Monday , February 17 2025

Jeremy Corbyn’s disregard for Democracy is an Unpatriotic act

What many people don’t understand is that Britain isn’t just a nation, but it’s a way of life. Mother Britannia may be the head nation within the 54 Commonwealth Nations but is very clear is she also  played a critical role in developing and grooming each one of those nations as well as many others outside of the Commonwealth and of the greatest feature which she has passed on to the world is democracy.

Therefore it is quite disheartening and appalling when one looks at the recent conduct of Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn who has been essentially trying to undermine the Democratic System, disregard the principles of democracy as well as  denounce the confirmed results of the democratic process. Out of all the unpatriotic acts he has committed this may be the greatest of the lot because it fringes upon breaking down one of the greatest principles Brits have held closely to their hearts; respect for democracy.

In analyzing the scope of Corbyn’s rants post June 8th one must pose the question to Jeeza;  ” If you say that Theresa May does not have a Mandate , then what do you have given that you were 54 seats behind as well as earned 800,000 fewer votes ?”. The Labour PR team could spin this all they want, but the fact remains that in the first past the post Westminster Parliamentary System of Democracy Corbyn lost because he didn’t obtain the goal which he sought – the ability to form a Government.

Now there lies the first problem, how is it possible for Leader who has failed to deliver victory and is no where close to becoming Prime Minister allowed to remain as party leader and further glorified for these results? Have we now changed the Political “Goal post” in the UK from a party’s aim being obtaining Government in an effort to better the lives of citizens to using the campaign to become a “popular star” and appear at concerts? Labour supporters have surely sold themselves short when the morning after election they were celebrating , Corbyn was jovially having tea in a cafe and it appeared as if they had won.  What did Corbyn deliver? He basically took Labour from Opposition back to Opposition.

The second major problem exists in the way Corbyn has chosen to disregard the results and encourage instability within the Political System of the United Kingdom. One of the key features in the Westminster system  is the role of the Opposition. The Opposition in many Commonwealth jurisdictions is often referred to as the Alternative Government as they are supposed to keep the real Government accountable, transparent as well as provide plans and visions to assist the Government in creating a stable and fully functional state. Testament to this fact is the existence of the Shadow Cabinet. However instead of gracefully accepting the role as Cameron and Miliband did years ago and placing country before political gain, Corbyn has opted to do the reverse. He has opted to ensure he is the center of attraction, he has opted to go for political stardom all at the expense of sustainably working to improve the lives of citizens within the united kingdom.

Demonstrations, marches, rousing speeches at concerts, political games at Westminster which all appear to be part of Corbyn’s modus operandi for his tenure as leader will get the United Kingdom no where. What the UK needs at this critical juncture is a group of determined Politicians who can all work to get the best out of Brexit, the best for propelling the dreams of each citizen into reality and can lead the United Kingdom to the top of global development once more. Does Corbyn and Labour have the Capacity to do such? One isn’t sure and probably that’s why the population didn’t see it fit to put them into Government but what is certain is that Corbyn needs to accept democracy, he need to be patriotic and do what is best for the UK.


About Nicholas Morris

Nicholas Morris is the Youth Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. Nicholas Morris has served as the Nation's Commonwealth Youth Ambassador between the period 2011-2015 as well as the UN Youth Rep. between the period of 2013 -2015 having represented the nation in Sri Lanka, Dubai, Australia, UK Nicholas Morris has been actively involved in the local Politics of Trinidad and Tobago as he served as the Chairman of the United National Congress Youth Arm during the party's tenure in Government (2010-2015) and now serves as the International Affairs Officer of the United National Congress. Nicholas Morris is currently the Parliamentary Adviser to the Opposition Chief Whip of Trinidad and Tobago . He became the Youngest Advsior to a Cabinet Minister when he was appointed as Adviser to the Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago in 2013 (2013-2014). In 2011 became one of the Youngest Directors of a State Company when he was appointed as Director of the Youth Training Employment Partnership Program Limited (YTEPP LTD)(2011-2017) Nicholas Morris is the grandson of a Welsh World War Veteran (Wilfred Morris) and has written many articles within the local media on the importance of British values, British Development , Impact of the UK on World Development and has been featured in the UK newspapers - Dailymail UK for his article "Thank you Britain" He has formed the movement TT Conservatives to spread the Conservative values within Trinidad and Tobago.

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