Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: British History

BBC Bias and subversion by foreign powers: something must be done.

An analysis of nineteen recent BBC news stories shows that the BBC is routinely using omission of news to bias its reporting.  News omission and suppression to bias stories is an almost daily occurrence.  The BBC frequently “tucks away” key parts of news reports on its web site to avoid …

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Decolonising the curriculum

I have been asked to help decolonise the curriculum where I work. I take this to mean I must remove all subjects that benefitted from colonisers or colonialism, all writers who were involved in or benefited from the slave trade or indeed all books that nice people in 2021 should …

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Let’s Celebrate St. George’s Day and be proud of our English identity

The time has come to reforge what it means to be English and celebrate our long island story. Those of us who are truly good citizens of England understand that our ethnic and nationality identity has been under constant attack. To many on the Left, Englishness is a source of …

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Sir Robert Peel the Series Part Two – Sir Robert Peel taught us that Politics is about vision.

On Saturday 13th March 2021 we saw some rather unfortunate and disgraceful scenes in London as the Metropolitan Police clamped down on a Vigil being held (by mostly women) for the murder of a young girl. Many UK Politicians blamed this incident on the strict lockdown laws implemented during the …

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Sir Robert Peel the Series: Part One – Sir Robert Peel can inspire us to defeat the Pandemic.

British history is lined with individuals, moments and situations which have always provided the inspiration for us, no matter our geographical location, to defeat difficult circumstances.  Today the left seeks to demonise British history because of their ignorance, absence of proper knowledge or desire to erase the foundations which have …

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Children leave school as indoctrinated Labour voters

Were the education system a fair reflection of society we would expect as many children  voting Conservative as voting Labour when they leave school or university. However, only 21% vote conservative. In the past this predilection for Labour amongst children was shrugged off as childish “idealism” but now it is …

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Values for a Future

A Nation is an area of land where the people pray, send their children to school, meet in their towns and houses, work, share resources and create and enjoy local services and benefits.  A Nation needs a vision for its future. Without a vision the unity needed to construct the …

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Slavery and British Wealth in the 18th and 19th Centuries

The Industrial Revolution occurred in the UK in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. How far was this due to slavery or other intrinsic factors? There is clear evidence that the Industrial Revolution has its roots in the early to mid eighteenth century. The world’s first, large iron bridge was built …

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The History Curriculum for Schools

The function of school history is to provide a general knowledge of the events that have shaped the nation.  The teaching of British history lost focus over the past 50 years because the majority of academics believed that the UK was going to merge with the EU and the government …

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Thatcherism – the only way forward

Margaret Thatcher once said that “there can be no liberty unless there is economic liberty.” She was right. For far too long before Margaret Thatcher took office there was very little economic liberty in the United Kingdom. We had relied on the same school of Keynesian Economic thought for much …

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Brexit – the True Story

The campaign to create a European Union began after WWI. After the war the Germans were weakened and facing a growing threat from the USSR (The Communist Russian Empire).  Count Coudenhove-Kalergi founded “Paneuropa” to lobby for a European Union to counter this Russian threat.  Paneuropa is still alive and well …

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How to destroy the UK and how to stop that happening

A nation exists where economic geography and history has led the people who occupy an area of land to create an independent economy, culture, legal system and politics. If you wish to destroy a nation you cannot do so by simply invading it. The moment the troops are withdrawn it …

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Is there a border between England and Scotland?

I remember discussions in 2014 about whether Scottish independence would create a border between Scotland and the rest of Britain. Scottish nationalists insisted vehemently that there would be no border and that we wouldn’t notice crossing from Scotland into England just as an Austrian doesn’t notice crossing into Germany. Six …

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A Brief History of British Slavery

Should events that happened over 200 years ago be part of current politics?  What was the truth about the slave trade and slaving? About 12m Africans were shipped across the Atlantic over a period of 400 years (with most occurring in the 18th and 19th centuries).   The trade was known …

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Let’s abolish slavery where it is

My mother was born in 1933. She grew up in a Britain without racism. The police did not beat up black people. There was no discrimination against black people. We didn’t have any laws regarding racial discrimination. Sporting events were completely free from any ugly racist chants and no one …

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Magna Carta & the English roots of Liberty

In today’s world where political correctness is being pushed ahead of conservative constitutional values and the pillars upon which our world has been built upon are thoroughly disregarded by those on the left, it is important to trace the genesis of the one thing we all wish to protect, liberty. …

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