Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: David Cameron

Boris is doing what Cameron couldn’t

Two weeks ago Labour thought they had all but sealed not only victory in the then-upcoming Hartlepool by-election as well as Local Government Elections with their “Tory Sleaze allegations.” They also firmly believed that they had politically wounded Boris Johnson. However, for those who have followed Johnson’s career, it is …

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Brexit – the True Story

The campaign to create a European Union began after WWI. After the war the Germans were weakened and facing a growing threat from the USSR (The Communist Russian Empire).  Count Coudenhove-Kalergi founded “Paneuropa” to lobby for a European Union to counter this Russian threat.  Paneuropa is still alive and well …

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Thank you for Brexit Day

The day is finally upon us. Today, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland leaves the millstone of the European Union and steps forward a free nation into the world. Today, history is made. Here at the Daily Globe, we could not be happier. As our readers know, …

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Four legs

Again and again the House of Commons declines the opportunity to hold a general election. Ostensibly no vote will pass. The House is in paralysis. Why do they perpetuate the situation? As ever, it is worth reviewing how this came about, the history going back to the general election of …

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Austerity has not been a Tory choice, but an EU one

After the economic crisis in 2007-8, the deficit of the United Kingdom skyrocketed to over a record 10% of GDP. In response, a policy of “austerity” was adopted, with an aim to reduce public spending and the government’s budget deficit. This policy has been widely criticised as a Tory ideological …

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The Many Lies of the Remain Campaign

Many Remainers, still refusing to accept the democratic mandate to Leave the EU given in June 2016, claim that people only voted for Brexit because they were lied to, or because the Leave campaign misled the people. In doing so, they infer that in contrast the Remain campaign put out …

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Where do we go from here?

It is now 28 months since the people of Great Britain and Northern Ireland went to the polls to enact the most important democratic political and economic decision this great country of ours has ever been called upon to make. Yes, we have had General Elections that in and of …

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The Return of Meritocracy

Social mobility has stalled in Britain; The Return of Meritocracy argues that it is Conservative policies that can unlock opportunities for the many and the few… There are many vital issues which this country is currently grappling with. From Brexit, to terrorism, to funding our NHS, the country faces monumental …

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An interview with Luke George

Hear Vivek Rajkhowa interview Daily Globe author and contributor Luke George! Topics include Brexit, David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn, the Commonwealth, the United States of America, the British Empire and free speech among other topic. A very good interview that allows Luke George to express his astute views. Watch it below:

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A brief stop to smell the roses

The goal of the Daily Globe is to bring our readers an analysation of the news that brings perspective to events. We do not claim to report the news because frankly we don’t (and couldn’t afford to) employ journalists. Rather, we try to assemble a collection of writers who think …

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The Conservatives Record On Jobs And Employment.

Since the Conservatives came to power in 2010 we have seen a jobs miracle that has given economic security to hundreds of thousands of people. Under this Conservative government we have seen… The Highest employment rate ever and lowest unemployment rate in 40 years. 3,011,000 more people in work. Unemployment reduce …

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It’s time for a transition cabinet

Theresa May has been a less than strong and stable Prime Minister lately. Ever since her general election under-performance, the Theresa May’s position has been in question, as has the positions of her cabinet ministers. Last week, the Prime Minister even had to face off the first challenge to her …

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Flagship Policies

A couple of weeks ago, I listened to an interview of Jacob Rees-Mogg by James Delingpole on YouTube. Mogg asked Delingpole who he felt the UK’s best Prime Ministers had been when Delingpole slighted career politicians. Upon responding with the standard Thatcher and Churchill, Mogg replied by asking ‘What about …

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Thoughts on Article 50

It would take a heart of stone not to have felt a twinge of emotion at least once today, be one a Remainer or a Brexiteer. There was much to feel emotional about. The sense of jubilation amongst many who have supported Brexit for a lifetime-for them, they must feel …

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#Brexit is the Future

Tony Blair, to use the words of David Cameron in his first Prime Minister’s Questions in 2005, “was the future once“. In his last Prime Minister’s Questions, David Cameron admitted that he too was the future once. Nick Clegg was the future once- for a brief time in 2010. Ken …

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Playing hardball with Mrs Angry

There’s a little woman I know who is from the Glasgow area and she always gets her own way. If there is a committee meeting she is aggressive. She interrupts. She tries to belittle the point of view of others. People avoid getting into an argument with her because rather …

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Betrayal of Britain Chapter 4 Continued- Syria

The ambiguities inherent in a moral foreign policy became all too clear over Syria. Syria, the once-mighty military hard man of the Middle East, erupted into civil war in 2011. Syria was Russia’s only ally left in the region after the overthrow of many of the dictatorships by popular uprisings, …

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