I know the title gives away much of the article, but I would like to focus on two key aspects: Terrorism and the Union. This is not a partisan piece, but one that tries to rise above mere party politics in an unbiased fashion. Economics are, to an extent, reversible: …
Read More »A vote for which party helps the Pro UK cause?
There is only one thing in politics I really care about. I have lived under Labour Government’s, Conservative Governments and Coalition Governments. These things matter in the short term. But in the long term they don’t really matter. What matters is our country. Compared to the threat of our country …
Read More »Enough
I wake up once more to find that there has been a terrorist attack in Britain. It’s the second in a few days. Is it the third or the fourth this year? How many such attacks have taken place in Europe in the past two or three years? I’ve lost …
Read More »Do Let’s Re-Elect the Forty-Five
On the 11th of February this year, a letter was sent to the Home Secretary by forty-five Conservative MPs calling for fast-tracked visas for Commonwealth citizens. The proposals, however, got no further than the single tabled debate. These MPs, who I will list lower down, are truly allies of the …
Read More »For the Country and the Economy Vote Conservative. But whatever you do- Don’t Vote Labour
Politicians frequently say their General Election is the most important of their lifetime. Most of the time, they are lying or exaggerating. The General Election of 2001 was, for instance, not a particularly important election. This time however, is likely the most important General Election in a generation, if not …
Read More »Labour’s Cynical, Disingenuous National Debt Hysteria
Pot, meet kettle You’ve probably already seen them countless times over the course of this general election campaign – the smug, sanctimonious internet memes bandied about by Labour supporters and other left-wing activists excoriating the Conservatives for having presided over a massive increase in the national debt since taking office in …
Read More »Trinidad Youth PM- Theresa May is determined to create a sustainable United Kingdom
As I look on from the Caribbean I continue to be convinced as the Youth Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago as well as Former Commonwealth Youth Ambassador of this one time colony of the British Crown that a Theresa May victory at the polls isn’t only important to UK Development …
Read More »Comments on the Conservative Manifesto
Two weeks ago, most major UK parties released their manifestoes. Despite the large number of “Vote Liberal Democrat” stickers and signs in my constituency, the election will be mostly fought by the Conservative and Unionist Party. They will face Labour in England and Wales, and the SNP in Scotland. As …
Read More »Don’t wake up to a nightmare
I don’t feel much like writing about politics at the moment. We all stopped campaigning. We did so for a good reason. How do we start up again? There is only one thing on all our minds. But no-one wants to score cheap points. Yet the alternative is to remain …
Read More »Weekly Globe Episode 7
This is the seventh in a series of weekly podcasts featuring Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson. The podcast summarised the Manchester attack, Labour’s association with terrorism and concluded with a progress report on the CRCC- the Commonwealth, Realms & CANZUK campaign. We hope readers enjoy the Weekly Globe podcasts. You can listen …
Read More »Why the UCS supports the #CRCC Campaign
What a difference a year makes. Ever since the former British Prime Minister, David Cameron, announced the date and format of the European Union referendum the Commonwealth has possibly been spoken about more times than since the United Commonwealth Society was established in 2002. Through organisations such as the United …
Read More »Why I’m Voting Conservative
As a young person whose political allegiances lie with the Conservatives I have received a lot of abuse. The most common accusations and comments I’ve received are usually along the lines of calling me rich and selfish. Personal insults have also been thrown, however, in my eyes these do not …
Read More »Weekly Globe Episode 6
This is the sixth in a series of weekly podcasts featuring Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson. The podcast summarised the Conservative and Labour manifesto and concluded with a progress report on the CRCC- the Commonwealth, Realms & CANZUK campaign. We hope readers enjoy the Weekly Globe podcasts. You can listen to …
Read More »Carnage in Manchester, it must be our last
1977, aged 7, I experienced my first ‘bomb’ in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. Us kids had our hospital beds wheeled into the corridor as our room windows came through, from a car-bomb in the carpark. It became almost a weekly thing for a while (I was there for a …
Read More »Trinidad Youth PM – The Spirit, Love and Vision of Britain will never be defeated.
As Youth Prime Minister and Former Commonwealth Youth Ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago I offer my sincerest condolences to the people of Britain for the great tragedy that struck Manchester on behalf of the Youth of this former Colony of Britain. However in doing so I would like to remind the British people …
Read More »Macron, the Future of the European Union (EU) and why #Brexit is Irreversible
The election of Emmanuel Macron is the beginning of a rapid and major change in EU politics. Macron is unashamedly enthusiastic about the EU as a political union. The British broadcast media have suppressed almost any mention of this Eurozone political union so here is a summary for those readers …
Read More »Changing the conventions of Scottish politics
British politics is about conventions. One of the most important of these is the one about a political manifesto. Few of us read manifestos. But this is not really their point. A party does write a manifesto to persuade people to vote for it. How many voters read manifestos? Rather …
Read More »Trinidad Youth PM – Conservatives key to Global Development.
The UK General Elections which are carded for June 8th 2017 represent a very critical cross road in Global Politics and will have great impact on the Caribbean Region. Therefore without a doubt, as the Youth Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and Former Commonwealth Youth Ambassador I can resoundingly …
Read More »The British Left’s Cunning Plan To Reach Working Class Voters: Insult Them
How can the British Left appeal to working class voters turned off by socialist paternalism and attracted by conservative messages of patriotism, freedom and self-sufficiency? Maybe a really sanctimonious internet meme will do the trick. This internet meme – currently being widely circulated on Facebook and other social media by …
Read More »#CRCC – The Economics of Commonwealth Trade
“The UK will have to rebalance trade if they are going to grow their economy and the Commonwealth would be the first natural outlet for their goods” – South African High Commission A central tenet of any discussion or proposal for a post-Brexit economy focuses on trade and trading partners. …
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