Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Conservatism

Conservative moderation defeats the extremists

Conservatism above all else is about moderation. It is about conserving rather than overthrowing.  It is for this reason that Conservatives reject both the extremes of Left and Right and the extremism of nationalist and secession movements. The extremes of Left and Right are treated very differently in the media. There …

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Conservatives must cease being declinist

The problem with Scottish Conservatism is structural rather than personal. Ruth Davidson is better suited to leadership than either Douglas Ross or Jackson Carlaw. But this is because she is first rate politician. It is not because her ideas are any different from theirs. They all more or less agree …

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Conservatives in Scotland need something different

There are only two issues of consequence in Scottish politics, Brexit and independence. I don’t follow what happens from day to day in the Scottish Parliament. In this, I strongly suspect, I am identical to the vast majority of Scots. Most Scots may want the Scottish Parliament but they are …

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Faith, Doubt and Brexit

A warning about the disturbing fundamentalism of Continuity Remain and the anti-Brexit crusaders In the course of arguing on Twitter this evening, I received back the following piece of friendly psychological analysis from a longtime follower and antagonist. The text reads: “You are almost always wrong, as if you’re from another …

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A Critical Theory of the Right

Critical Theory is the domain of the Marxist Left, or at least, it has been for the past eighty years. Horkheimer, writing in 1937, characterised Critical Theory as a contrasting academic approach to Traditional Theory: the latter sought only to understand or explain the societal interactions, composition, customs, laws and …

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The Toryism of the Future

One cannot help but feel reverence when entering an English cathedral, those cathedrals whose spires reach tentatively upwards towards the God to whom we all owe our existence. This feeling affects nearly all of us, and it is no coincidence that many of the young students who foray, naïve and …

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The Return of Meritocracy

Social mobility has stalled in Britain; The Return of Meritocracy argues that it is Conservative policies that can unlock opportunities for the many and the few… There are many vital issues which this country is currently grappling with. From Brexit, to terrorism, to funding our NHS, the country faces monumental …

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Paper Lions

This is a rather short article. I wouldn’t even call it an article – it’s more of an appeal or a statement. Gareth Southgate and the England football team taught us to dream again. To look up to the hights we as a nation have once scaled, but fallen from …

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Conservative Party Policy Renewal: 1000 Ways To Die Trying

Rather than attempting to forge a compelling, coherent vision for Britain rooted in conservative values, our dithering Prime Minister is soliciting a thousand disjointed policy suggestions from every vested interest and armchair crank in the nation. This is not leadership. Having been on the road since 14 March of this …

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Questions No Christian Can Answer – Answered!

Recently I saw a video shared around in atheist circles. The video, which can be found here, is a compilation of atheist youtubers putting forward certain arguments against the existence of God, but more specifically, against Christianity. Some of these questions are frankly silly; others are genuinely more of a challenge. …

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Conservative Renewal: A Glimmer Of Light In The Darkness At CPS

Faint signs of optimism for the future of British conservatism, and an opportunity to pitch Stepping Stones 2022 The other day, after hitting “publish” on another one of my increasingly repetitive blog posts pressing the case for positive renewal within the British conservative movement, a friend had this to say about me: …

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Corporatism: A Daring Dream, Part II

It was my original plan to publish a three-part series of essays on corporatism. Unfortunately illness set back that plan initially, and so I was planning to make two parts. That plan is coming to fruition in some ways, but even this is going to be a little different to …

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Corporatism: A Daring Dream, Part I

Corporatism is a word with many meanings, and no one seems to know what precisely any of them are. Corporatism is a diverse set of theories, but it should be thought of in purely economic terms. When we think of ‘corporatism’ today, I am sure that most people would think …

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Sam Gyimah’s Great Conservative Roadshow

It’s great that Universities Minister Sam Gyimah is embarking on a tour of university campuses to spread and defend the Conservative message in traditionally hostile territory. Now we just need the government to come up with a conservative platform that’s actually worth defending Sam Gyimah appears to be on manoeuvres. …

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“To they who ask”: A Poem

They ask “What of this Donald Trump?”—but elections leave me in a grump. Thus, I submit to Queenly sway and ancient Albion’s Sovereignty. They ask “What of this old tradition? Surely such talk’s the new sedition?” At least, I say, I don’t believe In empty words by fiends contriv’d. They cry “Remember …

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On the Modern Intellectual

What is an intellectual? It is a pressing question. Many people claim to be such a thing, but it is quite certain that none can agree what gives that thing its essence. To look for a dictionary definition is superficial and inadequate. Anyone can conduct a discourse on any topic, and …

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