Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: History

Leaders and LARPers

Brent H. Cameron is a Senior Advisor with Concierge Strategies, and a local councillor in Ontario, Canada. The second edition of his 2005 book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization” is available on Amazon worldwide – both in paperback and in Kindle e-book formats. Suleiman I was …

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Daily Globe at the Weekend – The CANZUK podcast Episode 6

Host Isaac Anderson is joined this week by Ciarán Reed, Policy Director of the Centre for Liberty, and the Conservative Party Candidate for the Three Rivers Rural Division of Hertfordshire County Council, to discuss the Centre’s new publication “CANZUK Report: Moving CANZUK into the 2020s” You can listen to it …

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Children leave school as indoctrinated Labour voters

Were the education system a fair reflection of society we would expect as many children  voting Conservative as voting Labour when they leave school or university. However, only 21% vote conservative. In the past this predilection for Labour amongst children was shrugged off as childish “idealism” but now it is …

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Was lockdown needed?

In every previous virus epidemic in history there was no lockdown. Neither in 1918-1919 (Spanish flu), nor 1957-1958 (Asian Flu) nor in 1968-1969 (Hong Kong Flu) did we attempt to prevent people from working or going to school. What if we had done the same this time? What if back …

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Scottish nationalism is based on historical ignorance

Scottish nationalists frequently talk about the countries that have become independent and that they never regret it. They list various new nation states in Europe and places that were formerly part of empires. But what they never mention is the number of places that were formerly countries and now are …

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Let’s abolish slavery where it is

My mother was born in 1933. She grew up in a Britain without racism. The police did not beat up black people. There was no discrimination against black people. We didn’t have any laws regarding racial discrimination. Sporting events were completely free from any ugly racist chants and no one …

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Cheer up, it’s just the end of days

What is in common between the riots in the USA, Chinese expansionism, a Global Pandemic, Global Warming, drought, wildfires across Siberia, global economic collapse etc. ? Is it the media?  Certainly the media are hysterical and determined to bring down the government in the UK and USA but as part …

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Cometh the hour

Brent Cameron is a Senior Advisor with Concierge Strategies, and a local councillor in Ontario, Canada. The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization” is available now on Amazon worldwide. Just before the outbreak of the Second World War, the London …

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A Hawk a Dove or an Enza

There are essentially three positions on the lockdown. We should get out sooner (Hawks). We should get out later (Doves). There should not be a lock down at all (Enzas). Which is correct? We don’t know. The correct decision depends on knowing how many people have been infected with Covid …

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The Political Fallacies

Political beliefs depend on the many assumptions that we accrue during our lives.  The young voter is particularly prone to fallacious assumptions because of lack of experience. The worst fallacies are the caring fallacy, the fallacy of reasonableness, the globalization fallacy, the fallacy of historical responsibility and the fallacy of …

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A little bottle

I don’t think many people in Britain had heard of Wuhan or Hubei province before the present outbreak of Covid-19 (Coronavirus). The fifty largest Chinese cities each has a population greater than two million, yet few of us could name more than two or three. Chongqing, for example, was first …

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The slaves of the fathers

Various universities in Britain are investigating their links to the slave trade. They are asking whether they directly or indirectly benefited from slavery. Glasgow has already confessed its guilt and proposes to do penance. Cambridge, no doubt will, soon do the same. After that we can expect every university that …

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The American disease. Part four (history)

The United States in the 1960s went through two great revolutions, the sexual revolution and the civil rights revolution. To an extent these happened in western Europe too. But it’s only possible to understand the civil rights battle if we understand American history. The American Civil War was a battle …

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The children’s crusade

There are two ideas that the children going on strike about climate change should be aware of. Science progresses or ought to progress by means of scientists testing their theories to destruction. This is the day to day stuff. Science progresses or ought to progress by means of scientific revolutions. …

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Top five UK Prime Ministers

I’ve decided it’s been a while since I’ve done an article so I thought I’d put together the next in a series of top fives I began a while back with my article on British Monarchs. This time we’ll go for something much more political shall we and talk about …

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Veganuary is murder

January has become the new Lent. First we were encouraged to give up alcohol. Then we were encouraged to give up meat and become vegans for a month. Finally there is apparently some virtue in failing to shave your legs. Next year, no doubt, we will all have to change …

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My top five English/UK Monarchs

All of my articles so far have been opinion pieces on current affairs; I hear on the news the latest political issue that people and politicians are getting worked up to legislate on and I decide to put my own opinions forward through this platform. What I haven’t really done …

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Resistance to Change

How often do we hear the expression ‘we’ve always done it that way?’ This is usually the response when a new idea, concept or methodology is introduced into our lives – our workplaces, our social lives, our marriages, our religions, our politics. It is presumed to be the ultimate put …

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