Monday , February 17 2025

Why I think Jeremy Corbyn mustn’t be Prime Minister

I know the title gives away much of the article, but I would like to focus on two key aspects: Terrorism and the Union. This is not a partisan piece, but one that tries to rise above mere party politics in an unbiased fashion.

Economics are, to an extent, reversible: We can lower taxes again and repatriate businesses. We can lower spending to get rid of a deficit. We can even wait while Jeremy Corbyn logs onto his iPad to check his figures for child care, or for Diane Abbott to check her notes to quickly refresh the cost of hiring more constables. But there are two things we cannot do. One is bring back lives – regardless of how much money we can spend on the NHS. The other is to restore the Union.

It is an unfortunate fact that this election is not one about parties, but rather about people. It is our choice of a Prime Minister between only two people: May and Corbyn. While ordinary elections would also be between the Conservatives and Labour, to me this election is an extremely serious one. If ever Project Fear was justified it would be now.

If May wins, and I hope she does, it will not be because she is the best, and I hope she truly realises this. It will be because Jeremy Corbyn and his team are, while not the worst persons, pretty near the bottom if all British citizens were tallied by statesmanship. If May wins, and I urge everybody to vote for the Conservatives in this election, it is because a ‘patriotic alliance’ do not wish to see a terrorist supporting, Marxist, anti-British cabinet, open to the dissolution of the Union, governing the country.


We live in a world besieged by terrorism. Indeed, it is to prevalent that the Mayor of London advises us to get used to it. While I completely agree with the need for a ‘Blitz Spirit’ after attacks, and to remain watchful for threats, such a defeatist attitude, I think, is wrong: the bomber may not always get through.

Regardless of whether or not acts of terrorism occur, we should all be united that they are wrong, and must end. I say “should” because I fear the leader of the opposition, unwittingly (I hope) appears to be somewhat unsure about this. Further, he does not wish to sanction terrorism or terrorists. Out of a love for peace, and possibly also naivety, he seems to think we can talk our way out of terrorism: He calls Hamas his “Friends” and that they are “not corrupt”. Their protests are “magnificent”. In regards to the last comment, I opine that the North Korean parades and the Nurnberg Rallies of the Third Reich also appear well choreographed – what matters is what is being said on the microphone. Hamas install rocket launchers in school yards and hang people for suspected “collaboration” with Israel: they are as terroristic with their own people as with Israelis.

When it comes to being an Irish Nationalist, he decided to support the violent and illegal groups with this goal. He was interested in Sinn Fein (And if that is not a racist name for a party what is?) and the IRA. The main picture reportedly shows Corbyn “reviewing” IRA “Soldiers”; I cannot say for certain if the highlighted person is indeed him; you must make up your own mind on the matter.

But Mr Corbyn himself was unquestionably the general security of the Labour Briefing. The Briefing was opposed to the SDLP’s peaceable strategies and supported the terrorist attacks on innocent UK civilians especially after the Brighton bombing. It had “jokes” such as:

Q. “What do you call four dead Tories”

A. “A good start”

No matter personal politics, to celebrate the deaths of people who one disagrees with is infantile, evil, anti-democratic, divisive, and about as discriminatory as one can get. Does he then believe that killing four people who disagree with him is a good start?

He referred to convicted terrorists as “soldiers” and those in prison as “prisoners of war”. He is also reported to have supported the Balcombe Street Gang, an IRA “Active Service Unit” that killed 16 people in 50 attacks, according to the Daily Mail. I cannot corroborate this, however.

What can be corroborated was that Seamus Mallon, the peaceful nationalist, SDLP deputy leader of the Northern Ireland Assembly said “I never heard anyone mention Corbyn at all. He very clearly took the side of the IRA and that was incompatible, in my opinion, with working for peace.

His shadow Chancellor opposed the Northern Irish peace process as late as 1998 according to the Spectator. Mr McDonnell declared himself to be a Marxist on video, and then denied it during this campaign. If one wishes to support Mao, one of the greatest mass-murderers ever, it is a free country: but be honest. He was awarded an plaque from the IRA for supporting their convicted terrorists in prison. He praised and called for honouring the IRA’s “bravery”. One wonders how much ‘bravery’ is entailed in constructing pipe bombs and leaving them to kill and main innocent civilians.

And that is before he quoted a man who killed up to 80 million people on the dispatch boxes. Think about it. Hitler killed, if we add all WWII deaths to his name, around 80 million also. How would you feel if Hammond read out of Mein Kampf at the Dispatch boxes?

Then we get too the Home Secretary. I don’t want to discuss her mistakes over numbers. We can all make mistakes and forget things under strain. What we don’t all do is express blatantly that we are not proud to be British: Indeed, she does not identify as British. We do not say that a defeating Britain is a victory for us. Whoever these mysterious “Us” are, they are not the same as the British people: Being ruled by somebody else used to be called “colonialism”. She too is implicated in The Troubles, identifying Irish Unionists with the white Zimbabweans, describing Ulster “as an ‘enclave of white supremacist ideology’”. We do not also try to abolish MI-5, as she and John McDonnell wanted. Consider that for a moment, please. In this time, with three terror attacks in three months, to elect somebody who wishes to abolish MI-5, in my opinion is taking a risk of truly stupendous proportions.

I understand our foreign policy has domestic repercussions, but to say terrorism at home is the governments own fault is to me most shocking. To appease terrorism is to allow it to grow. To abolish the primary counter-terrorism service in the UK while encouraging terrorist attacks to me appears to me to be perilously close to treason. At the least it is ardent “fifth-column-ery”. Do we want a Fifth Columnist as Prime Minister? Do we want a Marxist as Chancellor?

The Union:

It is partly for this reason, I think this election is not merely a matter of party politics, but rather the UK itself. The other major reason is that Labour cannot win on their own – they would require a coalition. Such a coalition would doubtless be formed by the SNP (unless Labour retake their seats in Scotland, which is highly doubtful), and the Lib Dems (if they manage of recover some of their seats). Why this is disconcerting is because both parties are somewhat tunnel-visioned on their own referenda. The SNP wants another one on Scottish Independence, while the Lib Dems want the option to veto any Brexit deal. Corbyn has said he has no problem with holding another referendum on Scottish independence, which makes it all the more likely.

An American, Mr John C Calhoun, once said in dubious circumstances that the “Union, next to our Liberty [is] most dear”. I cannot agree enough with this statement for the UK. For all Unionists in Scotland, Ireland, England, and Wales, a vote for Labour is a vote for the SNP and for another Scottish referendum. Not voting for the Conservatives or the Liberal Democrats reduces their chances of winning and holding the seats The Unionist Party needs.

For all you Kippers, I ask you to do what may seem the hardest – support May on this. UKIP cannot create a government. Labour will effectively accept any deal: the Lib Dems will offer us a bad deal or no Brexit. Now is the time for all good Brexiteers to rally to the cause: The Battle for Britain is by no means over yet.


It’s not that I dislike the Labour manifesto – there are parts in it which I prefer to the Conservatives’, Land Value Tax being one, but to me the clincher on why we shouldn’t vote Labour is because of security. Unlike Mr Corbyn, I decry terrorism in all forms whenever I see it and wish to see it entirely stamped out. Unlike Mr Corbyn I am adamantly opposed to playing Russian Roulette with the Union again.

It isn’t that I dislike the Labour front-bench as persons; I am sure they are doing what they honestly think is best, and I did not enjoy writing all the above negative things about them, but I need to get the word out to the British Public: we truly stand at a crossroads. It isn’t just Brexit. It isn’t just the economy. It truly is our national security. If you want a more through list, the Spectator have hosted a member of the Labour Party Member anonymous for “fear of abuse”. That of itself is more chilling than anything I can write. It seems one cannot agree with the Supreme Leader. The link is:

I openly ask everybody to place country before party in this election. I know how hard a request that is. I do not ask for you to become a Conservative – I ask for you to “loan” them your vote when we – as a nation –  so desperately need it.

Yes, there will be more “austerity”. Yes, the Conservatives are in this election not proposing many policies and seem to be focused on this novel and unusual form of “Strong and Stable Government” which consists of hiding in No. 10 while sending out underlings to political events; a somewhat Haigesque strategy. Yes, we will see more zero-hour contracts and more trickle-down economics. Yes, we will see a Remainer Career Politician organising Brexit. Yes, we won’t have the economic action of Thatcherism. Yes, we will have the Snooper’s Charter. Yes, the deficit still won’t be fixed for another 5 years.

But all of these are reversible. I am a student with what is effectively a zero-hour contract. I am putting aside supporting Land Value Tax; a policy that has been supported in my family since my great-grandfather. I am fairly sure we will not see CANZUK Free Movement or the Special Passport Area under Amber Rudd. May isn’t my favourite Conservative or British politician by any means.

If the Labour Party offered this, I would be urging all to vote for them. If the Liberal Democrats did also, I would vote for them. If somehow, Nicola Sturgeon “saw the light” and began to blog here on the Daily Globe in addition to becoming a Unionist, I would be an ardent SNP supporter – or possible the ‘Scottish Unionist Party’. It isn’t a matter of Party Tribalism – it is truly our country at risk. I do not think I can overemphasise this fact.

I’m laying down many of my goals and aims for the good of the nation. Whether you identify as Labour, Liberal Democrat, SNP, Plaid Cymru, UKIP, Conservative, Monster Raving Loony, English, Welsh, Irish, Scottish, or even Cornish, Remain or Leave, will you please join with me for the good of the nation? It may hurt, you may be the first in your family to vote for the Conservatives, and it may only be this once, but for the Union and national security please do consider.

Thank you


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About Ted Yarbrough

Ted is the co-founder and editor of the Daily Globe. He is a long-time blogger on British politics and has written a thesis on Thatcherism.

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