As I look on from the Caribbean I continue to be convinced as the Youth Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago as well as Former Commonwealth Youth Ambassador of this one time colony of the British Crown that a Theresa May victory at the polls isn’t only important to UK Development but also important to sustainable world development.
I have derived at this conclusion based on the Premise of Prime Minister May’s determination to improve the social and economic framework within the UK. Last week’s revelation that the UK had brought down it’s unemployment rate to the lowest in 20 plus years is Testament to the fact of the great strides the Conservative Government has been accomplishing within the United Kingdom. However upon closer examination one would realize that Theresa May is determined to go further than reducing unemployment as she is determined on ensuring sustainability within the United Kingdom.
What does one mean by the term sustainability?
Sustainability when balanced by it’s socio/economic versus political / developmental meanings refers to the ability to ensure each citizen within a nation regardless of their class can achieve their goals without burdening another class or group of citizens. In essence it is the fostering of national opportunity for all without the opportunity cost of pressuring one group or groups of citizens.
A Sustainable Society is one where the poor can exit poverty without driving the rich out of prosperity or a society where business activity is allowed to thrive without negatively impacting the working class. This is something Labour has failed to do, they have offered the “promised land”, but at what cost?
How can labour pledge a better society by offering “freeness” to the few while taking from the many as the Labour Manifesto suggests ? Labour’s Manifesto is disastrous as it provides an economic map to “robin hood” policies. What Corbyn has suggested is as a world let’s give fishes to the vulnerable as opposed to teaching them to fish.
Theresa May’s Manifesto on the other hand creates a vision that encompasses all, develops all , supports all and burdens none. Its a Manifesto that many Caribbean nations can probably use if they are intent on transforming their economic policies.
In reviewing the proposal to remove heating grants for “wealthy pensioners”, I said to myself: “wow so Labour would actually rather fund those with resources when that money can go to improving other aspects of the UK economic framework”? Then I quickly reminded myself that this is a vision-less Corbyn who supported the IRA.
The manifesto produced by Theresa May and her conservative party is work of art in economic terms as it offers the best balance tofacilitate sustainable growth while protecting the UK’s social net.
One aspect that is certain from this policy document is that Theresa May isn’t focused on power but she is centered on People Development. One can clearly see Prime Minister May is a woman who is on a mission to better each and every life , household, business,youth , woman and citizen of the United Kingdom.
Theresa May’s determination to create a more sustainable United Kingdom is the beginning of new possibilities for World Development in a Post Brexit World.