Friday , July 26 2024

Nicholas Morris

Nicholas Morris is the Youth Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. Nicholas Morris has served as the Nation's Commonwealth Youth Ambassador between the period 2011-2015 as well as the UN Youth Rep. between the period of 2013 -2015 having represented the nation in Sri Lanka, Dubai, Australia, UK Nicholas Morris has been actively involved in the local Politics of Trinidad and Tobago as he served as the Chairman of the United National Congress Youth Arm during the party's tenure in Government (2010-2015) and now serves as the International Affairs Officer of the United National Congress. Nicholas Morris is currently the Parliamentary Adviser to the Opposition Chief Whip of Trinidad and Tobago . He became the Youngest Advsior to a Cabinet Minister when he was appointed as Adviser to the Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago in 2013 (2013-2014). In 2011 became one of the Youngest Directors of a State Company when he was appointed as Director of the Youth Training Employment Partnership Program Limited (YTEPP LTD)(2011-2017) Nicholas Morris is the grandson of a Welsh World War Veteran (Wilfred Morris) and has written many articles within the local media on the importance of British values, British Development , Impact of the UK on World Development and has been featured in the UK newspapers - Dailymail UK for his article "Thank you Britain" He has formed the movement TT Conservatives to spread the Conservative values within Trinidad and Tobago.

Cometh the hour, cometh the Leader the Commonwealth can Truss: Liz Truss

Great Britain has always been a pillar of strength for our Commonwealth standing strong to assist in times of disaster, times of crisis and aiding in significant development from trade to education. Great Britain’s importance to the world far exceeds any other nation given its contribution to development from the …

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The Commonwealth stands with England as they bring Football home!

Today while millions across England support the Three Lions, millions more in the Commonwealth from Australia to India, Canada to the Caribbean and Malta to Africa will be cheering on our English friends. After decades of hoping and praying, Football is finally coming home to the nation that has built …

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Boris is doing what Cameron couldn’t

Two weeks ago Labour thought they had all but sealed not only victory in the then-upcoming Hartlepool by-election as well as Local Government Elections with their “Tory Sleaze allegations.” They also firmly believed that they had politically wounded Boris Johnson. However, for those who have followed Johnson’s career, it is …

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Sir Robert Peel the Series Part Two – Sir Robert Peel taught us that Politics is about vision.

On Saturday 13th March 2021 we saw some rather unfortunate and disgraceful scenes in London as the Metropolitan Police clamped down on a Vigil being held (by mostly women) for the murder of a young girl. Many UK Politicians blamed this incident on the strict lockdown laws implemented during the …

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Sir Robert Peel the Series: Part One – Sir Robert Peel can inspire us to defeat the Pandemic.

British history is lined with individuals, moments and situations which have always provided the inspiration for us, no matter our geographical location, to defeat difficult circumstances.  Today the left seeks to demonise British history because of their ignorance, absence of proper knowledge or desire to erase the foundations which have …

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Rishi Sunak’s success exposes the lies of the left.

In the past days, we have seen some rather disgraceful attacks on the personal background of UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak by a Labour MP, Zarah Sultana, who herself has no track record of any tangible success. In an attempt either to compensate for her own lack of real accomplishments as …

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Don’t lose faith in the Conservative Party or Boris

Many lefties and Labour supporters, even those within the Conservative Party who were angry at the Cummings situation, waited for the release of the YouGov polls, hoping to see a major change in the fortunes of the Tory Party as well as Prime Minister Boris Johnson. However not only were …

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Magna Carta & the English roots of Liberty

In today’s world where political correctness is being pushed ahead of conservative constitutional values and the pillars upon which our world has been built upon are thoroughly disregarded by those on the left, it is important to trace the genesis of the one thing we all wish to protect, liberty. …

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The 1922 must stand with Boris

In recent days we have seen some tweets and comments from UK Journalists that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will soon face the 1922 committee of the Conservative Party. While it is quite usual for any Conservative Prime Minister or Political Leader to routinely face the 1922 if there has been …

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Boris Johnson’s Leadership Masterclass

As Prime Minister Boris Johnson met with his “new look” Cabinet last Friday, the dynamic Leader declared “We are here to deliver for the people of this country who elected us to serve them. The people’s government has to get on with delivering the people’s priorities and in the next …

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Boris Johnson is the Leader Global Politics has been wanting

“Together let us write the next chapter for my country, for your country, and above all, for all the peoples of our countries.”  These were the visionary words of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson at this week’s Africa Investment Summit hosted by the government of the United Kingdom. In this statement …

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Boris is the leader needed for a better Global Community.

For months we have seen the House of Commons debate whether there should be an early Election in the United Kingdom before they were officially due in 2022. After tons of political jabs, some unsuccessful parliamentary votes and an outcry by logical patriotic UK citizens, Election Day 2019 is finally …

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Ben Stokes and England’s World Cup Victory reminds us of the fighting English Spirit

Years ago courageous individuals such as Lord Nelson, Lord Horatio Kitchener, Viscount Montgomery and the greatest Brit to have ever lived, Sir Winston Churchill demonstrated to the world the fearless fighting spirit of the English.  On many of these occasions their skills were called upon to save democracy and ensure …

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Seventy Years later the Commonwealth continues to succeed

On Monday 11th March 2019 we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the London Declaration , a moment when nations of the Commonwealth agreed to move forward together as free and equal members to foster co-operation towards social, political and economic development in an inclusive as well as sustainable manner. Over …

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Trinidad and Tobago’s Opposition recognizes Juan Guaidó as interim President of Venezuela

Trinidad and Tobago is a member of the Commonwealth and is mere miles away from Venezuela. They have been greatly impacted by refugees and their Government has recognized the Maduro regime. The author is the International Affairs Officer of the United National Congress (Opposition party /former Government) of Trinidad and Tobago. …

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