Thursday , January 16 2025

British Politics in 2019

All the shenanigans of the past 3 years have explained British politics.

The country is split between its main regions and split internally.  It is the internal split that is most important and interesting.

In the 2016 EU Referendum about half of the population voted to leave the EU and the other half voted to stay in the EU.   The political parties in Westminster were split entirely differently:

Source: BBC

In the past few days we have learnt that many of the Tory MPs who voted Remain would give up their careers and prefer the country to be governed by a Marxist Labour government rather than leave the EU.  People obviously regard the issue of the Independence of the UK as one of great principle.

The EU Referendum measured the opinion of the country on this important matter of principle.  What was the great principle?  The principle that marks a huge divide in the country can be summarised as:

Leave:  the belief that the people in the UK should have the power to govern themselves in perpetuity.

Remain: the belief that the EU should continue to delegate the power of government to the UK, perhaps to take it back and govern itself one day (See EU Control).

If you recoil from this definition then think hard on why lifelong Conservatives would back one of the most Left Wing Labour parties of all time to support the EU. This is an issue that transcends Left and Right and the only issue of that importance is the future of the UK as an independent country.

It is possible that many Remain voters in the general population did not understand the definition of “shared competences” in the EU Treaties as “powers delegated to nation states by the EU” or the scope of EU control of foreign and defence policy but it is unlikely that MPs did not understand this.  Equally it is possible that many Leave voters did not understand the technicalities of the Treaties but their general insistence on “bring back control” and “the UK should control its own borders” etc. shows that they understood the principle.

The first lesson to be learnt from the EU Referendum is that only the Conservative Party contained MPs who represented their constituents.

You can check this at: BBC

The second lesson is that the country is divided by class:

Source: YouGov


The split in the country is between higher class/wealthy people and the rest, the wealthy wanting to give up independence and the poor wanting to keep it. It should be remembered that the fact that the wealthy are better educated than the poor does not mean that they act or think in the interests of the poor.

In case you are in two minds about whether or not the split is about Independence consider this simple You Gov Poll on flag flying:

Source: YouGov

Many LibDem and Labour voters may say that they dislike all countries but, of course, in the eyes of the world the EU looks like a nascent country.  The fantasy that it is the kernel of a global government would just make the Chinese, Russians, most Americans and even the Indians roll about laughing and of course, were there a global government it would be run by the Chinese.  Strip away the global government/empire fantasies and it is clear that the matter of principle on flag waving for LibDems and Labour voters is whether they should wave the EU flag or the Union Jack and this is the same principle as was evident in the 2016 Referendum vote.

Remain voters are not flag phobic, just UK phobic

Given that, if the UK stays in the EU no-one is going to re-open the issue of Brexit, it is clear that the middle classes in the UK believe that the EU will be better for themselves, their children and their children’s children.

It is ironic that the other place that is having a serious internal conflict about being governed by a huge neighbouring state is Hong Kong.  In Hong Kong they want to preserve their own power of government but seem to have just realised that this power is delegated to them by China and China is taking back that power.  The irony is that the youth of Hong Kong are risking their lives for independence whilst the youth of the UK demonstrates to give their independence away.  Most importantly we must remember that the UK is under active attack from the EU – see The Battle is between the European Movement and the UK – which makes the parallels with Hong Kong too close for comfort.

The wealthy, educated UK voters no doubt believe that their family and friends would be able to scoot to the USA, Canada or Australia if the EU turned nasty.  Even if the EU had a Far Right government run by National Rally and the AfD the middle classes fantasize that they would be “alright”.  They should take note that even quite wealthy Hong Kong citizens are finding it tricky to escape because the world is getting full and migrants are not welcome (for instance, the EU is now turning around migrants and sending them back within 5 days).

The lesson from the past three years is that UK politics has split into those who want the UK to govern itself in perpetuity and those who want the EU to govern the UK in perpetuity. Our MPs do not represent the people as a whole. Labour and the LibDems already represent those who wish to be governed by the EU and the Conservatives represent both wealthy EU Nationalists and those who want to Remain Independent although today many of the Tory EU Nationalists have been expelled..  There is ample room for another party, one that represents the less affluent people who support independence.  Perhaps the time of the Brexit Party has come.

The next election should be split between wealthy EU Nationalists supporting the LibDems plus less wealthy EU Nationalists supporting Labour against wealthy British people supporting the Conservatives and the less wealthy British supporting the Brexit Party.

Clearly no British person should vote Labour or LibDem but will those who support the UK be able to stop the EU Nationalists from obscuring the issue of independence and hence lose votes to the EU from those who actually support the UK?

See EU Nationalism 

Also Why Independence?

EU Racism is far worse than UK

Reasons for Brexit

This post was originally published by the author on his personal blog:

About John Sydenham

Dr John Sydenham has worked in International Pharmaceuticals and for one of the "big four" International Consultancies. He ran a successful company for 15 years and after selling the company devotes his time to travel, science, black labradors and freedom.

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  1. Isaac Anderson

    Excellent and pertinent, John: Rem Acu Tetigisti.

    Just one small problem: Not only should Britons who value their freedoms, rights, liberties and sovereignties of any class or creed not vote for the Lib Dems and Labour, they physically can’t vote for them…

    • Yes, we are being held hostage by MPs and the broadcast media who are covering the Remain behaviour as if it were reasonable.