Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Racism

End feminist prejudice

If there is a terrorist attack committed by a British Muslim, we are not allowed to make generalisations about Muslims. For instance, if I wrote a sign saying “End Muslim violence” this would be considered to be Islamophobic and racist. If there were a murder committed by someone who had …

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BBC Bias and subversion by foreign powers: something must be done.

An analysis of nineteen recent BBC news stories shows that the BBC is routinely using omission of news to bias its reporting.  News omission and suppression to bias stories is an almost daily occurrence.  The BBC frequently “tucks away” key parts of news reports on its web site to avoid …

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Kneeling to an unjust God

There are lots of deaths everyday in the United States. People have guns and there is a lot of violent crime. Most of it is ignored even in the United States let alone here. Imagine if in May 2020 a person of Chinese origin had been killed by a policeman. …

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The Report on Racism

The “Report by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities” has just been published.  The Commissioners were nearly all from BAME backgrounds and have produced a robust and fair Report. However, the Report questioned the use of the term “BAME”, among ethnic minorities, 40% said it was still useful, 36% …

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Humza’s hate crimes

The Scottish Parliament has passed Humza Yousaf’s hate crime bill by 82 votes to 32. It has been modified considerably since being introduced. Attempts have been made to assure us that free speech is protected. But the whole concept of hate crime is fundamentally flawed, and this is not changed …

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Opposition to the EU is not the rejection of Europeans.

When a country which evidently rejects racism has democratically elected to oppose a political institution, please accept the simple evidence – it is NOT because of racism or hatred of Europeans. I have many friends who are European. I have even more friends who are pro-Europe. I too, am pro-Europe. …

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The Fall of Empires

Empires rise because a group of people becomes more prosperous than their neighbours.  This enhanced prosperity is usually the result of the superior management of the economy, society and resources.  Relative prosperity gives the group the ability to project power. As can be seen from the graph below, we are …

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Brexit – the True Story

The campaign to create a European Union began after WWI. After the war the Germans were weakened and facing a growing threat from the USSR (The Communist Russian Empire).  Count Coudenhove-Kalergi founded “Paneuropa” to lobby for a European Union to counter this Russian threat.  Paneuropa is still alive and well …

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The immorality of collective punishment

Since the early 1970s Britain has witnessed numerous terrorist attacks. Most of them were committed by the IRA some more recently have been committed by Islamic extremists. But British people have neither blamed Irish people in general, nor Catholics nor refugees nor Muslims for these attacks. There are always idiots, …

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Britain is being trolled.

There were no black children in either my primary or secondary schools. Racist words were commonplace. When I moved to Edinburgh middle class students used racist words to describe shops run by people of Pakistani origin and takeaways run by people of Chinese origin. We didn’t do this in a …

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Let’s abolish slavery where it is

My mother was born in 1933. She grew up in a Britain without racism. The police did not beat up black people. There was no discrimination against black people. We didn’t have any laws regarding racial discrimination. Sporting events were completely free from any ugly racist chants and no one …

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You can’t fight injustice with more injustice

George Floyd died for several reasons. The first was that he was accused of using a counterfeit $20 bill. This is why the police showed up to arrest him. The second reason is that Mr Floyd is alleged to have resisted arrest. Firstly, he resisted being handcuffed and then when …

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The USA has learnt nothing

The United States of America has not learnt anything from the Civil Rights Movement and the time of the Reverend King. Life in the States seems to be returning to the pre-existing norm of street protests due to police officers maiming and killing unarmed black men. The recent case of …

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The individual versus the diversity quota

One of the main reasons that I oppose left-wing thinking is that I want people to be treated as individuals rather than as members of a group. I have the same duty to treat everyone I come across morally no matter what they look like, where they are from or …

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The slaves of the fathers

Various universities in Britain are investigating their links to the slave trade. They are asking whether they directly or indirectly benefited from slavery. Glasgow has already confessed its guilt and proposes to do penance. Cambridge, no doubt will, soon do the same. After that we can expect every university that …

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The American disease. Part four (history)

The United States in the 1960s went through two great revolutions, the sexual revolution and the civil rights revolution. To an extent these happened in western Europe too. But it’s only possible to understand the civil rights battle if we understand American history. The American Civil War was a battle …

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EU Racism is far worse than UK

Black people in Italy are 13 times more likely to experience housing discrimination than black people in the UK. In France and Germany they are twice as likely to experience general discrimination in a year as in the UK. These figures are shocking.  The figures for racial harassment are just …

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Shed tears for this world

Many years ago I was walking across the fields of southern Anatolia watching the men scything wheat in the shimmering heat. I sat to drink. A song of loneliness and yearning came from a minaret half a mile away and the men in their baggy trousers came and sat next …

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