Saturday , July 27 2024

UK Rants

"UK Rants" is a blogger who supports both the Conservative party and leaving the European Union. He writes on current affairs to inform his readers with as much information as he can, to allow them to make most informed decision possible when voting. He blogs in his personal capacity at

I worry about Ireland and this damned EU.

I had a chat earlier with a pal who’d have been reared on the “other side” of the Northern Ireland political divide from myself. Discussing the likely reaction of the Irish to mass immigration, should the EU decide to dump on them next on a large scale, as suggested in …

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Carnage in Manchester, it must be our last

1977, aged 7, I experienced my first ‘bomb’ in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. Us kids had our hospital beds wheeled into the corridor as our room windows came through, from a car-bomb in the carpark. It became almost a weekly thing for a while (I was there for a …

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UK media are fearmongering over Northern Ireland as part of their anti-Brexit stance

Let me explain something about Northern Ireland, which is being totally overlooked in all the fear-mongering being pushed by UK mainstream media at present.  There will be no United Ireland because of Brexit. There will not be one in your lifetime, nor mine, dear reader. The UK media, in their …

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UK mainstream media falsely blame Brexit for Lloyds job losses- another example of their nonfactual, hysterical post-referendum coverage

I’ve often complained online that UK mainstream media has been spinning stories and been less than truthful with the UK public, particularly when it comes to the subject of Brexit. Our media run a heavy-handed campaign during the EU Referendum, leaving little doubt as to which side of the fence …

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The IndyRef2 debate is an irrelevance, nobody will call one in the wake of Brexit result

The threat of a second Scottish Independence Referendum (IndyRef2), coming about as a result of the Brexit vote in the UK-wide EU Membership Referendum, is fallacy. It’s spin.  It’s deceitful.  It’s divisive.  It’s complete nonsense. There is no way we are either going to see a second Scottish Independence Referendum, …

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The infamous Edwina Currie reminds us of the lack of debate over UK Sovereignty in upcoming EU Referendum

Edwina Currie, famous for many things but formerly a Conservative MP until she lost her seat in 1997, sparked Twitter outrage today with a completely off-the-cuff remark about sovereignty. Many of us (with many valid reasons) feel Edwina Currie is as mad as a bag of spanners, but her voice …

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BBC portray inherited, uneducated racism in ‘Last Whites of the East End’ documentary

I watched the BBC documentary “Last Whites of the East End” last night.  I’m not a fan of the BBC approach to documentary-making, finding their spin to be unbearable, but this one piqued me when I saw Twitter come alive. I’ve since watched the war of words on Twitter as …

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Gerry Adams posts offensive and racist Tweets

Gerry Adams, President of Sinn Féin and long time member of the IRA Army Council, revealed a little of his more sinister side tonight with a couple of unguarded tweets. The first, blatantly using racist language.  The second using a word which has long since been used as an offensive …

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Libya, soon to be known as “the rod that broke the back of the European Union”.

Let me lay out my concerns over the upcoming crisis in Libya, one which will break the EU into pieces, if not accepted and addressed immediately. This is simple.  The facts are there.  The debate is just not happening.  Yet. UK media half-heartedly cover the Libyan crisis, in small news …

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Afternoon Tea or Wiff Waff? The dilemma of an OCD Working Class Tory

I have a dilemma.  Jacob Rees-Mogg and Boris Johnson have made it so. My OCD behaviour, I have noticed, is on the increase and I can often dwell upon the most minor of points.  Thankfully the annoyances are more than offset by the cleanliness of my home and my recent …

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EU Referendum: Tory MPs were not convinced by government clarification over Cabinet Minister ‘ban guidance’

Sir Jeremy Heywood, Britain’s most senior civil servant has caused uproar amongst Eurosceptic MPs. His new ‘guidance’, banning cabinet ministers from accessing official documents and receiving briefings ahead of the EU Referendum in June, has been labelled unfair amid calls for full transparency in what is supposed to be a …

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Billionaire Richard Branson wades into Brexit debate with factual inaccuracy and dubious credibility

Sir Richard Branson appeared on Sky News UK this morning, announcing that his ‘Virgin Galactic’ project is back in the ‘space race’ to send passengers into space. Whilst being interviewed, he couldn’t miss the opportunity to air his views on why the UK should remain a member of the European …

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JUNIOR DOCTORS: Ben Gummer echoes Jeremy Hunt’s BMA allegations & confirms upcoming strike now solely about PAY

Ben Gummer MP, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health, stood in for Jeremy Hunt in the UK House of Commons yesterday to answer an ‘urgent question’ from Heidi Alexander MP (Labour), regarding junior doctors’ contract negotiations. Jeremy Hunt had appeared on The Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, blaming the BMA …

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Labour Sexism Shame: Misogyny & Sexism are rife in the Labour Party, when Muslim votes are at stake

Labour sexism shame: The UK Labour Party prefers to be portrayed as the party of equality and champion of women’s rights, yet they poorly mask open sexism from within their rank and file. The constant bashing of opponents over mere trivialities, whilst pointing out minor ‘potentially misogynistic’ comments regularly, hides …

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UK should NOT accept 3,000 additional migrant children, we have done our bit already

Last week, the Daily Mail lead with the headline “PM: Why we must not take 3,000 migrant children”, suggesting that David Cameron has decided NOT to accept the3,000 ‘unaccompanied’ migrant childrenfrom Europe that Save The Children and others have been calling for. We had a furore in the media and …

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Kelvin MacKenzie reveals PM David Cameron to be a ‘Eurosceptic’

During last night’s episode of BBC Question Time, ex-Sun Editor Kelvin MacKenzie revealed that, at a party before Xmas 2015, UK Prime Minister David Cameron described himself to Rupert Murdoch as a Eurosceptic. Nick Boles, Conservative MP, also states that David Cameron has “no romantic attachment to the EU”, before going …

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Michael Portillo makes a very strong case to vote for BREXIT

BREXIT: Michael Portillo explained this week why the only sensible way to vote in the upcoming EU Referendum is to vote LEAVE. “The only rational thing to do is to vote to LEAVE, because only at that point do you get a proper re-negotiation and the possibility of a proper …

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Tory MPs openly ridicule Corbyn at Commons Defence questions

Conservatives openly ridiculed and mocked Jeremy Corbyn in wake of his comments on defence during a recent appearance on The Marr Show. During oral questioning of the Secretary of State for Defence in the House of Commons today, Tory MP’s could not hide their eagerness to discuss Daesh (ISIS) and …

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