Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: BBC

Ending lockdown is political

There are two views of politics.  In the first the People are born free and the State intervenes to prevent oppression by powerful individuals and groups.  The purpose of the State is to protect freedom and the individual.  In the second view people are born into service to society and …

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BBC Bias and subversion by foreign powers: something must be done.

An analysis of nineteen recent BBC news stories shows that the BBC is routinely using omission of news to bias its reporting.  News omission and suppression to bias stories is an almost daily occurrence.  The BBC frequently “tucks away” key parts of news reports on its web site to avoid …

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What can be done about the BBC?

The BBC is trusted to provide an in-depth and unbiased account of the news.  Does it fulfill this brief? National and Public Service Broadcasters use four main techniques to impose bias. The most frequent bias is the omission of news from one side of a debate so that it appears …

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No Platforming: The BBC is also Guilty

The Culture Secretary, Oliver Dowden, is considering appointing a “Free Speech Champion” and introducing fines for universities that “no-platform” speakers.  This is excellent news.  We can tell it is a move in the right direction because the Guardian ran a comment piece criticising it. No-platforming at universities by students is just the …

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The BBC: the need for change

The BBC has been subject to dramatic changes in its Charter over the past 14 years and this has had a deeply negative effect on the Corporation. The BBC Charters until 2007 placed the BBC under fairly tight government control and used general advisory and national broadcasting councils to monitor fairness and …

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Morality and Politics

The process of democracy evolved to allow those with different ideas of what is moral and right to co-exist in a society. The democratic process involves people freely expressing their opinions and then a vote being taken to decide which group of people should govern for a fixed period.  Political …

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The Public Sector is a Disaster

Challenges like COVID test organisations. NHS England shows no sign of appreciating the urgency of the vaccination program.  It is asking potential vaccinators to show evidence of “skills” such as diversity awareness before they are hired. How vets, student doctors and nurses, dentists etc. who could be used in the …

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Is the political battle now the Nation vs the Media?

Objective measures show that the UK is very much less racist than either the USA or EU.  Yet the UK Media ignored this and elided the US Black Lives Matter protests into UK politics. It is 200 years since the UK abolished slavery but only 100 years since the Jim …

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China: Are we too late to react?

My joy at opening this week’s AAAS magazine “Science” was slightly blunted by the four pages of Chinese Government advertising that were followed by a long editorial article on how the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) should be given NIH funds.  The article did not mention that due to the …

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Media madness

I recently heard Jeremy Bowen, the BBC correspondent, claim that the world had failed Syria.  The message being that “we” should have been more involved.  In fact the world has been involved in Syria, NATO has blown whole towns to pieces and the Russians and Iranians are helping Assad to …

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Immigration, Net Migration in the UK and Points Based System

The Government has just announced a new points based immigration system where 70 points are needed to migrate to the UK (10 points for speaking English, 20 points for having a job offer etc).  10,000 places will be allocated to seasonal workers. Sky News had this neat summary: Sky has …

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The BBC: A threat to all of us?

During the Referendum campaign and the three years that followed many supporters of British Independence cursed the BBC News and found it to be biased.  The Remain campaign realised that this was a threat and made counter accusations to provide the BBC with apparent evidence that by offending both sides …

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How can the Tories win the 2024 election?

The Conservatives can take some steps now to win the 2024 election. The most important first step is to demand that BBC News and Current Affairs employs a fairly representative number of journalists from across the political spectrum in the UK.  Perhaps it is a result of operating the World …

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Impartial Journalism in a Polarised World

The BBC has recently produced a programme called “Impartial Journalism in a Polarised World”, created by James Harding, which discusses how they are being challenged by alternative sources of news.  Organisations like the BBC portray themselves as heroes battling against a tide of disinformation but how far is this the …

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BBC News Suppression

The BBC suppresses any news that favours leaving the EU. Check these links to find out what the BBC should have told the nation: Nothing in the Belfast Agreement requires European Union Membership Imports from Calais Ports of Entry in NI Barnier preferred Canada Plus  Racism in the EU Trade …

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Who should pay for the BBC?

The withdrawal of free television licences for over 75s should really be looked at in terms of how the BBC should raise money in the first place. At present there is a universal flat rate tax on televisions with some exemptions. What matters is not so much who is exempted …

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Caster Semenya, Cambridge Slavery and the BBC

Three sports judges at the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Switzerland have just pronounced that the South African athlete, Caster Semenya will need to take testosterone suppressants if she is to compete in women’s sport.  The judges noted that women’s sport was discriminatory but this was “necessary, reasonable and proportionate” for …

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Scruton and the new Corporate Extremism

The debate about the views of Sir Roger Scruton has been framed in terms of “Left” versus “Right”.  Stand a little way back from the immediate debate and it is obvious that something else is going on.  What is happening is yet another media frenzy which has as its objective …

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Has Question Time been unfairly dominated by Remainers?

On 4th April 2019, Charles Moore accused BBC’s Question Time programme of being biased against Brexiters, quoting research from the Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA) that Remainers featured on the programme almost twice as much as Brexiters. The host, Fiona Bruce, refused to accept that there was any bias, and …

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Banning No Deal is banning Brexit

If No Deal were banned then the EU could simply sit on its hands and wait for the UK to request to Remain in the EU. Banning No Deal is banning Brexit. Oliver Letwin and Yvette Cooper are attempting to introduce a Bill that would force the Government to extend …

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