Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: USA

BBC Bias and subversion by foreign powers: something must be done.

An analysis of nineteen recent BBC news stories shows that the BBC is routinely using omission of news to bias its reporting.  News omission and suppression to bias stories is an almost daily occurrence.  The BBC frequently “tucks away” key parts of news reports on its web site to avoid …

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Predictions for 2021

The most obvious prediction is that vaccines will defeat the COVID epidemic and life will begin to return to normal.  Full normality is unlikely until the late summer but a semblance of normality will begin at the end of March provided the government prioritises vaccine administration, recruiting pharmacies who already …

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The Fall of Empires

Empires rise because a group of people becomes more prosperous than their neighbours.  This enhanced prosperity is usually the result of the superior management of the economy, society and resources.  Relative prosperity gives the group the ability to project power. As can be seen from the graph below, we are …

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You can’t fight injustice with more injustice

George Floyd died for several reasons. The first was that he was accused of using a counterfeit $20 bill. This is why the police showed up to arrest him. The second reason is that Mr Floyd is alleged to have resisted arrest. Firstly, he resisted being handcuffed and then when …

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The USA has learnt nothing

The United States of America has not learnt anything from the Civil Rights Movement and the time of the Reverend King. Life in the States seems to be returning to the pre-existing norm of street protests due to police officers maiming and killing unarmed black men. The recent case of …

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North Korea, all the explanations

North Korea (PRNK) is a Communist country, which means that it is really a feudal monarchy, with the Kim family having absolute power, living in incredible luxury. Through three generations they have blackmailed the West into giving them vast amounts of stuff; money, food and nuclear technology (two 1000-MWe light-water …

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Birthplace of American Wine: Virginia

Just before Christmas in 1784, Thomas Jefferson wrote to his friend and wine contact John Bonfield, The American Consul in Bordeaux. He expressed a fear. He wrote to his friend, “I have written a letter to Monsieur d’Yquem for 250 bottles of his newest vintage, but I am afraid he …

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Ann Arbor

I recently embarked on a week long trip to Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA to pay a visit to a friend who is studying there. I was pleasantly surprised by what this quaint city has to offer in the realm of entertainment, food, coffee, and culture. Along with being a welcome …

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Cameron’s dodgy dossier

Fed-up with all of the contradictory forecasts and statements about the referendum on Britain’s continued membership of the European Union?  You probably should look away. I would like to see another forecast – I know, that suggests either some kind of a weird fantasy obsession or that maybe I am …

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Cameron’s insult to Parliament, Britain, the EU and others

David Cameron yielded to pressure to face the Parliamentary Liaison Committee on the afternoon of 4th May. The committee Chair had previously written to express disappointment that he did not intend to face the committee. Proceedings can be seen here. Following his earlier admonition of the Leader of the opposition about …

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The Next Lion: Boris Johnson

“For several decades now it has been fashionable to say that those so-called great men and women are just ephiphenomena, meretricious bubbles on the vast tides of social history. Well, I think the story of Winston Churchill is a pretty withering retort to all that malarkey. He and he alone …

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America’s AU Referendum- America in Britain’s situation

To have a proper debate on anything requires the most global of perspectives. Unfortunately, most of the EU referendum debate so far has been either “euro-centric” or “Britain of 2015-centric” and often fails to take into account how Brexit affects the rest of the world or how it would be …

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