Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: British Values

Values for a Future

A Nation is an area of land where the people pray, send their children to school, meet in their towns and houses, work, share resources and create and enjoy local services and benefits.  A Nation needs a vision for its future. Without a vision the unity needed to construct the …

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The British public have acted heroically, we should trust their judgment when restrictions are eased

At first I was sceptical about how effective this lock down would be. I should say I remain highly sceptical about the effectiveness of this lockdown and its impact on slowing this virus. But that’s a discussion for another day. Today we should recognise the heroic effort of the British …

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It’s a no-brainer: children should sing the national anthem

This week, Ian Pye published a fantastic piece on the importance of remembering and learning the lessons of history after watching the recent film The Darkest Hour. Many people agree with him, as it has been reported that in theatres across the country people are giving standing ovations to Churchill’s …

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A #moggmentum Manifesto

Enthusiasm for Brexit among politicians in Westminster is a bit “low-energy” at the moment. Theresa May is soldiering on after a very underwhelming general election performance that saw her reduced to leading a minority government supported by the DUP. Fallen in strength in a remarkably short period, she is now …

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Trinidad Youth Prime Minister – Choose May’s stable vision over Corbyn’s jam making skill & false promises.

With just one day to go before the Polls open throughout the United Kingdom I make a sincere plea to the Youth of the UK not to fall victim to the false promises of the left and hold on strongly to the stability, performance as well as vision of the Conservative Party …

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Betrayal of Britain Continued- Community or the onward march of devolution

As the report of Lord Heseltine showed, the essence of Britain’s energy through the Industrial Revolution was devolved decision-making at city level. The great town halls and classical architecture of many of our cities owe much to the deep-seated civic pride of Victorian industrialists. It is not only in Scotland …

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Betrayal of Britain Chapter 5 Continued- Sacrifice

As so many brave men and women of our armed forces in Afghanistan and their families have found, sacrifice remains a very real part of British life. For too many, the inescapable inevitability of sacrifice comes as an unexpected shock when they first become a parent or when a family …

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Betrayal of Britain- Chapter 5: A New Britain

In the wake of “Trojan Horse” scandals, where schools in Birmingham were accused of plots to run them on radical Islamic lines, Cameron’s government decided to define and educate our schoolchildren in British values – “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the …

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The #BelieveInBritain Manifesto

It is time for a Believe in Britain campaign. Purpose In recent decades we have seen the growth of regional and national identities. There is the obvious growth of SNP and demands for Scottish independence, but also in Wales – Plaid Cymru now take part in UK-wide general election TV …

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British Values – Global Perspective

Often, I am asked by friends “what is the mission of the Daily Globe?” Usually, they want me to pigeon-hole the site. They want to know if the Daily Globe is a political website, a social website, a rant website- they want to know what exactly is the Daily Globe? …

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Thoughts on Iraq and Islamic Extremism.

11 years ago, when I was 15 years old, I was a wholehearted supporter of the Iraq invasion. Like many Americans shortly after the 9/11 attack, I wanted to fight Islamic extremism and its threats wherever they may be. The world is very different now. Americans and Britons generally view …

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