Friday , July 26 2024

Tag Archives: WTO terms

EU-UK Trade negotiations.

The UK trades with the EU at an enormous deficit.  The UK also has a huge deficit in the payment of profits, rents and dividends to the EU.  The combination of the deficits in trade and financial transactions has led to a very large balance of payments current account deficit …

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What does a no deal Brexit mean for Scottish independence?

We have all rather forgotten about Brexit in the past few months. Whatever damage Brexit might have done to the economy is trivial compared to what Covid has done. Being locked up in our homes with an illness killing thousands with no end in sight has rather put other matters …

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Kissing the Barnier Stone

Michel Barnier gained attention over his public summary of Brexit negotiations. Whilst progress has been made in some areas, the blame for stumbling blocks was firmly laid at the door of the British government. Where do we go from here? On the other hand, the UK negotiator, David Frost took …

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Do not extend the Transition Period for Brexit

The decision on whether to extend the transition period must be made by 30th June.  Does it need extending? Barnier says that the biggest obstacle is that “the EU will not agree to any future partnership that does not include a balanced and long-term agreement on fisheries” (Euractiv).  If that …

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EU Talks – Time to walk?

I think it’s time we end the EU transition talks and get on with life outside the EU.  Read on. How would you define a nation? I guess, I’d start with ‘a land enclosed by internationally agreed borders’.  Then if it’s a coastal nation or an island, I’d extend those …

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Is Extending The Transition Period Worth It?

Over the past few weeks the world has appeared to be in a form of stasis but behind the scenes many things are rumbling along. The lights are kept on, vital supplies are delivered to where they’re most needed and the UK’s withdrawal from the EU continues. The vast bulk …

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Boris Johnson must publicly reject the Previous Treasury Predictions

It will be shown below that the Treasury has been using incorrect “predictions” to influence the debate on Independence.  If the Conservatives are truly now a pro-Brexit party they must publicly rebut the Treasury Reports. There have been two high profile sets of Treasury Predictions during the campaign for Independence …

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No Deal Brexit (WTO, No Transition) will be fine

The Treasury forecasts for the effect of the Referendum on the UK economy are now known to have been wrong. There was no huge economic meltdown due to “uncertainty” in 2017, unemployment has stayed low and inflation is steady.  In fact the UK economy has performed better than that of …

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Even if we leave the EU with No Deal, the “Cliff Edge” doesn’t exist

With Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in late July 2019, fear of a “no deal” Brexit has markedly increased. “Project Fear” has been ramped back up, and with Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement supposedly dead, rhetoric about “crashing out” and a “no deal cliff edge” is now …

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A plague of yellowhammers

If Remainers were bookmakers, they would have been out of business long ago. Their ability to predict future events ranks with prophets predicting the end of the world is nigh. Next time you see someone ranting in the street calling on you to repent your sins because the world is …

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No Deal Fake News

This article will provide clear, click through links to all of its source data.  Click on these links whenever you feel that you must check a source. First of all, what are the current economists’ predictions for the UK economy for 2019 to 2020? These predictions are all sourced, click …

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Don’t let Labour ruin Britain again

Governments are very powerful in Britain. The power of Parliament on the other hand is limited. It can pass or fail to pass laws and it can vote a Government down. Governments have been able to declare war and make peace without asking the opinion of Parliament. What this means …

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Backstop revisited

The new Prime Minister has taken the stance that negotiations for withdrawing from the EU can not start until the EU removes the back stop. The main players in the EU insist that the Withdrawal Agreement (WA) can not be re-opened, therefore the backstop can not be withdrawn. What does it all …

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The Choice is now Brexit or Project Fear – just like in the Referendum

After they signed May’s Withdrawal Agreement the EU said there would be no more negotiations. They stood firm on this during two “deadlines” in March and May. There really are no more negotiations possible. This means the UK can either Leave with a No Deal/WTO Brexit or Revoke Article 50.  …

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Time to end the national humiliation – #LetsGoWTO

Yesterday epitomised the farce that Parliament has descended into. For the second time in one week (to say nothing of the multiple previous rejections), the Remainer Parliament rejected four Remain alternatives – hand picked for them by a biased, self-aggrandizing, buffoonish Remain supporting speaker. The lead proponent of Norway Plus …

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Brexit – breaking the impasse

The original deadline for Brexit, 29th March 2019, is less than 4 days away. Debate continues, resolution seems so far away. What can be done to ensure an “orderly withdrawal”? The key is in the provisions of Article 50, the mechanism for leaving the EU. A critical word is “agreement”. By …

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Brexit tariff reduction

News has broken that in the event of “No Deal”, up to 90 % of tariffs will be removed. Confirmation seems to have come from a refusal to deny from Greg Clark, Business Secretary. Naturally, views have been expressed, from all political vantage points. The opposition can be expected to …

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The EU is pushing the UK towards a No-Deal Brexit

In what seems like Groundhog day, we have had more rude attacks on the UK from its supposed “friends”in the EU. First, Donald Tusk said that Brexiteers belong in hell, in which Guy Verhofstadt chimed in with further insults. They were then followed by Jean-Claude Juncker sharing the contents of a …

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