Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: China

2084: The Interregnum and the post-Liberal World

The world stands at the ‘Interregnum’ of modern history. We are at a precipice of a convergence of analogous threats; the majority of which have been self-inflicted. The threats go to the root of questioning key axiomatic principles of science. Innate qualities moulded by thousands of years of genetic tradition …

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Putin the Terrible

It is difficult to write about a fast-moving conflict with limited information and much disinformation. But it is impossible to write about anything else as every other topic looks trivial. I am uninterested in the domestic politics of the UK and cannot bring myself even to notice whatever Nicola Sturgeon …

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He and She

When the Berlin Wall came down, the Soviet Union collapsed and China briefly looked as if it might go the same way with the Tiananmen Square protests, the West declared itself the victor, history had ended and we could sink into our sofas. We began to get fatter and lazier. …

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Raw Materials price hikes.

Raw materials prices are rising.  Why? Will this continue? Cotton and natural rubber prices have experienced a sharp rise: World Bank Blog Notice that China is the main consumer. Iron ore prices are high:   And China is the main importer:   Copper prices are up:     The failure …

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The Cover Up for COVID is worse than the disease, much worse

Why is the origin of COVID being suppressed in the media?  There is clearly a joint effort by China and the US National Institute of Health (NIH) to stop a full exposé of how COVID was made in a laboratory.  Why are they shutting down this issue?  The immediate answer …

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Documenting the Decline and Fall of the West

The West was born at the end of the Second World War when the Western Allies (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, British Commonwealth) controlled a vast army, navy and airforce and had nuclear weapons.  The West had defacto control of most of the world except Eastern Europe, the Soviet …

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#CANZUK Movement Podcast: Episode 1 | GUEST: Hon Tony Clement

The first episode from the CANZUK Movement Podcast, with hosts Daniel Cave and Laurence Marshall. The guest this week is the Hon Tony Clement. Former member of the Canadian Parliament, current host of “And Another Thing” Podcast and also host of “The Boom and Bust” Show. They talk about CANZUK …

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The USA and UK are under attack

Is the USA undergoing serious change and if so who is stirring it?  The American War of Independence was agitated and financed by France, the French Revolution was supported by the USA and UK,  the Greek War of Independence by the UK,  the Russian Revolution by Germany, the Chinese Revolution …

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The Daily Globe stands against the Chinese Communist Party

This past week, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China released a statement in reaction to the British government’s sanctions on certain Chinese individuals and legal entities. The original sanctions by the UK government – in concert with other democratic allies – were a response to …

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The EU shows its true colours.

Only one major Western Country has started a vaccine war, undermined confidence in vaccinations and signed a trade and investment agreement with China.  That country is the European Union. The mainstream media liberally condemns any behaviour by the UK or USA that fails to make it onto the latest moral …

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China: Britain and the West are living in the past

Dominic Raab, Joe Biden and the EU are all proposing that we continue and even increase trade with China.  They all talk of constructive engagement giving the West influence over the Chinese. This approach might have appeared reasonable twenty years ago but today it is absurd.  China has the highest …

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Daily Globe at the Weekend – The CANZUK podcast Episode 4

Host Isaac Anderson speaks with Emilie Dye, Policy Director of the Australian Taxpayers Alliance and Executive Director of the HR Nicholls Society, in a free ranging interview about immigration, the not-so-dismal science of economics, and the Australian perspective on CANZUK. Also, Daily Globe UK publisher Ted Yarbrough, and author and …

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Daily Globe at the Weekend – The CANZUK podcast Episode 3

Isaac Anderson speaks with former British MEP, author and political advisor David Campbell Bannerman about Bombay, Brussels, Brexit and the future of Britain. Also, Daily Globe UK publisher Ted Yarbrough, author and Daily Globe contributor Brent Cameron, and UK based policy analyst Jeremy Hutton join the panel to discuss Freedom …

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Morality and Politics

The process of democracy evolved to allow those with different ideas of what is moral and right to co-exist in a society. The democratic process involves people freely expressing their opinions and then a vote being taken to decide which group of people should govern for a fixed period.  Political …

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Predictions for 2021

The most obvious prediction is that vaccines will defeat the COVID epidemic and life will begin to return to normal.  Full normality is unlikely until the late summer but a semblance of normality will begin at the end of March provided the government prioritises vaccine administration, recruiting pharmacies who already …

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Globe at the Weekend #Podcast: Introducing the CANZUK podcast

The Globe at the Weekend podcast returns! Today starts our CANZUK podcast featuring host and CRCC founder Isaac Anderson and panelists Brent Cameron, author of the Case for Commonwealth David Parker,  entrepreneur and political campaigner who helped get elected Erin O’Toole, as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and …

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No White Knight Will Save You

Brent Cameron is a Senior Advisor with Concierge Strategies, and a local councillor in Ontario, Canada. The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s 2005 book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization” is available on Amazon worldwide – both in paperback and in Kindle e-book formats. For an …

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The Fall of Empires

Empires rise because a group of people becomes more prosperous than their neighbours.  This enhanced prosperity is usually the result of the superior management of the economy, society and resources.  Relative prosperity gives the group the ability to project power. As can be seen from the graph below, we are …

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Tibetans moved to Concentration Camps, Uyghur Camps expanded.

China has reacted to the failure of the West to condemn Concentration Camps for Uyghurs and ignoring the origin of COVID19 by expanding these camps and sending 500,000 Tibetans into forced labour. Western governments seem to have forgotten that you cannot appease National Socialists such as China. Perhaps as bad as the Concentration …

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