its first step; it banned all …

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Prorogation, Salisbury and Self-Denying Ordinances

“We’ve gone from a democratic exercise involving over 33 million people to the future direction of the country being decided by c.100k+ people while making the rules up as we go along and in which suspending parliament is being seriously discussed. Well done everyone.” – Philip Cowley, Professor of Politics …

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Statecraft and Lawn Maintenance

The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization” is available now on Amazon worldwide. Many, many years ago, my father applied for a job at a lumber yard as a day labourer. He had left home under difficult circumstances at age …

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I’d rather be a ‘stupid Brexiteer’ than a deluded Europhile

European and British media were startled this week at a press conference when Donald Tusk made the shocking remarks. When Tusk said that Brexiteers with no plan ‘have a special place in hell’, the room was not only shocked but even Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, realised that Tusk’s remarks would …

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The possible Peterborough by-election will be the most important of this decade

The small city of Peterborough doesn’t sound particularly important or relevant in these nervous times of British politics. However, over the next couple of months Peteborough will oversee a political fight unlike any other. The reason being is because of the recent event whereby the Labour MP has received a …

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There are 4 possible outcomes from this Brexit chaos

The Brexit crisis hardly needs an introduction, and the past few days have demonstrated the utter nightmare that we are in. Theresa May published her draft Brexit agreement and it was immediately criticised from nearly all politicians and senior figures. The draft agreement does not fulfill the wishes of Brexiteers …

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2018 Budget: The Conservatives send a positive message for the future

Chancellor Philip Hammond delivered his 2018 Autumn budget in the House of Commons today. There was little shared between the government and the media; although it was expected that there were going to be no new radical changes to the Conservative’s economic policy. Theresa May’s government has been skating on …

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Corporatism: A Daring Dream, Part I

Corporatism is a word with many meanings, and no one seems to know what precisely any of them are. Corporatism is a diverse set of theories, but it should be thought of in purely economic terms. When we think of ‘corporatism’ today, I am sure that most people would think …

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Taking Offence to Common Sense

Political correctness has claimed innumerous victims (words, phrases and ideas) through its relentless quest for censorship. Such suppression of speech has primarily been perpetrated by the liberal lunatics of the modern era. Conjured by minority groups, fueled by the mainstream media and legislated by politicians, sensitivity culture has reached an …

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Equality is a flawed Ideology

Whether it be equality of outcome of equality of opportunity, these theories are deeply flawed, one certainly more than the other. Lets begin on one most of us can get behind, one I actually support “in theory” but in practice is nothing more than Utopian.  Yes we as people deserve the …

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Why I’m Voting Conservative

As a young person whose political allegiances lie with the Conservatives I have received a lot of abuse. The most common accusations and comments I’ve received are usually along the lines of calling me rich and selfish. Personal insults have also been thrown, however, in my eyes these do not …

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Quote For The Day

From Conor Friedersdorf’s excellent interview of writer and professor David Hillel Gelernter: Everyone knows that we live in politically superheated times; partisanship feels more bitter and more personal than it ever has in my lifetime. There are many reasons, but here is one: we all know that faith in the Judeo-Christian …

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Stop Worshipping ‘Centrist’ Voters – They Are Responsible For Britain’s Woes

What exactly constitutes the political centre, anyway? Is it even a real thing? And why are we so in thrall to something so vague and ill-defined? The political centre ground: people talk about it all the time. It is meant to represent the silent majority, that great conclave of wise and …

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The infamous Edwina Currie reminds us of the lack of debate over UK Sovereignty in upcoming EU Referendum

Edwina Currie, famous for many things but formerly a Conservative MP until she lost her seat in 1997, sparked Twitter outrage today with a completely off-the-cuff remark about sovereignty. Many of us (with many valid reasons) feel Edwina Currie is as mad as a bag of spanners, but her voice …

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Remain campaign to voters: ‘Are you scared yet, children?’

Imagine a company that in 1973 had a 38% global market share in its industry, a market leader, but had since lost ground so that today it controls just 19%. Would you say that company had been successful? No, me neither. Now imagine that the company’s growth was so so …

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Another view on the IFS report

A further report of doom and gloom after Brexit has been released, this time from the institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS), claiming the Brexit would bring two more years of austerity. Is the body of evidence from independent analysts really increasing? The IFS is a charity, based in London specialising …

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Gerry Adams posts offensive and racist Tweets

Gerry Adams, President of Sinn Féin and long time member of the IRA Army Council, revealed a little of his more sinister side tonight with a couple of unguarded tweets. The first, blatantly using racist language.  The second using a word which has long since been used as an offensive …

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Restoring Independent Policies: Environmental Policy

Read The Market Solution pamphlet in full More so than perhaps any other policy area, environment is an amalgam of international, EU and domestic measures, although new environmental legislation is still a shared competence. We might expect an independent policy to concentrate more on the national interest, although the Government’s …

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