Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: United Kingdom

What’s the real level of support for Scotland leaving the UK?

What’s the real level of support for Scottish independence? We don’t know. What’s the real level of support for Scottish separation? This might be a different number, but we still don’t know it. What’s the real level of support for Scotland leaving the UK rather than remaining in the UK? …

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EP: 6 “AUKUS, Global Britain, British Integrated Security Review” | GUEST Ted Yarbrough

The sixth episode from Commonwealth News Podcast, with your hosts Daniel Cave, Laurence Marshall and BRAND NEW Co-host Simon Crundell. In this episode we discuss AUKUS with Ted Yarbrough, an American lawyer & writer, also Co-founder of the Daily Globe. Simon Crundell also talks about the British Integrated Security Review. …

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The SNP have just been badly defeated

Things haven’t been going terribly well for Nicola Sturgeon in recent weeks. Her one-time Covid elimination strategy looks still more foolish now when even New Zealand has had to abandon it. If the saintly Jacinda Arden cannot manage to keep Covid from spreading in a country two and half thousand …

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CANZUK Movement – Where Have We Been? Episode four featuring Senator Eric Abetz

The fourth episode from the CANZUK Movement Podcast, with hosts Daniel Cave and Laurence Marshall. The guest this week is Australian Senator Eric Abetz . They talk about why they have not uploaded recently and what the future entails. A must watch and listen. You can watch and listen to …

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She needs to defend UK sovereignty too

Yesterday there was a minor incident in the Black Sea when a Royal Navy destroyer HMS Defender sailed close to the Crimean shoreline and was warned by the Russian coastguard to keep away. Some shots were fired, but no one was hurt and it is likely that no one was …

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Macron’s geography lesson

France is a rather odd place. It is not merely the chunk of the European continent across the Channel. It also includes two islands in the Caribbean, Guadeloupe and Martinique, a little bit of South America, French Guiana, and two islands in the Indian Ocean, Réunion and Mayotte. These are …

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The SNP would make all Scots poorer

An organisation called The Social Justice and Fairness Commission recently published a report dated March 2021. We didn’t see it in March however, but rather it was only revealed after the Scottish Parliament Election. Of course, the organisation is another of the SNP’s front organisations. The authors of the report are …

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The C5 Mission Statement

In a changing world, it is more important than ever to preserve the values and principles that liberal democracies hold dear. At a time when the liberal democratic world faces its greatest challenges, the leadership that once came from America and Europe has been distracted by issues of domestic governance …

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#CANZUK Movement Podcast: Episode 1 | GUEST: Hon Tony Clement

The first episode from the CANZUK Movement Podcast, with hosts Daniel Cave and Laurence Marshall. The guest this week is the Hon Tony Clement. Former member of the Canadian Parliament, current host of “And Another Thing” Podcast and also host of “The Boom and Bust” Show. They talk about CANZUK …

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The EU has undermined the SNP argument

The fundamental misunderstanding that forms the basis of Scottish nationalism has been undermined by a statement from the European Commission. When the UK finally left the EU, the Government decided not to continue to take part in the Erasmus Program, but instead to replace it with the Turing Scheme. The …

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Values for a Future

A Nation is an area of land where the people pray, send their children to school, meet in their towns and houses, work, share resources and create and enjoy local services and benefits.  A Nation needs a vision for its future. Without a vision the unity needed to construct the …

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Why Stop At Trade? CANZUK Freedom of Movement Would Benefit Us All

This last month saw the formal launch of UK trade negotiations with our Australian and Kiwi cousins, presenting the perfect moment to explore the benefits of a far-reaching agreement on the movement of citizens across CANZUK. Some may doubt that, having just recently extracted ourselves from the European Union’s freedom …

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How to destroy the UK and how to stop that happening

A nation exists where economic geography and history has led the people who occupy an area of land to create an independent economy, culture, legal system and politics. If you wish to destroy a nation you cannot do so by simply invading it. The moment the troops are withdrawn it …

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Is there a border between England and Scotland?

I remember discussions in 2014 about whether Scottish independence would create a border between Scotland and the rest of Britain. Scottish nationalists insisted vehemently that there would be no border and that we wouldn’t notice crossing from Scotland into England just as an Austrian doesn’t notice crossing into Germany. Six …

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Scotching the SNP

The SNP has been demanding a second referendum on Scottish independence from the moment it lost the first one. We never get a break. I began writing about Scottish politics in 2012. I was willing to be magnanimous when we won in 2014. I advised people not to gloat or …

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