Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: EU Referendum

Thank you for Brexit Day

The day is finally upon us. Today, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland leaves the millstone of the European Union and steps forward a free nation into the world. Today, history is made. Here at the Daily Globe, we could not be happier. As our readers know, …

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Reconciling Remain and Leave

I have had two conversations in the past week about Brexit and they both went in identical directions.  The Remain supporters said “the referendum was fixed”.  I said “but the 2017 election promised to implement it which is why Corbyn got so many votes”.  They said “Of course, when it …

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Four legs

Again and again the House of Commons declines the opportunity to hold a general election. Ostensibly no vote will pass. The House is in paralysis. Why do they perpetuate the situation? As ever, it is worth reviewing how this came about, the history going back to the general election of …

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The Big Brexit Quiz!

Test your knowledge of Brexit.  Tease those Leaver friends. Page down for short answers or click on links below each question for sourced answer. 1. When was Parliament last Prorogued? a. At the start of every session. b. 1997 by John Major c. 1639 Rules on proroguing Parliament 2. Did …

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Dying in a ditch

Parliament has passed a bill which forbids the Prime Minister from leaving the EU without a deal. If he is unable to come to an agreement with the EU, or if that deal is not agreed by Parliament then he has to ask the EU for an extension. What happens …

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Another fine mess

From the outside looking in, the House of Commons has become a comedy. It is hard to pick a genre, farce, slapstick, Month Python – or is it the theatre of the absurd? The government, even given a confidence and supply agreement with the DUP, is technically in a minority. …

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“Leavers are not my sort of people”

I have had quiet conversations with several Remain backers over the past couple of weeks.  All three were absolutely clear that Leave voters did not really understand what they were voting for.  They said this to me, someone who has read the EU Treaties and studied the history of the …

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The Fight for Independence continues. What next?

A pro-EU Parliament is in the process of refusing to implement the EU Referendum result.  It is two years and nine months since the Referendum and the best Parliament can offer is a further delay of almost two years.  A delay of 5 years amounts to MPs putting up two …

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A National Disgrace and Bre(xit)trayal

A disgraceful thing happened yesterday. Parliament, having blocked, decelerated and harried Britain’s exit from the EU for two years, decided to delay Brexit. May had said a great many times that No Deal is better than a Bad Deal, but refused to acknowledge that hers was a bad deal, despite …

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When representatives go rogue

It used to be a joke.  If a country had a referendum that went against the will of the EU they were asked to do it again to get the “right” answer the second time. Those who want to Leave the EU have always looked on this overbearing attitude to …

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Why a second EU referendum would be undemocratic

Over two years since the EU referendum in 2016, there are still persistent calls, mainly from the Remain side, to “re-run” the referendum, or even have a “confirmation vote” on the final deal. Some use the words of the former Brexit Minister, David Davis, as proof that a second referendum …

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What did you learn Nicola?

I don’t want Mrs Sturgeon to click her ruby slippers together while repeating endlessly that there’s no place like Scotland. Nor is it helpful to once more hear nationalists repeat clichés like “A hard Tory Brexit makes independence inevitable.” But it might be useful to revisit Scottish independence in the …

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Let Spring follow Winter

When I write these articles it is the equivalent of public speaking for me, which is terrifying and makes me feel stressed and ill afterwards. Which is why on the run up to the referendum and afterwards I resisted the urge, there were enough people shouting the odds. However I …

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She betrays what they fought for

A week ago we commemorated the 100th anniversary of the ending of the First World War. Theresa May laid wreaths on the graves of those who had defended the freedom and democracy of our country while knowing that she intended to surrender both of them. For this alone she must go. …

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I worry about Ireland and this damned EU.

I had a chat earlier with a pal who’d have been reared on the “other side” of the Northern Ireland political divide from myself. Discussing the likely reaction of the Irish to mass immigration, should the EU decide to dump on them next on a large scale, as suggested in …

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People’s Vote Celebrities Burnish Their Woke Credentials By Giving False Hope To Remainers

As celebrities and failed politicians gathered for another central London protest against Brexit, their unchanging tactics make clear that this is more about burnishing their reputations as right-on culture warriors than sincerely trying to persuade the British people to change course John Harris has long been about the only writer …

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Check hers

September 2014 The Yes side win a vote for Scottish independence by 53.4% to 46.6% November 2014 Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon begin negotiations with the UK Government led by Michael Gove. December 2014 Michael Gove announces that the UK will only support a free trade agreement with Scotland under …

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Where do we go from here?

It is now 28 months since the people of Great Britain and Northern Ireland went to the polls to enact the most important democratic political and economic decision this great country of ours has ever been called upon to make. Yes, we have had General Elections that in and of …

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