Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Conservatives

Nothing’s too good for the man who beat Alex Salmond

I remember seeing Alex Salmond sometime in 2017. He lives quite near me and it was common enough to see him around, but this time there was something different. He was locked out of his car. He was on his phone. He was trying to pull the door handles. He …

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Either Boris or Remain

There are two realistic outcomes to the General Election. Either there will be a Conservative majority or there will be a hung Parliament. It is highly unlikely that Labour can form a government on its own. This has been the case ever since the SNP started winning the majority of …

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An existential threat to the UK

My first reaction to the announcement that we would have a General Election in December was to see whether it was possible to arrange a long holiday somewhere as far away as possible. The University of Almaty looked a more inviting prospect than Aberdeen’s granite turning ever more grey in …

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Tactical voting in Scotland is poor strategy

In 2015 I campaigned for the Lib Dems in Gordon. I signed up to the tactical voting campaign that some Pro UK people support. There was a graphic showing which party we should vote for in each constituency to keep the SNP out. The whole thing was chaotic. Labour, Lib …

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It is time for Boris

Originally, I supported Esther McVey for the leadership of the Conservative Party, and I still do believe that she is the best candidate. There is one issue – she is not gaining traction among MPs, and is still languishing with six supporters. This means I need to pick a different …

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She’s only gone and offered them a second referendum

That’s what a colleague and fellow Conservative activist said as he phoned me yesterday afternoon while I was out walking with my family. Initially I was amazed, but as I sipped my coffee yesterday afternoon, I realised that this is exactly what I’ve come to expect from Theresa May. She …

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A National Disgrace and Bre(xit)trayal

A disgraceful thing happened yesterday. Parliament, having blocked, decelerated and harried Britain’s exit from the EU for two years, decided to delay Brexit. May had said a great many times that No Deal is better than a Bad Deal, but refused to acknowledge that hers was a bad deal, despite …

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I’d rather be a ‘stupid Brexiteer’ than a deluded Europhile

European and British media were startled this week at a press conference when Donald Tusk made the shocking remarks. When Tusk said that Brexiteers with no plan ‘have a special place in hell’, the room was not only shocked but even Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, realised that Tusk’s remarks would …

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The Party of Social Reform

I bet I’m not the only Conservative whose blood boils when they hear the Labour Party talk about the NHS. No matter how much money the Conservatives put into the NHS it is still being ‘cut’ according to Labour. In every single election since the 1950s they have accused the …

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Celebrating Britain’s Jobs Boom

Statistics can often come across as dull, but when it comes to discussing the British job market in recent years, it is unavoidable not to use them. 3.8 million jobs created since 2010. Unemployment fallen from 8% to 4% (lowest since 1975). A record 32.5 million people in work. 750,000 …

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Nothing has changed – Theresa May’s Brexit deal must be voted down

When Theresa May’s deal with the EU was announced in November, the Daily Globe was sorely disappointed and recommended MPs vote it down. You can read our reasoning here. Unfortunately, to use the Prime Minister’s phrase, nothing has changed. The bill that will be voted on by MPs today unfortunately …

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History Repeats?

On October 25, 1993 I saw something that I thought I would never see. It was election night in Canada, and I saw a government go down to defeat in, arguably, the most spectacular way that has ever occurred in a western Liberal democracy. The Progressive Conservative Party, which had …

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There are 4 possible outcomes from this Brexit chaos

The Brexit crisis hardly needs an introduction, and the past few days have demonstrated the utter nightmare that we are in. Theresa May published her draft Brexit agreement and it was immediately criticised from nearly all politicians and senior figures. The draft agreement does not fulfill the wishes of Brexiteers …

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2018 Budget: The Conservatives send a positive message for the future

Chancellor Philip Hammond delivered his 2018 Autumn budget in the House of Commons today. There was little shared between the government and the media; although it was expected that there were going to be no new radical changes to the Conservative’s economic policy. Theresa May’s government has been skating on …

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Building a Conservative Mass Membership

The Primrose League was a broad-based mass membership organisation which peaked in the early twentieth century. Its aim was to spread Conservative messages of fighting for Queen and Country whilst promoting free enterprise. In 1910, there were nearly 2 million members at a time when there was an electorate of …

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A Conservative Government for Low Earners

It has been a difficult decade for millions of people in this country. With the Coalition Government inheriting a budget deficit of £160 billion back in 2010, the country faced economic meltdown. In many parts of the media, the general narrative of the last 8 years has been one of …

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Conservative Party Policy Renewal: 1000 Ways To Die Trying

Rather than attempting to forge a compelling, coherent vision for Britain rooted in conservative values, our dithering Prime Minister is soliciting a thousand disjointed policy suggestions from every vested interest and armchair crank in the nation. This is not leadership. Having been on the road since 14 March of this …

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