Friday , July 26 2024

Tag Archives: Free trade

Ep: 07 | Guest: Brent Cameron, an original CANZUK advocate and Author! “Commonwealth Free Trade”

The seventh episode from Commonwealth News Podcast, with your hosts Daniel Cave, Laurence Marshall and BRAND NEW Co-host Simon Crundell. In this episode we discuss CANZUK and Commonwealth Free Trade with our Guest Bent Cameron, a Canadian Author, who wrote “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade” and a contributor for …

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Soled out or turbot charged?

Brexit has finally come to an apparent conclusion. The deal was struck on Christmas Eve between negotiating parties, if not by those who will need to ratify. The debate has already begun on whether the UK’s fleet has been soled out or if, to corrupt a promise from Boris, the …

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Rejoining the EU is impossible now

Britain has left the EU with a deal. We will continue to trade freely with the EU. There will be no tariffs or quotas. But we will not have to follow EU laws or regulations. We will not be part of the Single Market and we will not be part …

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Globe at the Weekend #Podcast: Introducing the CANZUK podcast

The Globe at the Weekend podcast returns! Today starts our CANZUK podcast featuring host and CRCC founder Isaac Anderson and panelists Brent Cameron, author of the Case for Commonwealth David Parker,  entrepreneur and political campaigner who helped get elected Erin O’Toole, as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and …

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It’s not over yet – Why a good Trade Deal with the EU is Needed

Something has been going badly wrong with UK-EU Trade. The UK-EU Trade Deficit was £66 billion in 2018. Why? It is not because the UK is failing to produce the goods and services that people want because the UK is in surplus with the world outside the EU by £36 …

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Brexit election

The general election has finally been called. Of course a general election should be about more general issues but will Brexit dominate the agenda? The early stages suggest that this will be the defining issue. Looking back at previous elections, 2015 provided a surprising Conservative majority. Many aspects may have …

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The EU is useless at negotiating Free Trade Agreements

The Remain campaign, both before and after the referendum, have long argued that being part of the European Union’s Single Market and Custom’s Union benefits our non-EU trade. They argue that we benefit from the “clout” of being part of a large bloc, that goes around the world negotiating multiple …

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Time to end the national humiliation – #LetsGoWTO

Yesterday epitomised the farce that Parliament has descended into. For the second time in one week (to say nothing of the multiple previous rejections), the Remainer Parliament rejected four Remain alternatives – hand picked for them by a biased, self-aggrandizing, buffoonish Remain supporting speaker. The lead proponent of Norway Plus …

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Brexit – where next?

Theresa May has seen the biggest government defeat in British history. Her Withdrawal Agreement has been kicked into touch.  The grieve amendment means that she has to bring Plan B back to parliament next week. Where do we go from here?  It is worth reflecting for a moment how we …

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The UK’s New Secure Border and What it Means for CANZUK

Trade and Free Immigration Agreements Around the world most geopolitical partnerships are regional because at times of peace, those in close-proximity are usually the most culturally and hence politically aligned. In order to move politically forward the political differences between the neighbouring countries needs to be addressed so that they …

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No Surrender!

Another day, another cave by Theresa May. Today, it appears that Theresa May is willing to keep the entire UK bound in perpetuity to the EU Customs Union.  It also appears the Prime Minister has plans to betray her allies in the DUP and Northern Ireland by having EU regulations …

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Chequers’ champions would never support a similar deal with America

This post originally appeared on Conservative Home on 14 September 2018. It is March 2019 and the UK has finally reached a Brexit agreement! No, it is not with the EU – unfortunately those talks broke down over the issue of Northern Ireland’s lightly trafficked border. No, this deal is with the …

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The Single Market versus a Free Trade Agreement

What should UK trading relations look like after 2019, when Brexit itself finally happens? We are now being told that the UK must enter the “Single Market “.  The Single Market is, in many ways, another name for being in the EU.  As the EU Commission puts it: “The Single Market …

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Quality over Quantity – How Commonwealth Trade is globalisation’s path forward

Most of what you will see written about trade among Commonwealth member states stresses the advantages, which are numerous – affinities that lower the cost of doing business by up to 19 percent compared to non-member economies. That matters, and could be sufficient in and of itself, but there is …

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Theresa May’s Mansion House Speech on EU Negotiations

Theresa May’s Mansion House Speech contained some promising items but also reflected the ideological roots of May and Hammond. Particularly promising was that she would re-negotiate the EU Commission’s first draft of the agreement reached in December (presumably with regard to NI) and  “We are close to agreement on the terms …

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