Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: UK General Election 2019

And now, the end is near

The odds of Boris Johnson remaining Prime Minister in 2022 are now 1/41. If you think he will stay until 2023 you can get odds of 29/1 or until 2024 37/1. This means we are going to have a new Prime Minister soon. There is no point any longer debating …

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Boris is doing what Cameron couldn’t

Two weeks ago Labour thought they had all but sealed not only victory in the then-upcoming Hartlepool by-election as well as Local Government Elections with their “Tory Sleaze allegations.” They also firmly believed that they had politically wounded Boris Johnson. However, for those who have followed Johnson’s career, it is …

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Indyref2 has already been decided. Someone, please tell Nicola.

The Scottish Government has announced that there is to be a draft bill for a second referendum on Scottish independence – indyref2. There is already much comment about what the question will be (perhaps a variant of Leave/Remain to comply with Electoral Commission guidance post 2014), whether independence will win …

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Thank you for Brexit Day

The day is finally upon us. Today, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland leaves the millstone of the European Union and steps forward a free nation into the world. Today, history is made. Here at the Daily Globe, we could not be happier. As our readers know, …

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Reconciling Remain and Leave

I have had two conversations in the past week about Brexit and they both went in identical directions.  The Remain supporters said “the referendum was fixed”.  I said “but the 2017 election promised to implement it which is why Corbyn got so many votes”.  They said “Of course, when it …

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Independence at Last – Hooray!

Thank you!  Thanks to all those who kept the governance of this country in the hands of the people who live here.  We still have a home that we can call our own. Our independence is one of the most democratic and fair decisions ever made in the UK.  It …

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Crime – A Conservative Direction

One of my greatest passions is led by one of my biggest fears – how we, as a society, are going to approach the complex issue of Crime.  I experienced a monumental culture shock when I moved from a small, relatively safe seaside town in Wales to the vibrant city …

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The Scale of Boris’ Victory cannot be Overstated

On 12th December 2019, the United Kingdom returned to the polls. Hailed as one of the most important General Elections in living memory, it would decide the future of the country, and the fate of Brexit. Boris Johnson and the Conservatives were ultimately victorious, winning an 80 seat majority, and …

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Do the Liberal Democrats have a future?

Every honest Liberal Democrat member will agree that the last decade was not an easy or enjoyable one. It seems bizarre to think that Clegg-mania and the possibility of the Liberal Democrats becoming the main opposition was just 10 years ago. Fast forward to the present day of embarrassment where …

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Let the blue wave sweep northwards.

There is something odd about the present Conservative Government. On the one hand there has just been a decisive purge of Tory Remainer Wets, on the other Boris Johnson’s Government at least initially is liable to be one of the most left-wing in Conservative Party history. Early signs are that …

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The SNP are unaware of the scale of their defeat

Politics is the continuation of war by other means is to rather mangle Clausewitz but expresses a truth that the SNP and most other Scots missed yesterday.  The SNP may have won a tactical victory, but they suffered a strategic defeat. The SNP goal of creating an independent Scotland, depends on …

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The Blue Wall of the North

Conservatives with a gain of five seats in Greater Manchester now hold a third of the area’s constituencies. And so, another General Election over. The gridlock has broken, ‘dither and delay’ is now ‘advance and progress’, and the remnants of everything wrong with the last parliament are now confined to …

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None of us need to flee

It’s a UK General Election. What matters is who wins a UK majority. It doesn’t matter who wins in Devizes, nor does it matter who wins in East Antrim.  Clwyd West doesn’t get to choose which party leads us and who is our Prime Minister and nor does Na h-Eileanan an …

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Boris is the leader needed for a better Global Community.

For months we have seen the House of Commons debate whether there should be an early Election in the United Kingdom before they were officially due in 2022. After tons of political jabs, some unsuccessful parliamentary votes and an outcry by logical patriotic UK citizens, Election Day 2019 is finally …

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Your Conservative needs you

There is one thing that matters in politics above everything else. It matters more than Brexit. It matters more than economics. The only thing that really matters is keeping our country intact. The United Kingdom is our country. This is the way the word “country” is primarily used by everyone …

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Nothing’s too good for the man who beat Alex Salmond

I remember seeing Alex Salmond sometime in 2017. He lives quite near me and it was common enough to see him around, but this time there was something different. He was locked out of his car. He was on his phone. He was trying to pull the door handles. He …

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Will Brexit win the General Election?

This General Election was called because Parliament was hung over Brexit.  Remain’s task is to divert attention from Brexit and the task of those who favour independence is to ensure attention stays on Brexit. Keeping attention on Brexit should be easy but the broadcast media are wholly Remain and are …

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Do you remember the 1970s?

Do you remember the 1970s? It was when Britain reached peak decline. I was at primary school, but still those years have stayed with me like no others.  Do you remember how we had three television channels? In fact, my family only had BBC1 and we could only watch it on …

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