Saturday , July 27 2024

Germany’s domination of the EU is immoral and is impoverishing Europe

The Remain camp still don’t get it. If any of them take a moment to read Ambrose Evans-Pritchard‘s brilliant article in The Daily Telegraph last Wednesday they will read a damning indictment of Germany’s role in impoverishing the whole of Southern Europe through the introduction of the most calamitous economic instrument ever witnessed namely the euro. They have profited by having a currency geared to her economy at the expense of the rest. Germany has followed China into the pantheon of arch currency manipulators that has destroyed the economies of vast swathes of Europe impoverishing states such as Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy the latter having had no real terms growth in 20 years and now has sovereign debts of such magnitude that she is effectively bust.

The selfishness and narcissism of such ill informed Remain thinking appalls me from the comfort of the London sitting rooms whilst young people throughout Southern Europe wake every day with no jobs, no prospects and no hope.

Germany has an illegal current account surplus of 8.8% of GDP which saps global demand and distorts the world economy. In case anyone queries my point that Germany’s current account surplus of 8.8% is illegal, let me just tell you that the EU’s own laws stipulate that current surpluses cannot be above 6% for three years in a row. Germany’s s consistently above that but Brussels ignores it. One rule for the rich whilst Germany oversees poverty in most of Southern Europe. Now tell me who really runs the EU and now tell me that this isn’t a corrupt cabal from which only one country seriously benefits.

Before Maastricht, Germany fixed the Deutsche-Mark in perpetuity which played a big part in her decision to sign that infamous treaty. The fabled, anti-competition single market only accounts for 7% of world trade so to any right thinking mathematician it makes sense for the UK to start trading freely with the other 93%. The EU has an annual trade surplus with the UK of £89 billion, so tell me whose interests are best served by being sensible when talking to the British. 500,000 German car jobs depend on continuation of a sensible relationship between Germany and the UK.

The EU is an organisation that has not had its accounts signed off as representative of actual income and expenditure for over 20 years. Where the integrity is of this corrupt, self serving organisation that only seeks to usurp the sovereign powers of the whole of Europe and afford the Germans the domination of Europe by economic means that they failed to obtain twice through force in the 20th century.

Watch Jim Mellon on YouTube talking to German investors last October and hear his damning critique of the euro and his forecast that it has a shelf life now of at best 1-5 years and when that goes the costs of reimplementing their own currencies for the Eurozone states will be so disastrously high that it will plunge much of Europe into not only a deep recession but very possibly the kind of depression last seen in 1929 in the USA. If you don’t think we need to distance ourselves and fast from that kind of future then I think you need to wake up and smell the coffee. The EU is going to hell in a handcart and we should have no part of it.

The Referendum campaign is over. Leave won. Stop bitching about it and wake up to economic reality and get behind this great country of ours for a change. We are leaving the EU, thank God and not before time so accept it and move on.

If you don’t think we should be as far away as possible from this then your capability in basic mathematics is severely limited.

About Ian Pye

Ian is grammar school educated although he briefly flirted with the idea of becoming Britain's answer to Breaking Bad's Walter White with a short sojourn at university. The constant smell of hydrogen sulphide caused the break up of that partnership and thereafter he pursued a career in sales culminating in partnering with his second wife for many years in their own recruitment business. When the second marriage came to an amicable end, so did Ian's allotted time in the world of commerce and he became a retired person of no means but a still active brain. He lives on the outskirts of the great metropolis of Manchester and has close affinity with the red side of the football city being a United fan of over 50 years. He has deep interest in British politics, is conservative by nature and persuasion as well as reading much on aspects of religious theology particularly the works out of Albuquerque, New Mexico of Richard Rohr and hitherto Richard's mentor, Thomas Merton. Ian has three children, two of whom live in London and the third in Toronto as well as four adorable grandchildren

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