Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Northern Ireland

Could the SNP avoid a hard border after Scexit?

While support for the SNP remains high and while many Scots support independence at least in theory, there is no question now that both face an intellectual challenge over EU membership. For this reason, the independence movement has become divided over how to overcome the challenges caused by Brexit. While …

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BBC Bias and subversion by foreign powers: something must be done.

An analysis of nineteen recent BBC news stories shows that the BBC is routinely using omission of news to bias its reporting.  News omission and suppression to bias stories is an almost daily occurrence.  The BBC frequently “tucks away” key parts of news reports on its web site to avoid …

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Boris’ obliteration of Labour continues

English local election results have continued right where General Election 2019 left off – namely, the Conservatives winning over the former Labour “red wall.” Councils that were once the safest of safe Labour areas are now Tory. Hartlepool, a constituency that has been controlled by Labour since its inception, now …

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Daily Globe at the Weekend – The CANZUK podcast Episode 5

Host Isaac Anderson talks with Andrew Rosindell, MP for Romford in the UK House of Commons, and Vice-Chair of the CANZUK All Party Parliamentary Group on the promise of CANZUK and greater Commonwealth engagement, the value of positive national identities, and personal reflections on people and places in Canada. Later, …

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Federalism plus nationalism equals secession

The United Kingdom almost uniquely in the world is threatened by secession. Some people such as Nick Timothy and Gordon Brown have proposed federalism as a solution. But in order to understand a solution it is first necessary to understand the problem. Northern Ireland is threatened with secession, which some …

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Ireland and the EU are damaging the Peace Process

The British Government is taking steps at present to prevent the EU Withdrawal Agreement being used to put Northern Ireland into the position of France, Germany or any other EU member state in the event of Britain leaving the transition period without a deal with the EU. Some people think …

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EU law is bunk

The interaction of sovereign nation states has always been a matter of power and self-interest. Britain lost sight of this during the Tony Blair years and tried to implement a so called “Ethical Foreign Policy”, which led to us performing some of the most unethical acts in our history, such …

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Northern Ireland and the Withdrawal Agreement

Brandon Lewis, who voted Remain in the EU Referendum, exposed the Government to international and media censure when he announced that the proposed changes to cross border trade will “break international law“.  This is not just disloyal to the UK and the Government, it is also technically incorrect. The changes that …

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Is there a border between England and Scotland?

I remember discussions in 2014 about whether Scottish independence would create a border between Scotland and the rest of Britain. Scottish nationalists insisted vehemently that there would be no border and that we wouldn’t notice crossing from Scotland into England just as an Austrian doesn’t notice crossing into Germany. Six …

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Sinn Féin/SNP are thieves

There are two serious secession movements in the UK. One is in Scotland the other is in Northern Ireland. In Wales secession is not a serious option and relatively few Welsh people support it. Covid changes the debate decisively. All British people pay income tax if they work and other …

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Why I’m not a Unionist

There’s a long street in Aberdeen called Union Street, but the name has nothing to do with England and Scotland. It was named after the Act of Union between the Parliament of Great Britain and the Parliament of Ireland in 1800. The Conservative Party is officially the Conservative and Unionist …

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Hate covers a multitude of Sinns

I was a student during the troubles, and I came across a lot of people from Ireland. It always became clear after just a little bit of conversation where someone was from. Both communities from Northern Ireland frequently wanted to escape to Britain and this was often the case with …

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Boris Johnson’s Great British Bridge

Paul Maginnis is a Conservative Party Councillor, and author of The Return of Meritocracy: Conservative Ideas for Unlocking Social Mobility. In July 2019, Boris Johnson appointed himself as ‘Minister for the Union’. With seemingly rampant Scottish nationalism alongside the divisive issue of the Northern Irish border, it seemed like a smart …

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In defence of UK unity

Will Northern Ireland remain a part of the UK or will it in the near future join a united Ireland. As with everything else I have a Pro UK perspective. I want Northern Ireland to stay a part of the UK for the same reason that I want Scotland to …

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All behind you Boris

If the deal that Boris Johnson has negotiated with the EU passes, the whole of the UK will leave both the EU Single Market and the EU’s Customs Union. Let’s be clear. This is Brexit. It isn’t Brexit in Name Only. All of the UK, Northern Ireland too will be …

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