Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Patriotism

Who are we as a country?

On the streets of Manchester, I asked a question to the general public: “Are you proud of our country?”. A range of answers sprang from this question: from a young communist on his way home from a hard shift at Tesco, to an old lady struggling to use Google Maps …

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Forward the Three Lions (On a Shirt)!

We at the Daily Globe and the CRCC stand it support of traditional British culture, no matter whether it comes from England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. As such, the fine old English sport of football, is somethink we are proud about and support. Most of our readers were probably …

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Political Tribalism And #Brexit

Political tribalism is usually discussed as a pathology afflicting low-information voters and preying upon the working class, but since the EU referendum we have seen many leading pro-EU figures from the political, journalistic and academic elites – people who often make a great show of their education and superior capacity …

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It’s a no-brainer: children should sing the national anthem

This week, Ian Pye published a fantastic piece on the importance of remembering and learning the lessons of history after watching the recent film The Darkest Hour. Many people agree with him, as it has been reported that in theatres across the country people are giving standing ovations to Churchill’s …

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Can Dual Citizens Be Good Citizens?

What does it mean to be a dual citizen in the Age of Brexit? Following my recent blog post lamenting our society’s devalued and transactional concept of citizenship in the Age of Brexit, I was asked by a reader to write a companion piece on the topic of dual citizenship, a …

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Brexit Opposition And The Quiet Death Of Citizenship

It is difficult to have a serious conversation about citizenship in the Age of Brexit when so many people hold a such transactional, materialistic and reductionist definition of the concept as meaning little more than benefits received in exchange for taxes paid One interesting and overlooked aspect of the Brexit …

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Remainers: You Can Stop Pretending To Be Patriotic Now

A rare moment of honesty from an arch-Remainer New Statesman staff writer Jonn Elledge – whom I recently described as “worse than a garden variety xenophobe” for his heinous statements about elderly Brexit voters, much to his indignant outrage – recently engaged in a minor Twitter spat with Tim Montgomerie …

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Why I think Jeremy Corbyn mustn’t be Prime Minister

I know the title gives away much of the article, but I would like to focus on two key aspects: Terrorism and the Union. This is not a partisan piece, but one that tries to rise above mere party politics in an unbiased fashion. Economics are, to an extent, reversible: …

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Labour And The Left Simply Do Not ‘Get’ Patriotism, And Their Patron Saints Holiday Proposal Proves It

The Labour Party’s genius plan to “unite the nation” by further Balkanising the United Kingdom The Labour Party and the British Left in general just don’t get it. With the honourable exception of a few Cassandra-like voices warning that the Left must learn to re-embrace patriotism in order to reconnect with …

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What European Identity?

No, watching an arthouse movie twice a year doesn’t count Pete North puts into rather forceful words a sentiment which inchoately bubbles up within me every time I see a tearful Remainer painting the EU flag on their face and weeping into an eagerly waiting television camera about how the …

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Defenders Of The Nation State Are Not The Authoritarians Here – That Would Be The Unrepentant Globalists

One does not need to be a snarling authoritarian to reject the anti nation state, globalist worldview – and if being wary about the survival of our rights and liberties in a post-patriotic world makes one a populist then so be it During his recent Intelligence Squared debate/discussion with Nick …

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A Crisis Of Identity: When Global Elites Forget How To Be Patriotic

The global, liberal elite are increasingly transcending any lingering commitment to patriotism and national identity, setting them on a collision course with the small-c conservative majority Michael Lind has an unmissable essay in the National Review this week, entitled “The Open-Borders ‘Liberaltarianism’ of the New Urban Elite“, which manages to explain …

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Defeating the SNP from first principles

Why are the SNP so popular? Some pro UK people think it’s because people in Scotland have taken leave of their senses. Opponents of the SNP sometimes describe their supporters as deluded fools. But as SNP support keeps going up, it becomes harder to maintain that over half the population …

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