Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Tony Blair

EU law is bunk

The interaction of sovereign nation states has always been a matter of power and self-interest. Britain lost sight of this during the Tony Blair years and tried to implement a so called “Ethical Foreign Policy”, which led to us performing some of the most unethical acts in our history, such …

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Faith, Doubt and Brexit

A warning about the disturbing fundamentalism of Continuity Remain and the anti-Brexit crusaders In the course of arguing on Twitter this evening, I received back the following piece of friendly psychological analysis from a longtime follower and antagonist. The text reads: “You are almost always wrong, as if you’re from another …

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Weep not for the Blairites

For the first time in ages, Brexit is not dominating the news. Rather, a possible change in political alliances is breaking with the departure of the 7 Blairite MPs from the Labour party under the banner of “The Independent Group”. It is certainly possible that more Blairite MPs, such as …

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Big Business attack #Brexit

The attack by Multi-National businesses on Brexit has now been fully organised.  It consisted in late 2016 of two main groups, “UK-EU Open Policy” which poses as an independent think tank but is dedicated to reversing the Referendum and “Common Ground” which pushes for continued membership of the Common Market …

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What the BBC misses about Leave voters and immigrants

One of the most overrated and overblown reasons for folk voting out of the European Union last summer was immigration. There existed within the Leave vote a substantial contingent that advocated retaining membership of the single market and pursuing what is called the ‘EEA option’. There was a large rural …

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#Brexit is the Future

Tony Blair, to use the words of David Cameron in his first Prime Minister’s Questions in 2005, “was the future once“. In his last Prime Minister’s Questions, David Cameron admitted that he too was the future once. Nick Clegg was the future once- for a brief time in 2010. Ken …

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Betrayal of Britain- Chapter 4 Continued- Iraq

The Iraq war of 2003 was a different matter altogether. In Tony Blair’s eyes, this was the epitome of moral foreign policy. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the decision to invade Iraq, Britain was deeply divided. That, in itself, is sufficient to condemn Blair. As with the Boer War, …

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Betrayal of Britain Chapter 4- Britain lost in the world

Twelve thousand merchant seamen gave their lives in the Great War, or so said the memorial that the author stumbled upon walking back to the hotel in London one warm November night. As a self-proclaimed obsessive on most-things-historical and with a particular reverence for World War One, to still encounter a chilling …

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Betrayal of Britain Chapter 3 Part 1- Path to Devolution

In the twenty years that followed the 1992 general election, debate on the constitutional framework of the country and ultimately on the Scottish independence referendum was conveniently limited to “The UK”, “the Union” or “the United Kingdom” but not “Great Britain”. This was new. As we shall see below, the …

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Conservative Party Conference 2016: The Verdict

Overall, this year’s Conservative Party Conference was a success. It was so wonderful to see the Conservative Party finally be united in support of Brexit. Guido Fawkes said it right when he said Theresa May’s Brexit speech was the speech many of us have hoped for decades to hear a Prime …

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Reflecting on Owen Smith’s ISIS comments

Owen Smith is quickly proving only one thing: he is not up to the top job in Britain. Nor is he making a particularly persuasive case for why he should be the man to lead Labour into the 2020 General Election. I have decided not to write in any great …

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Back sanity on fox hunting!

Tony Blair has said one of the biggest regrets from his time in office was the Hunting Act of 2004. While Mr. Blair is not one whose opinion I hold in any sort of esteem, I think that like many people, when he decided to push through the hunting “ban” …

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Thoughts on Iraq and Islamic Extremism.

11 years ago, when I was 15 years old, I was a wholehearted supporter of the Iraq invasion. Like many Americans shortly after the 9/11 attack, I wanted to fight Islamic extremism and its threats wherever they may be. The world is very different now. Americans and Britons generally view …

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Tony Blair’s piece on Islam in the Daily Mail.

In my first blog I alluded to my mixed feelings about Blair. B-Liar is a name I see often attributed to Blair and the way New Labour operated through spin I don’t blame anybody for attributing that name to him. However, I think in regards to the Middle East he does take …

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