Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Lockdown

And now, the end is near

The odds of Boris Johnson remaining Prime Minister in 2022 are now 1/41. If you think he will stay until 2023 you can get odds of 29/1 or until 2024 37/1. This means we are going to have a new Prime Minister soon. There is no point any longer debating …

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A great moment but challenges remain

Today’s announcement from the Prime Minister that the last vestiges of the coronavirus restrictions are being absolished is most welcome and fantastic news. The act itself will expire, the taxpayer will no longer pay for healthy people to test and there will be no more restrictions from the UK government …

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Never send for whom the birthday candles burn

There may have been some former Prime Ministers who were so saintly that everything they said and did in private in 10 Downing Street would have met the standards of probity set by Britain’s media, but I can’t think of one of them. Nor would I or anyone else that …

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A second chance?

Yesterday’s Prime Minister’s Questions were arguably the most dangerous period in Boris Johnson’s time as Prime Minister. The nation’s fury at the hypocrisy of Boris Johnson attending a (or multiple) parties/social gatherings – combined with MPs opportunism left his premiership near collapse. However, with the Bury South MP Christian Wakeford …

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Boris Johnson must go.

Yesterday was a dark day for British liberty. With passage of the government’s plans to introduce Vaccine passports the UK is now is “paper please” society to do basic everyday transactions. Government sycophants (which now include the “opposition” Labour party) will claim this measure is “only temporary” and that one …

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A long overdue welcome to “Freedom Day”

It is welcome that all COVID restrictions in England (barring international travel and self-isolating requirements upon being “pinged” by the NHS app – which goes away on the 16th of August for those fully vaccinated and under 18) FINALLY go away today. Frankly, the restrictions have gone on way too …

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Ending lockdown is political

There are two views of politics.  In the first the People are born free and the State intervenes to prevent oppression by powerful individuals and groups.  The purpose of the State is to protect freedom and the individual.  In the second view people are born into service to society and …

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Good riddance, Matt Hancock

It is welcome news that Matt Hancock has resigned – though Boris Johnson should have sacked him. After all, as early as last year, he called him “f*cking hopeless.” Matt Hancock represents the worst in politicians – or rather yet human beings. This is a man who used his position …

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Better Education Hinges On Confronting Competency-Based Learning

At last month’s Foundation for Education Development summit, Education Secretary Gavin Williamson revealed the government’s latest education agenda. While this roadmap to improve British schools and universities in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic envisaged germane proposals  to many issues, ranging from the £2.5-billion National Skills Fund to fund vocational …

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2020 was a year of national sacrifice. Let’s make 2021 a year of national renewal

Throughout 2020 the entire nation rose to the challenge of fighting covid-19. Everyone from kids to supermarket checkout staff has acted heroically in fighting this virus. As we look hopefully beyond the rolling lockdowns and national curbs on our freedom, I believe that 2021 can be an excellent year for …

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SAGE keeping back the tide

In March I supported lockdown and I was rather dismissive of lockdown sceptics. I thought Covid was probably the worst pandemic for one hundred years. Shutting everything down for a few weeks seemed a reasonable response. I still think Covid is probably the worst pandemic for one hundred years. The …

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The more fronts she is having to firefight on the better

I don’t recall demonstrations against the Scottish Government and Nicola Sturgeon.  It had begun to appear that Teflon Nicola was completely non-stick both in terms of her policies and in terms of whatever misdeeds the SNP got up to. The Scottish voters simply did not care. She could make a mess …

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The British People must stand up for liberty once again

What could have been. Originally, Britain, led by a Prime Minister that called the mayor of Jaws his hero, intended to follow the “Swedish” strategy of trusting people’s common sense to tackle the coronavirus. However, the British government famously u-turned and decided instead to follow the extreme strategy of lockdown …

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Was lockdown needed?

In every previous virus epidemic in history there was no lockdown. Neither in 1918-1919 (Spanish flu), nor 1957-1958 (Asian Flu) nor in 1968-1969 (Hong Kong Flu) did we attempt to prevent people from working or going to school. What if we had done the same this time? What if back …

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Boris made the right judgment call

The phrase of trial by media is pertinent from the last couple of days. I may only be in the adolescence phase of reading law, but I am sure in the fact that convictions come from trial by judge and jury and not by Owen Jones. I will be clear. …

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Scotland entered lockdown at exactly the same time as the other parts of Britain. We did so because we were following the advice that had been given to the British Government by the SAGE committee of scientific experts. Boris Johnson announced a very cautious easing of this lockdown some time …

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The British public have acted heroically, we should trust their judgment when restrictions are eased

At first I was sceptical about how effective this lock down would be. I should say I remain highly sceptical about the effectiveness of this lockdown and its impact on slowing this virus. But that’s a discussion for another day. Today we should recognise the heroic effort of the British …

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This state-imposed dystopia must end now

“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. The phrase from the United States’ Declaration of Independence which states our natural rights and which the executive is designed to protect and defend. Most governments all over the world are pursuing, as they see it, the continuation of life to the detriment …

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