Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Remainers

Stopping the Remain MPs

In 1997 John Major prorogued Parliament on 21st March, formally dissolved Parliament on the 8th April and held a General Election on 1st May.  A similar schedule is likely to be followed by Boris Johnson if the EU fails to come up with a deal that is acceptable to Parliament.  …

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Discovered…common ground

Like many of you, I have friends and family in both camps Remain and Leave and in the interests of friendship the subject of Brexit is studiously avoided. However I got into a conversation about it with one of them and with great foreboding he asked why I voted Leave …

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‘X’ does not mark the spot

The current turmoil over Brexit seems to fit the textbook definition of a pyrrhic victory. No matter what side prevails, for all the gains made, the losses will be heavy. To some extent, all sides will have lost face. The government will have lost face with the majority of voters …

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The Poisoned Chalice

The loud voices of the Remain camp get louder and more shrill as the endless machinations of Brexit grind inexorably on with yet another chapter in Project Fear. It’s probably up to Mark 3 with the latest of food stockpiling and medicine shortages so we don’t get hungry or ill …

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We still have our fingers

The Brexit White Paper agreed by the Cabinet at Chequers has more or less already been rejected by the EU. They want still more concessions. So a plan that amounted to Brexit in Name Only, where the UK would mimic the EU Single Market and Customs Union, where we would …

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Scottish Chequers

I only really started to support leaving the EU after the 2014 Scottish independence referendum. Until then I had been able to balance the benefits of EU membership with the flaws inherent in that organisation. What changed my mind was that I could see the path we were on was …

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Bungling over #Brexit, or Neofunctionalism in Action

We are creatures of habit – every one of us. When given a choice between the predicable and the speculative, we lean toward the familiar. Part of it is ingrained in our nature. Despite our rhetoric where we congratulate the bold and the innovative, the so-called ‘risk takers’, we are …

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Do Remain want to be part of a far right EU?

In any political movement there are several strands.  In the UK we are fed the message that Remain voters are socialist even though one of its most prominent supporters is the arch conservative Ken Clarke and the billionaires Soros and Branson are obviously supporting Remain for their own profit.  In …

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The Establishment & The EU Directive on Biscuit Taking

I do hope this doesn’t come across as a rant. Because it isn’t supposed to be. It’s just an honest statement: I find the EU’s actions to be taking the biscuit now. They’re going too far with their shenanigans, punishment beatings and strategies. They are behaving like a Commandant in …

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An open letter to the Tory Remainers

Dear Ms. Soubry, Ms. Morgan, Ms. Rudd, Ms. Greening, Ms. Allen, Mr. Grieve,  and Mr. Clarke, As one of the consumers to which this article refers and a pensioner to boot, I would very much like to take advantage of a lower cost of living denied to us by the …

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Big Business attack #Brexit

The attack by Multi-National businesses on Brexit has now been fully organised.  It consisted in late 2016 of two main groups, “UK-EU Open Policy” which poses as an independent think tank but is dedicated to reversing the Referendum and “Common Ground” which pushes for continued membership of the Common Market …

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Remain Predictions for #Brexit did not come true

Remain economists predicted that a Leave vote in the referendum would produce an immediate meltdown of the UK economy.  The meltdown was the expected result of voting Leave and the “uncertainty” this might cause.  Consider the much publicised IMF predictions: The IMF has now revised its predictions! Brexit will now …

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Thoughts on Article 50

It would take a heart of stone not to have felt a twinge of emotion at least once today, be one a Remainer or a Brexiteer. There was much to feel emotional about. The sense of jubilation amongst many who have supported Brexit for a lifetime-for them, they must feel …

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The Article 50 Letter if the Lords Amendments had made it into law

Dear Mr Junker, Please find attached the Article 50 paperwork as required by the Lisbon Treaty to give notice of the UK intention to leave the European Union. We have added a couple of caveats to it as decreed by our House of Lords just so that you know where …

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Germany’s domination of the EU is immoral and is impoverishing Europe

The Remain camp still don’t get it. If any of them take a moment to read Ambrose Evans-Pritchard‘s brilliant article in The Daily Telegraph last Wednesday they will read a damning indictment of Germany’s role in impoverishing the whole of Southern Europe through the introduction of the most calamitous economic …

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Leave – why wait?

Today, Tuesday 17 January, 2017, UK Prime Minister, Theresa May will lay out the framework for Britain’s exit from the European Union – Brexit. It was an excellent blue print for a global Britain. President Trump has indicated a desire for the USA to conclude a free trade treaty with …

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