Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Conservative Party

The EU Referendum is the perfect opportunity to use the Conservative Party for good

Earlier this week, the big-thinking but kvetching Times columnist and Conservative Home founder Tim Montgomerie announced he was leaving the Conservative Party. He gave his reasons for leaving the Tories being the party’s failure on deficit reduction, immigration, inequality and the Prime Minister’s EU charade. Given Tim’s long time disdain for …

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JUNIOR DOCTORS: Ben Gummer echoes Jeremy Hunt’s BMA allegations & confirms upcoming strike now solely about PAY

Ben Gummer MP, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health, stood in for Jeremy Hunt in the UK House of Commons yesterday to answer an ‘urgent question’ from Heidi Alexander MP (Labour), regarding junior doctors’ contract negotiations. Jeremy Hunt had appeared on The Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, blaming the BMA …

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The cut and run strategy: Is David Cameron about to pull a fast one?

The game is on, it seems. As I have previously expressed, I had fully expected David Cameron to play the long game when it comes to the EU referendum. I had thought he would try and secure a set of reforms that could easily be portrayed as significant which in …

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Europhile Myths Debunked

There are a number of central claims to the Remain campaign. They are easily dismantled with the right analysis and the proper arguments. “3.5 million British jobs are directly linked to British membership of the European Union– 1 in 10 British jobs.” It is dishonest to say jobs depend on …

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Michael Portillo makes a very strong case to vote for BREXIT

BREXIT: Michael Portillo explained this week why the only sensible way to vote in the upcoming EU Referendum is to vote LEAVE. “The only rational thing to do is to vote to LEAVE, because only at that point do you get a proper re-negotiation and the possibility of a proper …

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Capitalism with a human face

I spend a lot of time criticising nationalism and the SNP. This is primarily because of experience. I’ve seen the power of nationalism in Eastern Europe. It destroys lives and divides people. I’ve also experienced a government that tried to impose socialism on a human nature that opposes the attempt. …

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Conservatives should be the party of Facebook- not Twitter

A couple of months ago, I was persuaded by my friend to give up my Luddite tendencies and join the Twitterverse. I decided to join Twitter to promote my writings and have greater access to British politics than I was currently getting from Facebook, email and the web page browsing …

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Sir John should stop singing! (And I don’t mean Elton).

Energy is the hot topic this autumn. Ed Milliband, fearing his chances of being re-elected in danger with the improving economy, (which by the way is the fastest growing of the G7 nations, kicked off party conference season by announcing that as Prime Minister, he would have energy prices magically froze. …

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Persistence is paying off for the Tories.

Growing up as a child in America, my father had framed on our wall a quote from US President Calvin Coolidge. The quote, one that has been one he has tried to live his life by, reads: “Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; …

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