Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: European Union

The EU Shows why Brexit was necessary

Stopping shipments of vaccines to NI, launching a smear campaign against Astra Zeneca and now threatening the supply of electricity to the Channel Islands all demonstrate the EU style of diplomacy that others outside of the EU have been experiencing for years.  It is called bullying. The EU uses the …

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The EU shows its true colours.

Only one major Western Country has started a vaccine war, undermined confidence in vaccinations and signed a trade and investment agreement with China.  That country is the European Union. The mainstream media liberally condemns any behaviour by the UK or USA that fails to make it onto the latest moral …

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Daily Globe at the Weekend – The CANZUK podcast Episode 5

Host Isaac Anderson talks with Andrew Rosindell, MP for Romford in the UK House of Commons, and Vice-Chair of the CANZUK All Party Parliamentary Group on the promise of CANZUK and greater Commonwealth engagement, the value of positive national identities, and personal reflections on people and places in Canada. Later, …

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Daily Globe at the Weekend – The CANZUK podcast Episode 4

Host Isaac Anderson speaks with Emilie Dye, Policy Director of the Australian Taxpayers Alliance and Executive Director of the HR Nicholls Society, in a free ranging interview about immigration, the not-so-dismal science of economics, and the Australian perspective on CANZUK. Also, Daily Globe UK publisher Ted Yarbrough, and author and …

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Soled out or turbot charged?

Brexit has finally come to an apparent conclusion. The deal was struck on Christmas Eve between negotiating parties, if not by those who will need to ratify. The debate has already begun on whether the UK’s fleet has been soled out or if, to corrupt a promise from Boris, the …

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Build Back Worse: the Madness of In Crowds

Back in 2016, prior to the EU Referendum, I wrote of my admiration for Boris Johnson for being, like Churchill, willing to stand up to the group think views of his own class and back Brexit. He stood up against a ruling class that I described as: “People who went …

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No White Knight Will Save You

Brent Cameron is a Senior Advisor with Concierge Strategies, and a local councillor in Ontario, Canada. The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s 2005 book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization” is available on Amazon worldwide – both in paperback and in Kindle e-book formats. For an …

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Opposition to the EU is not the rejection of Europeans.

When a country which evidently rejects racism has democratically elected to oppose a political institution, please accept the simple evidence – it is NOT because of racism or hatred of Europeans. I have many friends who are European. I have even more friends who are pro-Europe. I too, am pro-Europe. …

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EU-UK Trade negotiations.

The UK trades with the EU at an enormous deficit.  The UK also has a huge deficit in the payment of profits, rents and dividends to the EU.  The combination of the deficits in trade and financial transactions has led to a very large balance of payments current account deficit …

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Brexit – the True Story

The campaign to create a European Union began after WWI. After the war the Germans were weakened and facing a growing threat from the USSR (The Communist Russian Empire).  Count Coudenhove-Kalergi founded “Paneuropa” to lobby for a European Union to counter this Russian threat.  Paneuropa is still alive and well …

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Could CANZUK be the multinational alliance we need to tackle China?

China is quickly becoming a rogue state. Recent months have demonstrated that the traditional international organisations that we depend on to rein in state actors that flout the international rules-based system are weak, to be generous, and incompetent, to be blunt. Closer union between Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the …

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Kissing the Barnier Stone

Michel Barnier gained attention over his public summary of Brexit negotiations. Whilst progress has been made in some areas, the blame for stumbling blocks was firmly laid at the door of the British government. Where do we go from here? On the other hand, the UK negotiator, David Frost took …

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Rishi Sunak just killed Scottish nationalism

Twice now in the space of twelve years we have seen a British Chancellor do what it takes to save the British economy. In 2008 the Treasury bailed out the banks in 2020 it has just bailed out everyone else. Can any Chancellor prior to Rishi Sunak have had such …

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Media madness

I recently heard Jeremy Bowen, the BBC correspondent, claim that the world had failed Syria.  The message being that “we” should have been more involved.  In fact the world has been involved in Syria, NATO has blown whole towns to pieces and the Russians and Iranians are helping Assad to …

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Independence at Last – Hooray!

Thank you!  Thanks to all those who kept the governance of this country in the hands of the people who live here.  We still have a home that we can call our own. Our independence is one of the most democratic and fair decisions ever made in the UK.  It …

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It’s not over yet – Why a good Trade Deal with the EU is Needed

Something has been going badly wrong with UK-EU Trade. The UK-EU Trade Deficit was £66 billion in 2018. Why? It is not because the UK is failing to produce the goods and services that people want because the UK is in surplus with the world outside the EU by £36 …

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Setting sail in an SNP sieve

The UK is now going to leave the EU by the end of January, and it is likely that the transition period will last until no longer than the end of 2020. This will mean that the UK is unlikely to have a complete trade deal with the EU. It …

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Could Scotland join the EU?

The UK is now definitely going to leave the EU. What does this mean for an independent Scotland joining the EU? 1. Political union. Scotland would have to promise to accept the aims of the EU. The EU aims to achieve monetary, fiscal and political union. It might have been …

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