Saturday , July 27 2024


Electric Vehicle Resources: Prices, Charging Costs, Regulations etc.

The new electric vehicle regulations make buying a car at this time a nightmare.  The problem is compounded by cities introducing low emission and zero emission zones. The links below should be useful for anyone researching EVs (electric vehicles). The sale of new diesel and petrol cars is banned after …

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The speed of the German Autobahn

If I ever get an autograph card printed up, it’s going to be like the one I got from Prince Leopold von Bayern. The card depicted the amiable heir to the throne of Bavaria in a bright red, flame-retardant Nomex racing suit, his long blonde hair curling at his collar, …

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Pet peeves of public transportation

As a newbie to the world of public transportation, the last few weeks of riding the Washington, D.C., metro have taught me many things. There is proper public transportation etiquette each passenger should follow. This learning curve threw me for a loop but I think I’ve finally got the hang of it. …

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Save with Green Wheels

Consumers are getting used to making greener choices for the home, with 80 per cent of the British public saying that they factor in “greenness” when weighing up brands. However, the nation’s car buying habits are distinctly lacking when it comes to more eco-conscious cars. One online reverse auction website, …

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How to: play your cards right with the dealer

If you have decided that you want to step into a brand new car with its unique new smell, pristine bodywork and interior and only a few delivery miles on the clock, you have several sources – a dealer, importing or a car broker. And at none of these should …

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How to: find the right car finance

It may be that you are a City whizz-kid with a nice fat annual bonus with which to buy a car. You may be of sufficient means to dip into your bank account, or you may have had the foresight to save up the many thousands needed. But for most …

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How to: test drive before you buy

For many car buyers, the test drive is a formality prior to closing the deal; a time when you decide if you can handle the car and ensure nothing falls off on a quick spin round the block. But a test drive can tell even a mechanical ignoramus a great …

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How to: Check Before You Buy

It makes sense to have a second hand car’s condition verified by an independent inspection. But it’s not a cheap business and you could save yourself some grief by carrying out your own thorough check first, to spot any obvious problems, before the experts move in. So you have your …

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Road-test your towing knowledge

We’ve all seen examples of bad towing on the motorway or dual carriageway, but with luck you’ve never experienced a towing-related accident. Unfortunately, though, these are becoming all too frequent. The reason for this is that many of us just don’t realise how dangerous towing can be. So in a …

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How to: buy a used car

There’s a lot of financial sense in buying a second hand car, rather than a brand new one. You avoid the steep depreciation of a car’s early life, which means you can buy a lot cheaper or get a lot more in terms of power or features for your money. …

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Routes to a good deal

How to: explore other routes to a good deal. While a great many people don’t consider anyone other than their local dealer to supply a brand new car, there are alternatives that are worth exploring. Certainly there is some value in establishing a relationship with the garage that’s likely to …

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Park life

A VW Passat estate drives up, it stops half way into the road, the driver gets out, slams the door shut and, as he walks away from the car, he aims a remote control back at it. The car then proceeds to reverse park itself into the available space, turns …

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Eye on the road

Speed, we are often reminded, is one of the biggest killers on British roads. Yet in difficult traffic conditions with multiple demands upon driver concentration to keep a constant check on speed and ensure it’s within the limit. Carmaker Vauxhall has come up with a system that could help significantly. …

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Dealing with road rage

Road rage is on the increase. When there were fewer cars on the roads, it was unheard of. A journey could be enjoyed the without fear of angry motorists spoiling it with their uncontrollable tempers. In recent years, outbursts of conflict between drivers have been widely publicised. It is natural …

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Women flirt away fines

There’s nothing worse than returning to your car after a hard day at work to find a parking fine stuck to the window, or being pulled over for failing to notice a buses-only sign. Not surprisingly, rather than face paying out some ladies use their womanly wiles to avoid a …

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Back seat bullies

We all know that most men think they make better drivers than women and it is true there is one element of driving men certainly do better at and that’s backseat bullying. If they’re not burping, passing wind or telling the driver what gear they should be in, they’re fiddling …

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Credit crunch car deals

When the recession began in spring 2008 it was expected that the car market would be one of the worst affected throughout the UK with an estimated terrifying £2billion lost by the second hand market alone.  But for buyers there hasn’t been a better time to pick up a shiny …

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Is the future car crash free?

If there’s one place where technology seems to be moving faster and faster it’s in the world of motoring – as evidenced at the Intelligent Transport Systems Congress in Stockholm this year.  The congress sees around 2,500 delegates from around the world gather to discuss high-tech transport systems and how …

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The most iconic cars of all time

There are certain cars – not necessarily expensive sports cars or even the best, most reliable or useful cars – which we all admire.  Here we count down the ten most familiar, well loved and longed for cars around…  Mini Cooper  Ever since Michael Caine uttered the immortal line ‘you’re …

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