The world is changing rapidly. China is rising and the mighty dollar is under attack from all sides. Never has there been a time when knowing who are your friends has been more important. It is not time for the UK to enter another EU but it is time for …
Read More »Putting the Case for CANZUK
CANZUK is often a very prevalent topic within Conservative circles; and it is often viewed by people who do not support it as some colonial pipe dream. But CANZUK is a very real and very likely possibility. We do not only share common values and head of state, but a …
Read More »Immigration, Net Migration in the UK and Points Based System
The Government has just announced a new points based immigration system where 70 points are needed to migrate to the UK (10 points for speaking English, 20 points for having a job offer etc). 10,000 places will be allocated to seasonal workers. Sky News had this neat summary: Sky has …
Read More »Brexit: Britain’s Exit from the EU
Brexit, Britain’s Exit from the European Union (EU) in essence is a decision for the United Kingdom (UK) to loosen ties with an EU steadfast on its way to becoming further and further centralised. This allows the potential for the UK to greatly strengthen ties and reconnect with the rest …
Read More »Don’t let Labour ruin Britain again
Governments are very powerful in Britain. The power of Parliament on the other hand is limited. It can pass or fail to pass laws and it can vote a Government down. Governments have been able to declare war and make peace without asking the opinion of Parliament. What this means …
Read More »Christianity And Open Borders, Cont.
Here we go again Rod Dreher has an angry, searching piece in response to the news that the Catholic Bishop of El Paso, Mark Seitz, has apparently been joyfully intimidating American Customs & Border Protection Agency guards into allowing already-rejected or returned migrants from Central America back from Mexico into the United …
Read More »The Reality of the EU
Here is a guide for Remain voters so that they can answer the charge that they are focusing on vilifying UK Leave voters rather than supporting an exciting project for the future of the UK. On immigration they can point out that the EU now has a Return Directive so that those …
Read More »“Crashing out” of the EU – how big a crash?
The Bank of England published this graph showing the effect of leaving the EU with no deal in its report: EU withdrawal scenarios and monetary and financial stability: The graph is designed to look as scary as possible. However, when we read the notes on page 53 we find this little …
Read More »Bank of England gives Green Light to WTO Brexit
Coverage in the media of the fact that the Belfast Agreement does NOT specify open borders with frictionless trade in Ireland has been entirely suppressed (read the Belfast Agreement here if you don’t know this) and the news that the Bank of England has calculated that a WTO Brexit with a 21 …
Read More »Lessons On Populism, From Bono
How to solve the “scourge” of European populism? CNN’s Fareed Zakaria makes a pilgrimage to Kiev, to consult with the geopolitical oracle known as Bono Every now and then you read an article so astonishingly un-self aware, so counterproductive, so open to attack and ridicule on multiple fronts that it …
Read More »Britain’s Post-Brexit Meritocracy
The 2017 general election showed that many young people are rejecting Conservativism and even capitalism itself. If we are to build a more socially mobile post-Brexit society we need to ensure that Margaret Thatcher’s popular capitalism can prevail once more. Employment and wage prospects can be significantly improved for the …
Read More »No, Jesus Would Not Demand Open Borders
Those who make a Christian case for open borders and uncontrolled mass immigration do not apply the same altruism they demand of society to their own personal lives, and neither would tearing down national borders improve the common good. Those who use their faith (or even more cynically, the faith …
Read More »A Practicable Immigration Policy
Immigration is a highly contentious topic today, and has become a focal point of political divide. One the one side you have a coalition of libertarian and left-leaning groups who advocate for open borders on economic or individual rights grounds. On the other you have increasing nativist sentiment who desire …
Read More »Europeans, The New Persecuted Minority In Britain?
Europeans are apparently the latest persecuted minority in benighted, dystopian Brexit Britain From the annals of overwrought self-pity comes this piece from Nick Cohen in The Spectator, declaring that thanks to Brexit, Europeans are supposedly the latest designated victim class in Britain. Money quote: They have lived, worked and loved here. …
Read More »Energy Security after #Brexit
The House of Lords has just published its inquiry into energy security after Brexit – see Brexit: Energy Security. This publication is fairly complete in its coverage of the changes that will be needed in the coming year. The government will have had almost 3 years to plan for Brexit by …
Read More »What immigration reform should look like post-Brexit
In the EU referendum of 2016, the pro-EU metropolitan liberal elite ran a campaign scaremongering about what might happen to the economy if we voted to leave the European Union. Since the referendum, all of Remains doom and gloom predictions about us returning to the stone age if we voted …
Read More »Don’t Expect Better Political Outcomes In Britain Until We Change The System
Upset by how Brexit is being prosecuted by the government, overseen by Parliament and reported on by the media? It’s time to stop lamenting the symptoms and fixing the underlying issues with our constitution and system of government Of the sum total of British political discourse at all levels, a …
Read More »Why is UK Productivity not Growing?
The UK economy has been losing productivity relative to historical trends since 2008: The fact that the fall in productivity after 2008 is exactly coincident with the banking crisis shows that it is related to the behaviour of banks. Bank lending to business has been appalling in this period, the …
Read More »Bach’s wife
Many people think the greatest composer who ever lived was Johann Sebastian Bach. There might be some debate about this. Some think Mozart was greater, others Beethoven. It doesn’t much matter. If you look at a list of the greatest composers these nearly always make up the top three. But who …
Read More »Can Dual Citizens Be Good Citizens?
What does it mean to be a dual citizen in the Age of Brexit? Following my recent blog post lamenting our society’s devalued and transactional concept of citizenship in the Age of Brexit, I was asked by a reader to write a companion piece on the topic of dual citizenship, a …
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