Saturday , July 27 2024


CALLING ALL MY TELEGRAPH WRITERS! It’s time for The Daily Globe.

Hello, and sorry for the obnoxious click-bait blog title. I am writing to inform all My Telegraph bloggers about a new website I am starting with British blogger David T Breaker  called The Daily Globe. It will be launching October 9th under the domain I am writing to you all …

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The new Old Labour leadership contest

Today I listened to about an hour of the LBC Labour leaders debate hosted by Iain Dale. As a Conservative supporter, watching the state of disarray in Labour- whether it is with their shambolic response to welfare cuts or their grass-roots’ embrace of a dinosaur reincarnation of Michael Foot- is …

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The Euro is a creating a Powder Keg

Well, the EU machine defeated Greece. Tsipras thought he had “taken it to” the Germans and their Benelux friends in Brussels when the Greek people rejected their bailout terms. Then he came right back on bended knees for more money and accepted an even harsher bailout plan. The undemocratic and …

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Murdoch’s Shame

Today the Sun published a photo of the 7 year old Queen and her mother allegedly doing a Nazi salute in 1933. I am not going to show it because “shares” only encourage that type of behaviour. Of course, it was on the newspaper’s front page with the classy headline …

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Back sanity on fox hunting!

Tony Blair has said one of the biggest regrets from his time in office was the Hunting Act of 2004. While Mr. Blair is not one whose opinion I hold in any sort of esteem, I think that like many people, when he decided to push through the hunting “ban” …

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Thoughts on the Summer Budget- A Proper Property Owning Democracy with a bit too much tinkering

There was a lot to take in after the Chancellor delivered the first Conservative-only budget in 19 years. Overall I think it was good budget but it could have been better. Therefore, I will list the most positive and most negative take-a-ways from the budget. Positive: 1. Getting people off …

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Two Suggestions for a One Nation United Kingdom- Gordon Brown and Rotating Parliament Sites

After the election, David Cameron said he wanted to lead a “One-Nation” government. As Charles Moore of the Telegraph pointed out, when Cameron uses Disraeli’s old mantra of “One-Nation” he is referring not to Macmillan’s brand of quasi-socialist Toryism but rather of the need to unify the British people. Right …

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Cameron’s chance to be a great Prime Minister

David Cameron has been a very good Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative party. He has taken the party from being entrenched in opposition to being the majority government. He has led a government which has helped bring an economy back from the brink to now leading the G7 …

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Coalition Possibilities

Currently, I am hoping for a Conservative majority. But with only 9 days left before the election and polls still very tight, a hung parliament looks to be the most likely outcome of the May election. Therefore, I thought I would run down coalition possibilities and give my opinion on …

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Strong Nation Conservatism, Weak Nation Labour

Today, my case for why Labour makes the UK weaker was published in Conservative Home. You can read it by clicking on the previous hyperlink. However, I’d also like to remind people that while why side is truly awful, the other is doing a fantastic job. Here is a list …

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EU Proves once again it is the quintessential socialist organisation. Time to let them pay their own bills.

Recently, left wing leaders from Hollande in France, to Miliband in the UK, to Obama in the US have fancied the phrase “fair share”. “The rich must pay their fair share!” So we are told., over and over again…. Well recently the UK has become the “rich man” in the …

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The Union is Saved! Now, let’s constitutionally tinker correctly.

Absolutely wonderful result last night. The Scottish people rejected the false “pie in the sky” Socialist Utopian promises of the SNP and did it by a better than expected 10 point margin. Very good result indeed. Writing in the Daily Telegraph with his usual eloquence, Daniel Hannan, perfectly expresses how …

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Happy British Travels and Unhappy Recent News.

My wife and I just returned from our honeymoon in the UK last week. We visited London, Oxford, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Bath, St. Ives, and Northern Ireland. It was a truly wonderful experience. Despite colder weather, we enjoyed every moment of it. My favourite place we visited was Oxford, hers was either …

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The Good, Bad and Ugly Pragmatic Reshuffle.

Hello all. I am in the midst of preparing for my “bar exam” (an attorney licensing examination) at the end of the month, so I’ve had less time then I would like to devote to my blog. However, I thought I would give my drive by overall impressions of the …

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Thoughts on Iraq and Islamic Extremism.

11 years ago, when I was 15 years old, I was a wholehearted supporter of the Iraq invasion. Like many Americans shortly after the 9/11 attack, I wanted to fight Islamic extremism and its threats wherever they may be. The world is very different now. Americans and Britons generally view …

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What to make of Great Britain’s Generation Y.

Previously, I had written about how Britain’s young tend to be, according to polling, the most libertarian of generations. This has positives and negatives for me. On the positive side, Britain’s young are not awe of the Welfare state like many their elders were and are. They rightly see through …

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The Good Professor Brings in Some Solid Truth

Explain to me where he is wrong please. He lists many points, I want to know where y’all think he mistaken specifically, not generally. By the way, he is a historian of the Conservative Party. Also, American economy in five years of left wing leadership is still in an economic …

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My Take on the European & Local Election Results

Well, to my UKIP friends, as expected y’all had a great week last week. You won the European elections with 27% of the vote (to the Liebours 25% and the Tories 24%) and even were able to garner a pretty impressive local election performance winning 17% of the vote and …

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Optimism for my disheartened friends.

Worth reading Benedict Brogan’s article I mark under “Link”. I see so much cynicism, and much of it is justified. But Cameron is a man with a plan and hopefully his message of hope and optimism, combined with his actions on the economy, Europe and elsewhere can convince the UK …

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