Thursday , January 16 2025

Where do we go from here?

It is now 28 months since the people of Great Britain and Northern Ireland went to the polls to enact the most important democratic political and economic decision this great country of ours has ever been called upon to make.

Yes, we have had General Elections that in and of themselves have been and always will be, in a free society, of the utmost importance. For good or ill we, as a fair nation, accept the result. The consequences of those elections have often led to mixed results in the medium term and economic results in the longer term that, with the benefit of hindsight, we could do without. Nevertheless, in our typically stoic British way we have just got on with our daily lives, accepted the pluses and minuses and persevered.

The EU Referendum of June 2016 was not only freely offered to the people of the U.K. it was categorically stated by then Prime Minister David Cameron that the result would be binding on the Government to uphold and implement. There are those that still use the word ‘advisory’ when referring to the result. Indeed in the House of Commons only last week a Labour MP said it again and was not admonished for so doing. The Referendum was passed through the House to legitimise the process and despite many attempts by those that voted to remain in the EU including appeals to our courts, a mountain of erroneous data on the immediate consequences of voting to leave, political parties changing policy positions on an almost daily basis, another denouncing the whole process as being so devoid of knowledge and erudition by the electorate that we should hold another referendum, once this small and politically obsolete party has had the opportunity to explain to us just how wrong we were and that we should think again and vote again so that we get the result right this time. The result, that is, that a minority of voters in this country want. There is even now a limited company set up with the backing of foreign billionaire money to try and overthrow the result.

Our own elected politicians have often stood up in the House and opened some anti-Brexit diatribe with the famous words “I respect the result of the Referendum” before going on with a litany of buts and provisos that show that ‘respect’ is the very last thing they feel.

Our unelected Peers in the House of Lords have behaved with an Establishment driven distaste for anything permeating from the hoi polloi in the country and for the politically approved wishes of the House of Commons.

In the meantime, the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels have watched this saga unfold with mounting amusement as our British political class tears itself apart on what should be the simple process of joining what should be a collective and unanimous process of making clear to the EU exactly what we want from leaving the EU. If our wishes are not forthcoming, then making it equally clear that we wish them well with their future endeavours but we will be leaving the EU on the 29th March 2019 and will take up our seat at the WTO and begin trading with those who value us as a nation in both goods and services on the WTO rules of business engagement that we currently enjoy with over 55% of our trade.

We will advise the EU that any discussion about leaving fees are null and void, our subscriptions to the EU will cease immediately and if the EU wants a border with Northern Ireland they must feel free to erect one but not on British sovereign territory but on the territory of the Republic of Ireland.

We will happily continue with security support of Europe and any other aspects of a mutually beneficial nature. Free movement of people from the EU will cease but those EU citizens already living in the U.K. will be allowed to continue their residence, work, education and the benefits that their taxes entitle them to. We would expect exactly the same arrangements and agreements for our citizens living in the EU as was offered to the EU two years ago but vetoed by Germany.

Why is that so difficult to achieve, I hear you ask?

It has become difficult to achieve because of two main facets of the developing discord between the U.K. and EU over the last 28 months.

The first is that the fundamental notion of Brexit is such anathema to the United States of Europe power brokers in Brussels that they cannot countenance it happening. They are drinking in the same bar of denial as our Remain contingent here in the U.K.

The second is the breakdown of the democratic process in the seat of power in the U.K. What was solemnly promised by an elected Member of Parliament who was also the Prime Minister of the day and whose promise was approved by those same Houses of Parliament has been hijacked by the ruling classes at the expense of the British electorate resulting in the complete loss of any semblance of integrity in those Houses.

Our politicians are simply not believed now and not trusted to deliver the mandate given to them in June 2016.

Brexit as we now know has divided workplaces, families and our leisure time facilities. It has also seriously divided our political class who have continued to fight and refight the EU Referendum on almost every single day in the last 28 months.

That divisiveness now manifests itself in an unacceptable proposition put to Brussels and the House of Commons, known now as Chequers and the alternative proposition of leaving the EU without a deal has become a way of those wishing to remain in the EU, despite the mandate given to them, to thwart the whole leaving process.

This has emboldened Brussels to such an extent that they now perceive a weak Prime Minister, a divided political class, a divided electorate and a country without leadership or forward thinking deliverable policies.

The premise for this piece was ‘where do we go from here?’

  • We abandon the discredited Chequers plan
  • We leave without a deal and trade on WTO rules
  • We pay no money in any kind of reparation to the EU
  • We cease to pay any kind of subscription to the EU
  • We abandon the single market, customs union, ECJ and free movement of people
  • We abandon any further discussion of what is thought to be the NI border problem – it isn’t
  • We abandon the CAP and CFP
  • We start to sign and implement trade deals around the world including joining the TPP
  • We explain to the Houses in our Parliament that the time for political in-fighting and party jockeying is over and that our nation comes together as one. Failure to do so will result in the House being permanently discredited
  • We regain the sovereignty that we have given away so damagingly since the 1972 European Act
  • We start remembering that we are British and that we bend the knee to no one

Maybe then we might regain the national self respect we honour next month on the 11th November and maybe then we might start to regain faith and trust in the politicians who rely on us for their jobs.

Then we become British again.

About Ian Pye

Ian is grammar school educated although he briefly flirted with the idea of becoming Britain's answer to Breaking Bad's Walter White with a short sojourn at university. The constant smell of hydrogen sulphide caused the break up of that partnership and thereafter he pursued a career in sales culminating in partnering with his second wife for many years in their own recruitment business. When the second marriage came to an amicable end, so did Ian's allotted time in the world of commerce and he became a retired person of no means but a still active brain. He lives on the outskirts of the great metropolis of Manchester and has close affinity with the red side of the football city being a United fan of over 50 years. He has deep interest in British politics, is conservative by nature and persuasion as well as reading much on aspects of religious theology particularly the works out of Albuquerque, New Mexico of Richard Rohr and hitherto Richard's mentor, Thomas Merton. Ian has three children, two of whom live in London and the third in Toronto as well as four adorable grandchildren

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One comment

  1. Isaac Anderson

    Yes yes and Yes!