Friday , July 26 2024

Tag Archives: UK

The Thames Hub – Policy Review

When I wrote my article on the Conservative Manifesto Mr. Ian Pye commented that he was in favour of building an entirely new airport in the Thames Estuary, instead of the third runway at Heathrow. I admitted it would be a better option if it was feasible, but believed the …

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Scotland’s #GE2017: a proxy vote for #indyref2

Nicola Sturgeon may have called for a second Scottish referendum with public opinion polls clearly against any rerun but among the smarter intentions of her March announcement was to position the SNP to fight a snap 2017 general election on a manifesto to seek a further mandate for partitioning the …

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Restoring independent policies: Fisheries

Read The Market Solution pamphlet in full While there are aspects of the CAP which may be tolerable, at least in the short to medium-term, there are no redeeming features of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Limited reforms have been largely cosmetic and do not address the main flaws …

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Europe Must Fight Back or Die. The UK must #Brexit

What do you think it will take for the elite that are running Europe into the ground, to wake-up and recognise the existential threat that they have allowed to grow, in their own countries?  How many in Paris?  How many in London?  How many in Brussels?  How many in Madrid? …

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I have faith in the UK – do you?

This isn’t a blog on religious belief.  I am sure it wouldn’t deter some readers, if it were but some don’t follow. No, this is about having faith in something a bit more tangible – the United Kingdom. I have lost track of the number of times, I have heard …

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#Davesdodgydeal – Cameron is selling a lie and getting away with it

“This spectacle has surely been the perfect realisation of his prognosis for postmodern society: the point at which politics is completely supplanted by political communication.” David Cameron promised to reform the EU, he failed miserably. He promised to fundamentally change the UK’s relationship with the EU, repatriating powers and achieving …

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Compared to Scottish independence Brexit is easy

The EU referendum is about remaining or staying in a union. For those of us who live in Scotland there are obvious comparisons with the Scottish independence referendum. But there are differences too. Leaving the EU is not about creating an independent, sovereign nation state called the UK. We are …

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Brexit makes the UK safer

Each of us has made decisions in the past which have had profound and sometimes unexpected consequences. The subjects we chose to study at school or at university can have an influence on the job we end up doing. The people we meet, the person we fall in love with …

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Billionaire Richard Branson wades into Brexit debate with factual inaccuracy and dubious credibility

Sir Richard Branson appeared on Sky News UK this morning, announcing that his ‘Virgin Galactic’ project is back in the ‘space race’ to send passengers into space. Whilst being interviewed, he couldn’t miss the opportunity to air his views on why the UK should remain a member of the European …

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The EU Referendum is the perfect opportunity to use the Conservative Party for good

Earlier this week, the big-thinking but kvetching Times columnist and Conservative Home founder Tim Montgomerie announced he was leaving the Conservative Party. He gave his reasons for leaving the Tories being the party’s failure on deficit reduction, immigration, inequality and the Prime Minister’s EU charade. Given Tim’s long time disdain for …

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No, we will not get a “punishment beating” if we leave the EU

Stephen Kinnock MP declared in the House of Commons that the EU will give the UK a “punishment beating” in the event of the UK seeking to secede from the Union. This was echoed in agreement on social media by Wes Streeting MP and lapped up by europhiles. As you …

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The Market Solution for Leaving the EU Part 5: The realistic option

This is Part V in a series of V – to read the Market Solution proposal in full go here How do we know the UK government will adopt this position? Another frequently expressed concern regarding the market solution is; how do we know that if we leave the EU the government will …

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The Market Solution for Leaving the EU Part 3: Negotiating Brexit

This is Part III in a series of V – to read the Market Solution proposal in full go here The context of Brexit negotiations Our negotiations with the EU will be conducted under the Article 50 framework. In proposing a method of secession it is essential to face the political reality that …

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America’s AU Referendum- America in Britain’s situation

To have a proper debate on anything requires the most global of perspectives. Unfortunately, most of the EU referendum debate so far has been either “euro-centric” or “Britain of 2015-centric” and often fails to take into account how Brexit affects the rest of the world or how it would be …

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It’s time for us to hand the EU its redundancy notice

The idea behind a unified Europe under one government was first floated during World War One and it grew from there into a vision and an ideology. After several aborted attempts, the ideology finally began to be implemented in the 1950’s when it was firmly believed that the nation state …

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UK should NOT accept 3,000 additional migrant children, we have done our bit already

Last week, the Daily Mail lead with the headline “PM: Why we must not take 3,000 migrant children”, suggesting that David Cameron has decided NOT to accept the3,000 ‘unaccompanied’ migrant childrenfrom Europe that Save The Children and others have been calling for. We had a furore in the media and …

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Kelvin MacKenzie reveals PM David Cameron to be a ‘Eurosceptic’

During last night’s episode of BBC Question Time, ex-Sun Editor Kelvin MacKenzie revealed that, at a party before Xmas 2015, UK Prime Minister David Cameron described himself to Rupert Murdoch as a Eurosceptic. Nick Boles, Conservative MP, also states that David Cameron has “no romantic attachment to the EU”, before going …

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Michael Portillo makes a very strong case to vote for BREXIT

BREXIT: Michael Portillo explained this week why the only sensible way to vote in the upcoming EU Referendum is to vote LEAVE. “The only rational thing to do is to vote to LEAVE, because only at that point do you get a proper re-negotiation and the possibility of a proper …

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