Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Conservative Party

The 1922 must stand with Boris

In recent days we have seen some tweets and comments from UK Journalists that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will soon face the 1922 committee of the Conservative Party. While it is quite usual for any Conservative Prime Minister or Political Leader to routinely face the 1922 if there has been …

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Thank you for Brexit Day

The day is finally upon us. Today, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland leaves the millstone of the European Union and steps forward a free nation into the world. Today, history is made. Here at the Daily Globe, we could not be happier. As our readers know, …

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How can the Tories win the 2024 election?

The Conservatives can take some steps now to win the 2024 election. The most important first step is to demand that BBC News and Current Affairs employs a fairly representative number of journalists from across the political spectrum in the UK.  Perhaps it is a result of operating the World …

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Let the blue wave sweep northwards.

There is something odd about the present Conservative Government. On the one hand there has just been a decisive purge of Tory Remainer Wets, on the other Boris Johnson’s Government at least initially is liable to be one of the most left-wing in Conservative Party history. Early signs are that …

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The Blue Wall of the North

Conservatives with a gain of five seats in Greater Manchester now hold a third of the area’s constituencies. And so, another General Election over. The gridlock has broken, ‘dither and delay’ is now ‘advance and progress’, and the remnants of everything wrong with the last parliament are now confined to …

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Your Conservative needs you

There is one thing that matters in politics above everything else. It matters more than Brexit. It matters more than economics. The only thing that really matters is keeping our country intact. The United Kingdom is our country. This is the way the word “country” is primarily used by everyone …

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Will Brexit win the General Election?

This General Election was called because Parliament was hung over Brexit.  Remain’s task is to divert attention from Brexit and the task of those who favour independence is to ensure attention stays on Brexit. Keeping attention on Brexit should be easy but the broadcast media are wholly Remain and are …

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Brexit election

The general election has finally been called. Of course a general election should be about more general issues but will Brexit dominate the agenda? The early stages suggest that this will be the defining issue. Looking back at previous elections, 2015 provided a surprising Conservative majority. Many aspects may have …

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Four legs

Again and again the House of Commons declines the opportunity to hold a general election. Ostensibly no vote will pass. The House is in paralysis. Why do they perpetuate the situation? As ever, it is worth reviewing how this came about, the history going back to the general election of …

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Brexit betrayal – don’t lose faith in democracy yet

The past few weeks and days have been exhausting to say the least. As a passionate Brexiteer I find myself close to simply giving up. On Tuesday 22nd October a Withdrawal Agreement bill was finally passed! However, less than twenty minutes later, parliament decided to vote down the government’s optimistic …

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Boris Agonistes

I never expected to win the 2016 EU referendum, in fact I was quite certain Brexit would lose. I thought the best chance was long term, that in time the contradictions involved in the EU would cause it to collapse just like the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed in 1918. The EU …

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Another fine mess

From the outside looking in, the House of Commons has become a comedy. It is hard to pick a genre, farce, slapstick, Month Python – or is it the theatre of the absurd? The government, even given a confidence and supply agreement with the DUP, is technically in a minority. …

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British Politics in 2019

All the shenanigans of the past 3 years have explained British politics. The country is split between its main regions and split internally.  It is the internal split that is most important and interesting. In the 2016 EU Referendum about half of the population voted to leave the EU and …

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Only Euronationalism could make Tories vote for Corbyn

I’ve been trying to think of what would make Tory MPs bring down a Conservative Government. What would make them contemplate making Jeremy Corbyn Prime Minister? Well it’s August. This is supposed to be the silly season. Perhaps alternatively Ken Clarke, Dominic Grieve, Oliver Letwin et al have all been …

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Brexit – the final countdown?

Are we entering the final countdown to Brexit? Logically, there are three options, to leave without a deal, to leave with a deal and obviously not to leave. The probability of each outcome depends on perspectives taken. As things stand, there is only one deal available, what has become known …

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Ignore the gloomsters, this is a perfect Cabinet

Hallelujah! The resignation of one Theresa May brings joy to many people – Brexiteers, socialists and the commentariat. The socialists have another tear in their eye now – and that is due to the next Prime Minister being one Boris Johnson. For the first time since 1991, the Conservative Party …

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The Boris Cabinet

Boris Johnson is now Prime Minister. His Cabinet is not merely reshuffled but well and truly scattered. Has he created a house of cards from a new deck or is he just the Joker? An immediate observation is that of diversity. Of the four great offices of state, PM, Chancellor, …

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