Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Conservative Party

Playing Chequers at Chequers

Two years and a few days ago we celebrated the 2nd Anniversary of the Brexit vote. This, the most amazing and revolutionary of British elections, should deserve to stand among the French, Russian and American Revolutions in the way they changed history. What is the most spectacular part of the entire …

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An open letter to the Tory Remainers

Dear Ms. Soubry, Ms. Morgan, Ms. Rudd, Ms. Greening, Ms. Allen, Mr. Grieve,  and Mr. Clarke, As one of the consumers to which this article refers and a pensioner to boot, I would very much like to take advantage of a lower cost of living denied to us by the …

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The Conservative Party is a true Champion of the Sustainable Development Goals

The Conservative Party has achieved many goals and aims in the past 8 years of its governance geared towards creating a better society and improved standard of living for the people of the United Kingdom. Among those major accomplishments has been economic stability as well as increased human development for …

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A brief stop to smell the roses

The goal of the Daily Globe is to bring our readers an analysation of the news that brings perspective to events. We do not claim to report the news because frankly we don’t (and couldn’t afford to) employ journalists. Rather, we try to assemble a collection of writers who think …

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Conservative Renewal: A Glimmer Of Light In The Darkness At CPS

Faint signs of optimism for the future of British conservatism, and an opportunity to pitch Stepping Stones 2022 The other day, after hitting “publish” on another one of my increasingly repetitive blog posts pressing the case for positive renewal within the British conservative movement, a friend had this to say about me: …

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The Future of the UK is in the hands of the Conservative Party.

It was only in May 2017 that the Conservative Party enjoyed the best local election performance in a decade, making significant gains at the expense of the Labour Party.  The Conservatives won four out of six metro-mayoral areas, including in the traditionally Labour-voting Tees Valley and West Midlands while increasing their local government seat count by 563 …

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Sam Gyimah’s Great Conservative Roadshow

It’s great that Universities Minister Sam Gyimah is embarking on a tour of university campuses to spread and defend the Conservative message in traditionally hostile territory. Now we just need the government to come up with a conservative platform that’s actually worth defending Sam Gyimah appears to be on manoeuvres. …

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Theresa May just blew her last chance

At last the long awaited cabinet reshuffle has been called and my word it was depressing. I kept an eye on the TV reporting live from Downing Street while I was in the Gym this morning hoping that a major rejuvination might boost me, but instead I watched the same …

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Heathrow Airport Expansion And Decision Paralysis, A Symbol Of British Political Failure

Government indecision and cowardice over the expansion of Heathrow Airport is just one tangible, high profile manifestation of the British political disease There is no better analogy for the broken, dysfunctional nature of British politics and strategic government planning than the ongoing saga over whether and how to expand London’s …

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The UK must get off of our knees

It has been some time since I blogged.  I have been somewhat distracted by Twitter and this has provided an outlet enabling responses to fast-moving events.  But… Twitter can’t be used to convey my current thoughts on the EU “negotiations” and the state of play in UK politics. Firstly, the EU “negotiations”.  I …

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The Conservatives Record On Jobs And Employment.

Since the Conservatives came to power in 2010 we have seen a jobs miracle that has given economic security to hundreds of thousands of people. Under this Conservative government we have seen… The Highest employment rate ever and lowest unemployment rate in 40 years. 3,011,000 more people in work. Unemployment reduce …

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Budget 2017 Reaction

This was a holding budget designed to buy the government some political breathing room, and so Philip Hammond kicked the can down the road on nearly all of the major fiscal and structural issues facing Britain I intended this piece to be just a few disjointed thoughts reflecting on Philip …

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It’s Time To Bring Back Conservatism

Conservatism; what does that phrase mean to people? Markets, perhaps? Or does it mean; Crown, Church and Country? Being a conservative in the Conservative Party, at times, feels quite a lonely place. Putting your neck above the parapet and championing the old fashioned values of Toryism in the 21st Century, …

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Lost for Words

What the PM said at the Party Conference is trying hard to be heard over what she didn’t, or couldn’t say. Regardless of whether or not the chancellor gives things away for free, or if Amber Rudd told the Foreign Secretary to applaud, it was still the PM’s speech. Or …

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Globe on the Weekends #podcast- #BelieveinBritain

For this week’s episode of the Globe on the Weekends, listen to Isaac Anderson interviews special guest “The English Eccentric” about everything ranging from history, #BelieveinBritain, politics and getting young people to become interested in British history and Conservative politics. You can listen to it here. Enjoy!

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