Saturday , July 27 2024

Ian Pye

Ian is grammar school educated although he briefly flirted with the idea of becoming Britain's answer to Breaking Bad's Walter White with a short sojourn at university. The constant smell of hydrogen sulphide caused the break up of that partnership and thereafter he pursued a career in sales culminating in partnering with his second wife for many years in their own recruitment business. When the second marriage came to an amicable end, so did Ian's allotted time in the world of commerce and he became a retired person of no means but a still active brain. He lives on the outskirts of the great metropolis of Manchester and has close affinity with the red side of the football city being a United fan of over 50 years. He has deep interest in British politics, is conservative by nature and persuasion as well as reading much on aspects of religious theology particularly the works out of Albuquerque, New Mexico of Richard Rohr and hitherto Richard's mentor, Thomas Merton. Ian has three children, two of whom live in London and the third in Toronto as well as four adorable grandchildren

Where do we go from here?

It is now 28 months since the people of Great Britain and Northern Ireland went to the polls to enact the most important democratic political and economic decision this great country of ours has ever been called upon to make. Yes, we have had General Elections that in and of …

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National sovereignty

Let me ask you a question, dear reader, about sovereignty. “Why is it that a sovereign nation like Great Britain and Northern Ireland should find itself having to ask permission of an unelected political and economic entity such as the EU to leave her relationship with that body?” The question …

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Resistance to Change

How often do we hear the expression ‘we’ve always done it that way?’ This is usually the response when a new idea, concept or methodology is introduced into our lives – our workplaces, our social lives, our marriages, our religions, our politics. It is presumed to be the ultimate put …

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Brexit, the unmentioned disgrace

There is one aspect to Brexit that rarely, if at all, gets a mention amidst all the endless blather about deals and proposals and Chequers plans. More of that later as in this piece I don’t want it to disappear as just another piece of Brexit opinion for the Remain …

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The Poisoned Chalice

The loud voices of the Remain camp get louder and more shrill as the endless machinations of Brexit grind inexorably on with yet another chapter in Project Fear. It’s probably up to Mark 3 with the latest of food stockpiling and medicine shortages so we don’t get hungry or ill …

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An open letter to the Tory Remainers

Dear Ms. Soubry, Ms. Morgan, Ms. Rudd, Ms. Greening, Ms. Allen, Mr. Grieve,  and Mr. Clarke, As one of the consumers to which this article refers and a pensioner to boot, I would very much like to take advantage of a lower cost of living denied to us by the …

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The Handmaid’s Tale of the EU Dystopian Future

For those of you watching the second series of The Handmaid’s Tale it is probably a very harrowing watch on a Sunday evening. You see an elite abusing power at the expense of the people through centralised and very cruel control of the place called Gilead. There are aspects of …

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Brexit is an act for individuality against the EU’s false god of uniformity

On BBC 4 recently there was a very interesting documentary on the Pacific Northwest Indian tribes in Oregon and British Columbia. The programme dealt with the huge history and cultural development of the indigenous peoples and how their customs and way of life were handed down through the generations. The …

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The wisdom of the “ordinary man”

How often do you hear the expression “it’s not rocket science”? A hundred years ago such an expression would have been assigned to the world of H.G.Wells and his War of the Worlds. Literally a war of this world was just coming to an end. Americans were not long from …

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Learn from history

A knowledge of history should be the bedrock of our development and thinking as it is on previous experience that our current decisions, our values and our lifestyles are based. The lack of teaching of our more immediate history is, I know, something that disappoints Jacob Rees Mogg. It is …

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Opinion or Fact?

Have you ever noticed the underlying “but” in much of our social intercourse these days? If you haven’t it is maybe that you, like me, have almost become inured to it. We seem to live our lives embroiled in a constant stream of negativity such that the positive becomes totally …

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The Marxist Labour danger is real

I really do urge you all to understand the very clear and present existential danger this Marxist Labour Party represents for the economic future of this country. It is a requirement of a government to provide physical security for the inhabitants of a nation by way of armed forces, security …

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The HS2 Project is madness

We’ve all know about HS2, that £50bn and rising vanity project of not only the government but town planners, business leaders and any other vested interests. HS2 is a plan for such groups to feast in the spoils to come from the desecration of the swathe of England it will …

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An Open Letter to the Conservatives- Hold your nerve and enact Conservative policies.

Dear Conservatives: I am getting increasingly concerned at the ideas and suggestions coming out of Philip Hammond’s Treasury not least of which is the very un- Conservative idea of increasing taxes to fund the cessation of so called austerity. Conservatives don’t increase taxes, they reduce them. Historically that is our …

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Short Attention Span Politics

We live in a world requiring constant affirmation that we are actually in it by way of pandering to our impulsive behaviour patterns and the need for change. Digital devices have become the primary source of the provision of change, of course, with very little reading or scholarship entering our …

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An Overview of #GE2017

So, here we go again. The politics of the United Kingdom are centre stage once again. Scottish independence Referendum 2014, UK General Election 2015, EU Referendum 2016 and now, UK General Election 2017. Introduction The one in Scotland was the ‘once in a generation’ Referendum you may remember but SNP …

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The Article 50 Letter if the Lords Amendments had made it into law

Dear Mr Junker, Please find attached the Article 50 paperwork as required by the Lisbon Treaty to give notice of the UK intention to leave the European Union. We have added a couple of caveats to it as decreed by our House of Lords just so that you know where …

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Germany’s domination of the EU is immoral and is impoverishing Europe

The Remain camp still don’t get it. If any of them take a moment to read Ambrose Evans-Pritchard‘s brilliant article in The Daily Telegraph last Wednesday they will read a damning indictment of Germany’s role in impoverishing the whole of Southern Europe through the introduction of the most calamitous economic …

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