Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: UK General Election 2017

Reconciling Remain and Leave

I have had two conversations in the past week about Brexit and they both went in identical directions.  The Remain supporters said “the referendum was fixed”.  I said “but the 2017 election promised to implement it which is why Corbyn got so many votes”.  They said “Of course, when it …

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Nothing’s too good for the man who beat Alex Salmond

I remember seeing Alex Salmond sometime in 2017. He lives quite near me and it was common enough to see him around, but this time there was something different. He was locked out of his car. He was on his phone. He was trying to pull the door handles. He …

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On Theresa May’s resignation

Theresa May’s announced resignation is long overdue but welcome. One can feel sorry for her on a personal level, but this was a job she was not up for and that she made a complete mess of. Even in her resignation speech, her “accomplishments” consisted of failures (on Brexit), accomplishments …

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If MPs overturn the referendum on 13th March…

The EU Referendum was a straight fight between being prepared to accept the risks of “Project Fear” so that the UK could be independent and not being prepared to accept the risks of “Project Fear” . The Leave vote in the Referendum was a vote to accept the risk of …

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Three Questions for the Tory TIGers

Anna Soubry, Heidi Allen, and Sarah Wollaston have all defected from the Conservative party to join the 8 ex-Labour MPs in The Independent Group. The Independent Group is a group of Anti-Brexit, Blairite, oops I mean *centrist*, MPs which are basically the Liberal Democrats but don’t want to be associated …

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The Future of the UK is in the hands of the Conservative Party.

It was only in May 2017 that the Conservative Party enjoyed the best local election performance in a decade, making significant gains at the expense of the Labour Party.  The Conservatives won four out of six metro-mayoral areas, including in the traditionally Labour-voting Tees Valley and West Midlands while increasing their local government seat count by 563 …

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Jeremy Corbyn’s disregard for Democracy is an Unpatriotic act

What many people don’t understand is that Britain isn’t just a nation, but it’s a way of life. Mother Britannia may be the head nation within the 54 Commonwealth Nations but is very clear is she also  played a critical role in developing and grooming each one of those nations as …

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The DUP – are caves really so bad?

So the Tories and the DUP have just signed the long-awaited confidence and supply deal. For those out of the loop, I’ve put a link here. There’s been a lot of anxiety surrounding the potential Conservative deal with the Democratic Unionists, and to be quite honest, I’ve had no sympathy …

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Weekly Globe Episode 8

This is the eighth in a series of weekly podcasts featuring Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson. The podcast summarised the 2017 General Election Results, The state of the Conservative Party, The DUP and a possible deal with the Conservatives, the Grenfell fire disaster, the Beginning of the Brexit negotiations and …

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Labour Centrists Bend The Knee To Jeremy Corbyn, Once Again

No courage, no backbone, no vision of their own Telegraph sketchwriter Michael Deacon reports on the rapturous reception given to Jeremy Corbyn by the Parliamentary Labour Party when he entered the Commons yesterday: Labour MPs cheered Jeremy Corbyn. Genuinely. They really did. And when I say Labour MPs, I don’t …

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Social Conservatism – Flogging a Dead Horse

What has the world come to? Before the General Election, I incorrectly predicted that the Conservative Party would win hands-down, and to my own credit, so did many other commentators. Then democracy happened, and the great hand of uncertainty threw all my assumptions to the wind. Looking back at the …

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The frostbite of her hopes

In the aftermath of an election emotions are high, levels of spin even higher and judgement barely there at all. Politics in Britain has become uncertain. This is the third election in a row in which we have woken up to a surprise and not only one surprise but sometimes …

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General election 2017 – winners and losers

Following a campaign that has been both turbulent and tranquil, the day is finally over. The voters can have had their say. This was an election that didn’t have to happen. The Fixed Term Parliament Act provided for a date in 2020, a year that could have provided perfect retrospective …

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Tipping the SNP out

I’m a Conservative, but above all else I’m a Unionist. Party politics is a matter of ups and downs. Our country is a different matter. I would gladly accept any defeat for the Conservatives if it made our country safer. It looks as if the Conservatives are going to lose …

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LIVE: 2017 General Election Results

Hello and welcome to the Daily Globe’s own semi-live reporting on the UK 2017 General Election. We are attempting to provide up-to-date information to the election and the estimated results. The polls have closed and the counting has begun. 13:45: May returns from Buckingham Palace and begins to organise a …

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Why I think Jeremy Corbyn mustn’t be Prime Minister

I know the title gives away much of the article, but I would like to focus on two key aspects: Terrorism and the Union. This is not a partisan piece, but one that tries to rise above mere party politics in an unbiased fashion. Economics are, to an extent, reversible: …

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