Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Media

Meghan and Harry – the Relatives from Hell?

Yesterday the mass media finally proved that it was insane.  Meghan, a woman who, by European standards is white skinned, was held to be black and hence the victim of racism.  Harry, a full grown man, happily derided his own family on prime-time TV.  The interview is strong evidence that …

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When Sparks Fly

Brent H. Cameron is a Senior Advisor with Concierge Strategies, and a local councillor in Ontario, Canada. The second edition of his 2005 book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization” is available on Amazon worldwide – both in paperback and in Kindle e-book formats. In Canada, there …

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The BBC: the need for change

The BBC has been subject to dramatic changes in its Charter over the past 14 years and this has had a deeply negative effect on the Corporation. The BBC Charters until 2007 placed the BBC under fairly tight government control and used general advisory and national broadcasting councils to monitor fairness and …

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Morality and Politics

The process of democracy evolved to allow those with different ideas of what is moral and right to co-exist in a society. The democratic process involves people freely expressing their opinions and then a vote being taken to decide which group of people should govern for a fixed period.  Political …

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Predictions for 2021

The most obvious prediction is that vaccines will defeat the COVID epidemic and life will begin to return to normal.  Full normality is unlikely until the late summer but a semblance of normality will begin at the end of March provided the government prioritises vaccine administration, recruiting pharmacies who already …

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In Praise of Trade

My sister-in-law spent her working life selecting and selling dresses.  When I think about this my jaw drops.  How on earth do you select a dress that will outsell your competitors?  To make good money out of that for an entire working life is extraordinary.  Having succeeded at making a …

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The broadcast media has disgraced itself

Broadcast media does not run the country, but it does set the parameters of what it is possible for Governments to do. It is at least in part responsible for some of the mistakes that have been made in the past few months. The British economy shrank by just over …

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Top 10 Political Myths

The UK media and academia promulgate many myths. Here are the top 10. 1. The myth that Fascism was a movement of working class thugs reacting to Reparations or hyperinflation. The truth is that Mussolini invented Fascism in Italy during and immediately after the First World War and Italy was …

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Is the political battle now the Nation vs the Media?

Objective measures show that the UK is very much less racist than either the USA or EU.  Yet the UK Media ignored this and elided the US Black Lives Matter protests into UK politics. It is 200 years since the UK abolished slavery but only 100 years since the Jim …

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China: Are we too late to react?

My joy at opening this week’s AAAS magazine “Science” was slightly blunted by the four pages of Chinese Government advertising that were followed by a long editorial article on how the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) should be given NIH funds.  The article did not mention that due to the …

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Journalism is missing the mood of the country

Twitter is an interesting metaphor for infectious diseases. I write something. It might be seen be some of my followers, but it has to compete with what everyone else is writing so it might be ignored. If someone retweets, it might be seen by any of their followers, but just …

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Media madness

I recently heard Jeremy Bowen, the BBC correspondent, claim that the world had failed Syria.  The message being that “we” should have been more involved.  In fact the world has been involved in Syria, NATO has blown whole towns to pieces and the Russians and Iranians are helping Assad to …

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Immigration, Net Migration in the UK and Points Based System

The Government has just announced a new points based immigration system where 70 points are needed to migrate to the UK (10 points for speaking English, 20 points for having a job offer etc).  10,000 places will be allocated to seasonal workers. Sky News had this neat summary: Sky has …

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The BBC: A threat to all of us?

During the Referendum campaign and the three years that followed many supporters of British Independence cursed the BBC News and found it to be biased.  The Remain campaign realised that this was a threat and made counter accusations to provide the BBC with apparent evidence that by offending both sides …

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The individual versus the diversity quota

One of the main reasons that I oppose left-wing thinking is that I want people to be treated as individuals rather than as members of a group. I have the same duty to treat everyone I come across morally no matter what they look like, where they are from or …

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How can the Tories win the 2024 election?

The Conservatives can take some steps now to win the 2024 election. The most important first step is to demand that BBC News and Current Affairs employs a fairly representative number of journalists from across the political spectrum in the UK.  Perhaps it is a result of operating the World …

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Impartial Journalism in a Polarised World

The BBC has recently produced a programme called “Impartial Journalism in a Polarised World”, created by James Harding, which discusses how they are being challenged by alternative sources of news.  Organisations like the BBC portray themselves as heroes battling against a tide of disinformation but how far is this the …

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BBC News Suppression

The BBC suppresses any news that favours leaving the EU. Check these links to find out what the BBC should have told the nation: Nothing in the Belfast Agreement requires European Union Membership Imports from Calais Ports of Entry in NI Barnier preferred Canada Plus  Racism in the EU Trade …

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Welsh Lamb Propaganda

There has been a great deal about the “terrible” effects of Brexit on the Welsh lamb industry. What is the truth? Only about 30-40% of Welsh sheep meat is exported: The Welsh sheep industry was worth c.£278m to the Welsh economy in 2018. Only about £70m of meat of all types is …

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