Friday , July 26 2024

Tag Archives: United States

EP: 6 “AUKUS, Global Britain, British Integrated Security Review” | GUEST Ted Yarbrough

The sixth episode from Commonwealth News Podcast, with your hosts Daniel Cave, Laurence Marshall and BRAND NEW Co-host Simon Crundell. In this episode we discuss AUKUS with Ted Yarbrough, an American lawyer & writer, also Co-founder of the Daily Globe. Simon Crundell also talks about the British Integrated Security Review. …

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The Left Behind

“The popularists are breaking down the consensus that was leading to peace.  The rise of Nationalism is threatening the World Order.”  We have all heard these statements.  What do those who say these things believe? The statements tell us what they believe.  They believe that the world was aspiring to …

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Cheer up, it’s just the end of days

What is in common between the riots in the USA, Chinese expansionism, a Global Pandemic, Global Warming, drought, wildfires across Siberia, global economic collapse etc. ? Is it the media?  Certainly the media are hysterical and determined to bring down the government in the UK and USA but as part …

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Failing to take No for an answer is an abuse of power

The Conservative manifesto promised that there would not be a second Scottish independence referendum. The Conservatives won a large majority. That should be the end of the matter. But this being Scotland it isn’t. Independence is the bone Nicola Sturgeon is the dog.  Scottish nationalists will teach their toddlers that “No …

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On Foreign Affairs

The below speech was made by the author in the House of Lords on 21 May 2019  My Lords, I too greatly welcome this timely and well-judged report from the International Relations Select Committee, and particularly the recommendations to strengthen engagement with the Commonwealth, to invest more in our global …

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A bigger world

The 14th Anniversary edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization is available now on Amazon worldwide. Rarely do we have the ability to gain perspective in the middle of a situation. Human nature dictates that we tend to the here and now, …

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#CANZUK: A Response to J.J. McCullough of the National Review

Dear Mr. McCullough, As a political, essayist, blogger and founder of the Commonwealth, Realms & CANZUK Campaign, I recently read your article written on CANZUK with great expectations. It was fair and explained a side, which, while I do not subscribe to, am very familiar with. I would point your …

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How Donald Trump could limit migration more fairly

Most people in modern Britain have little or no experience of visas. Either we don’t need a visa or else it’s straightforward to obtain one by spending a few minutes on a computer.  Most people don’t want to go to the places, like Russia or China, which require visas you …

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Theresa May makes Sturgeon look petty and foolish

There is developing an extraordinary difference between Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon. It is impossible to imagine Nicola Sturgeon going to Washington and charming everyone she meets. While May has dignity, character, politeness and obvious intellect, Sturgeon simply doesn’t. May puts her points with force, but not with anger. She …

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A new Act of Union

Every now and again someone in Scottish politics pops up and mentions the word federalism. This has become even more frequent since the EU referendum. Apparently the fact that Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to Remain in the EU, while England and Wales voted to Leave has caused a problem …

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Should British citizens pledge loyalty to Britain?

The UK is a country with people from many places. We have no choice but to try to get on with each other. Brexit may enable the UK Government to have greater control over immigration, but lots of people are going to continue to come to Britain from Europe and …

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President Obama backs Remain, but would the US accept a supranational government?

President Obama has urged the UK to remain in the EU, the institution forged from the “ashes of war”. Evocative references to the war made up a strong element of his article in The Telegraph and the “spilled blood” of American soldiers were justification for his interference in the debate. Citing …

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Brexit would be worth it.

Lately I’ve frequently found myself disagreeing with people I both like and respect. As the EU referendum campaign gets going I find myself more and more drawn to one side of the argument. I wanted to remain more or less neutral for much longer. I wanted to explore the merits …

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All men are not brothers

When the United States declared independence they stated that they found it self-evident that “all men are created equal”. Likewise during the European Union anthem it is sung that “Alle Menschen werden Brüder” [All men will become brothers]. I think most of us find these to be fine ideals. Few …

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We have a lot to be proud of!

God Bless Michael Gove. Writing in the Daily Mail, he made the point I’ve been hoping someone would make for a long time. Finally someone is standing up to left-wing revisionist historians. As a history major, we always had to read left-wing historians and how so many of them, as …

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