Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Boris Johnson

Next PM – the runners, riders and those yet to fall

Boris has achieved what few have been capable of, uniting the parliamentary Conservative Party against continuing his tenure in Number 10. Having survived a vote of no confidence a few weeks ago, ostensibly having the backing of the majority of Tory MPs, we are now left with a leadership campaign …

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And now, the end is near

The odds of Boris Johnson remaining Prime Minister in 2022 are now 1/41. If you think he will stay until 2023 you can get odds of 29/1 or until 2024 37/1. This means we are going to have a new Prime Minister soon. There is no point any longer debating …

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A great moment but challenges remain

Today’s announcement from the Prime Minister that the last vestiges of the coronavirus restrictions are being absolished is most welcome and fantastic news. The act itself will expire, the taxpayer will no longer pay for healthy people to test and there will be no more restrictions from the UK government …

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Never send for whom the birthday candles burn

There may have been some former Prime Ministers who were so saintly that everything they said and did in private in 10 Downing Street would have met the standards of probity set by Britain’s media, but I can’t think of one of them. Nor would I or anyone else that …

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A second chance?

Yesterday’s Prime Minister’s Questions were arguably the most dangerous period in Boris Johnson’s time as Prime Minister. The nation’s fury at the hypocrisy of Boris Johnson attending a (or multiple) parties/social gatherings – combined with MPs opportunism left his premiership near collapse. However, with the Bury South MP Christian Wakeford …

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Many are called but few are chosen.

I think Britain was at its happiest in the first few years of Tony Blair. Thatcher had kept winning, because the alternative was Michael Foot and then Neil Kinnock, but most people did not much like her, let alone love her.  We were willing to tolerate the tough unpleasant medicine of …

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Illegal migration is the biggest threat we face

A nation is defined by its borders. Without delineation between that which is within the nation, and that which is without, there is no nation. President Trump, on a visit to Poland, once opined that the question of our age was whether the West had the will to survive, and …

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Boris Johnson must go.

Yesterday was a dark day for British liberty. With passage of the government’s plans to introduce Vaccine passports the UK is now is “paper please” society to do basic everyday transactions. Government sycophants (which now include the “opposition” Labour party) will claim this measure is “only temporary” and that one …

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The Tyranny of Boris

Boris Johnson and his party still ride high in the polls. His handling of the pandemic, the catastrophic collapse in Afghanistan, his troubled relationship with the truth at the despatch box have so far had little effect on voters. Whilst the Twitteratti have wailed about the other excesses of the …

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Refusing to serve Dominic Cummings is mere bigotry

Last year Boris Johnson went on holiday to the Applecross peninsular in the West Highlands. After a few days his presence there was discovered and he and his family were forced to leave. This year we learn that Dominic Cummings went to the Ceilidh Place in Ullapool and the staff …

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Poor old Dominic Cummings may be insane

The interview between Laura Kuenssberg and Dominic Cummings was like watching a man disintegrating in public.  Undoubtedly Cummings had numerous problems in the past that led to him being a remarkably arrogant man but what we have witnessed recently verges on mania and what we saw last night was the …

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A long overdue welcome to “Freedom Day”

It is welcome that all COVID restrictions in England (barring international travel and self-isolating requirements upon being “pinged” by the NHS app – which goes away on the 16th of August for those fully vaccinated and under 18) FINALLY go away today. Frankly, the restrictions have gone on way too …

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Ending lockdown is political

There are two views of politics.  In the first the People are born free and the State intervenes to prevent oppression by powerful individuals and groups.  The purpose of the State is to protect freedom and the individual.  In the second view people are born into service to society and …

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Good riddance, Matt Hancock

It is welcome news that Matt Hancock has resigned – though Boris Johnson should have sacked him. After all, as early as last year, he called him “f*cking hopeless.” Matt Hancock represents the worst in politicians – or rather yet human beings. This is a man who used his position …

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Macron’s geography lesson

France is a rather odd place. It is not merely the chunk of the European continent across the Channel. It also includes two islands in the Caribbean, Guadeloupe and Martinique, a little bit of South America, French Guiana, and two islands in the Indian Ocean, Réunion and Mayotte. These are …

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Boris is doing what Cameron couldn’t

Two weeks ago Labour thought they had all but sealed not only victory in the then-upcoming Hartlepool by-election as well as Local Government Elections with their “Tory Sleaze allegations.” They also firmly believed that they had politically wounded Boris Johnson. However, for those who have followed Johnson’s career, it is …

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Boris’ obliteration of Labour continues

English local election results have continued right where General Election 2019 left off – namely, the Conservatives winning over the former Labour “red wall.” Councils that were once the safest of safe Labour areas are now Tory. Hartlepool, a constituency that has been controlled by Labour since its inception, now …

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Sir Robert Peel the Series Part Two – Sir Robert Peel taught us that Politics is about vision.

On Saturday 13th March 2021 we saw some rather unfortunate and disgraceful scenes in London as the Metropolitan Police clamped down on a Vigil being held (by mostly women) for the murder of a young girl. Many UK Politicians blamed this incident on the strict lockdown laws implemented during the …

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