Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: #Brexit

In Liz we Trusst

Politics is partly about opinions and persuading others to vote for those opinions, but it is much more about truth. In an election we are faced with a choice between Labour and the Conservative parties. Each puts forward a set of policies and personalities and the voters choose between them. …

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And now, the end is near

The odds of Boris Johnson remaining Prime Minister in 2022 are now 1/41. If you think he will stay until 2023 you can get odds of 29/1 or until 2024 37/1. This means we are going to have a new Prime Minister soon. There is no point any longer debating …

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A second chance?

Yesterday’s Prime Minister’s Questions were arguably the most dangerous period in Boris Johnson’s time as Prime Minister. The nation’s fury at the hypocrisy of Boris Johnson attending a (or multiple) parties/social gatherings – combined with MPs opportunism left his premiership near collapse. However, with the Bury South MP Christian Wakeford …

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According to the activists at Public Health Wales, Brexit makes you fatter

Public Health England has been abolished, but Public Health Wales is still going strong. These kinds of centralised bodies charged with dealing with all society’s health-related ills love to neglect the undoubtedly vital parts of their job (like preparing for future pandemics – or indeed, responding to ongoing ones) and …

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Scotland is poorer because of Sturgeon not Brexit

Nicola Sturgeon thinks the wicked Tories came up with a cunning plan to stop Scotland becoming independent. They invented Brexit, which was designed to make Scotland poorer and more dependent on the UK. Having done their worst to make Scotland poorer these despicable Tories now dare to say we can’t …

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The Tyranny of Boris

Boris Johnson and his party still ride high in the polls. His handling of the pandemic, the catastrophic collapse in Afghanistan, his troubled relationship with the truth at the despatch box have so far had little effect on voters. Whilst the Twitteratti have wailed about the other excesses of the …

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Could the SNP avoid a hard border after Scexit?

While support for the SNP remains high and while many Scots support independence at least in theory, there is no question now that both face an intellectual challenge over EU membership. For this reason, the independence movement has become divided over how to overcome the challenges caused by Brexit. While …

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Three hundred and fourteen years of hurt

One lion on oor flag We’re still getting steamin Three hunner years of hurt Didna stop us scheming It’s comin hame, It’s comin hame. It’s comin. Fitba’s comin hame.   The English think that they invented football, but it’s not true. Everyone knows that it was invented in Aberdeenshire. It …

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How to make her unhappy

I have been writing less since the Scottish Parliament election. The mood has changed. It is partly because it is summer. I have been more interested in using the sunshine to travel around Scotland than write about Scottish politics. But it’s not just me. Both sides of the constitutional divide …

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Macron’s geography lesson

France is a rather odd place. It is not merely the chunk of the European continent across the Channel. It also includes two islands in the Caribbean, Guadeloupe and Martinique, a little bit of South America, French Guiana, and two islands in the Indian Ocean, Réunion and Mayotte. These are …

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Post COVID, post Brexit reconstruction

The UK is facing an exciting future as a result of Brexit.  We have a golden opportunity to configure the UK as a business entity that benefits its workers and hence the population of Britain. Now that we are freed from many rules about government intervention and “level playing fields” …

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#CANZUK Movement Podcast: Episode 1 | GUEST: Hon Tony Clement

The first episode from the CANZUK Movement Podcast, with hosts Daniel Cave and Laurence Marshall. The guest this week is the Hon Tony Clement. Former member of the Canadian Parliament, current host of “And Another Thing” Podcast and also host of “The Boom and Bust” Show. They talk about CANZUK …

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The EU Shows why Brexit was necessary

Stopping shipments of vaccines to NI, launching a smear campaign against Astra Zeneca and now threatening the supply of electricity to the Channel Islands all demonstrate the EU style of diplomacy that others outside of the EU have been experiencing for years.  It is called bullying. The EU uses the …

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Boris is doing what Cameron couldn’t

Two weeks ago Labour thought they had all but sealed not only victory in the then-upcoming Hartlepool by-election as well as Local Government Elections with their “Tory Sleaze allegations.” They also firmly believed that they had politically wounded Boris Johnson. However, for those who have followed Johnson’s career, it is …

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Boris’ obliteration of Labour continues

English local election results have continued right where General Election 2019 left off – namely, the Conservatives winning over the former Labour “red wall.” Councils that were once the safest of safe Labour areas are now Tory. Hartlepool, a constituency that has been controlled by Labour since its inception, now …

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Great news: UK-EU Trade heading in the right direction.

Large economies like the EU Single Market all tend to produce goods and services near the financial centre of the economy or, in the case of very large countries, in two or three economic centres.  Having been produced centrally the goods are then sometimes finished locally or distributed from local …

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Daily Globe at the Weekend – The CANZUK podcast Episode 6

Host Isaac Anderson is joined this week by Ciarán Reed, Policy Director of the Centre for Liberty, and the Conservative Party Candidate for the Three Rivers Rural Division of Hertfordshire County Council, to discuss the Centre’s new publication “CANZUK Report: Moving CANZUK into the 2020s” You can listen to it …

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The EU shows its true colours.

Only one major Western Country has started a vaccine war, undermined confidence in vaccinations and signed a trade and investment agreement with China.  That country is the European Union. The mainstream media liberally condemns any behaviour by the UK or USA that fails to make it onto the latest moral …

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