Friday , July 26 2024

Tag Archives: socialism

In Liz we Trusst

Politics is partly about opinions and persuading others to vote for those opinions, but it is much more about truth. In an election we are faced with a choice between Labour and the Conservative parties. Each puts forward a set of policies and personalities and the voters choose between them. …

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Many are called but few are chosen.

I think Britain was at its happiest in the first few years of Tony Blair. Thatcher had kept winning, because the alternative was Michael Foot and then Neil Kinnock, but most people did not much like her, let alone love her.  We were willing to tolerate the tough unpleasant medicine of …

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Politics is about Home

Most people love their home.  For most people their home is the object of their love. Homes are built by loyalty, tenacity and love.  The adults must struggle in the world beyond the home to bring back enough money to pay for the family.  This is, and has been, the …

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The price of free gifts

In recent days the SNP has decided to offer free school meals to all primary school children and to offer £500 to all NHS and social care workers. There is little doubt that free things are popular in Scotland. Who doesn’t like a bargain especially just before Christmas? But there …

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The Political Fallacies

Political beliefs depend on the many assumptions that we accrue during our lives.  The young voter is particularly prone to fallacious assumptions because of lack of experience. The worst fallacies are the caring fallacy, the fallacy of reasonableness, the globalization fallacy, the fallacy of historical responsibility and the fallacy of …

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Do you remember the 1970s?

Do you remember the 1970s? It was when Britain reached peak decline. I was at primary school, but still those years have stayed with me like no others.  Do you remember how we had three television channels? In fact, my family only had BBC1 and we could only watch it on …

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Free market vs socialism: supply and demand

In a free market, supply always rises to meet demand: If someone is willing to pay for it, somebody is willing to provide it. If too many people are providing the same, either prices drop, or suppliers need to develop a premium quality product or service to maintain their attractiveness. …

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State capitalism vs socialism vs communism

On an online exchange, a lefty illustrated the distinctions between those three concepts as such:State capitalism – private ownership with significant govt intervention.Socialism – democratic ownership of production.Communism – stateless, moneyless, classless society. Boiling it down to fundamentals, here are the distinctions according to their definitions:State capitalism – state? yes; private ownership? yesSocialism – state? …

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The Perfect Storm: When Continuity Remainers Meet NHS Worshippers

When all else fails, Continuity Remainers invoke the NHS in their last-gasp attempt to win support for their “People’s Vote” The past few years have seen an inexplicable surge in the release of implausible, cheaply-produced disaster movies, aided by the falling costs of CGI, with plots based on supersized or …

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A very naughty boy

The latest kinder, gentler politics kerfuffle is footage of a feckless young character called Sion Rickard, a classic example of what you get when you abandon discipline and rigour in education, suggesting that Toryism can be educated out. Don’t you just love it when the young and unemployable explain to …

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Why Socialism Occupies the Moral Low Ground

Socialism occupies the moral low ground in every way. They expropriate what successful people have worked for. Socialism is based on all people being equally poor, with everything possible being owned by the state. The only way to achieve this is to expropriate (steal) from rich people. You can see …

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Wealth creation is not a zero-sum game

A “zero-sum game” means that everyone’s gains are accounted for by someone else’s loss. Apparently, this is what socialists believe: “Capitalists cannot keep making money forever, because eventually they will have taken all the value from the world and would have to start taking money from the poor.” – Socialism 101 …

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Shouldn’t the rich contribute more?

Richest 1% pay 29% income tax. How much more can we expect the rich to contribute? Shouldn’t the rich contribute more? How much the rich contribute Rich people already contribute more. How much more? Here are some rough statistics of how much tax is contributed according to income bands (from 2012, United Kingdom)… …

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Corporatism: A Daring Dream, Part I

Corporatism is a word with many meanings, and no one seems to know what precisely any of them are. Corporatism is a diverse set of theories, but it should be thought of in purely economic terms. When we think of ‘corporatism’ today, I am sure that most people would think …

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Reflections of a former SJW

I used to be a Social Justice Warrior. To paraphrase Peter Hitchens, in some ways I’m rather glad for it, because having already caught the disease, I’m now immune to it. People like me are in a rather unique position, because we know exactly what it’s like to think certain …

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No-one expects the Liberal Inquisition

There must be something in human nature that means we always need to take a good thing too far. In this way far from turning it into a very good thing we instead turn it into a very bad thing. The fault, for instance, with Christianity is not what Jesus …

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The Marxist Labour danger is real

I really do urge you all to understand the very clear and present existential danger this Marxist Labour Party represents for the economic future of this country. It is a requirement of a government to provide physical security for the inhabitants of a nation by way of armed forces, security …

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