Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Equality

Clapping – a Confession

A confession – I ‘clapped for Carers’ for a couple of weeks.  Wasn’t really that comfortable doing so – it’s not really a thing the English do but I did it. Another confession – I don’t ‘clap for Carers’ anymore. I feel better having got that off of my chest.  …

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Sandi Toksvig, Gender Martyr

It is a far, far better thing that she does… High drama in Britain, as vaguely-known personality Sandi Toksvig reveals – at a meeting of the Women’s Equality Party – that she is not being paid the same as her predecessor, the much more widely known Stephen Fry, to host …

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The Brexit heresy

In the modern world we are all supposed to be empiricists. We determine truth by means of the scientific method and reject as superstition something that is believed despite the evidence.  But we apply this rule selectively. The claims of Christianity may have been rejected because they depended on belief in …

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It’s not bad enough yet

I was going to write about something else this week. I had something almost ready about Jacob Rees-Mogg’s views on theology. But then I saw that he had ruled himself out from being leader, no doubt because of his views on theology. Maybe at a later date I will discuss …

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Equality is a flawed Ideology

Whether it be equality of outcome of equality of opportunity, these theories are deeply flawed, one certainly more than the other. Lets begin on one most of us can get behind, one I actually support “in theory” but in practice is nothing more than Utopian.  Yes we as people deserve the …

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Equality or freedom

What is it that distinguishes people on the Left and people on the Right? We now have two party politics again. But what is the choice between these two parties fundamentally about? The answer can be summarised in the following way. Conservatism is about what is. Liberalism/Socialism is about what …

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Socialism is theft

In order to understand a thing you have to strip it back to its essence. The fault of too much political thinking has been that it is too abstract. It tries to impose a theoretical system on human nature rather than accept human nature as the basic building block. This …

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Divided and Ruled – How we are losing our Natural Society

In modern Britain we have been taught to pull back in repulsion at the very mention of “inequality”, but what does it actually mean, and can it always be so bad? I would argue not, and in a Britain led by the current establishment, we would do well to consider …

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Labour Sexism Shame: Misogyny & Sexism are rife in the Labour Party, when Muslim votes are at stake

Labour sexism shame: The UK Labour Party prefers to be portrayed as the party of equality and champion of women’s rights, yet they poorly mask open sexism from within their rank and file. The constant bashing of opponents over mere trivialities, whilst pointing out minor ‘potentially misogynistic’ comments regularly, hides …

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Peter Tatchell makes an excellent point re Sharia and Human Rights

I cannot profess to agreeing with Peter Tatchell on everything, in fact our views on Palestine are probably poles apart, but I have to give credit where it is due. Peter, at a recent debate “Is Islam the cause or solution to extremism?“, piles into what I can only call …

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