Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Steve Baker

Boris Johnson must go.

Yesterday was a dark day for British liberty. With passage of the government’s plans to introduce Vaccine passports the UK is now is “paper please” society to do basic everyday transactions. Government sycophants (which now include the “opposition” Labour party) will claim this measure is “only temporary” and that one …

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Boris made the right judgment call

The phrase of trial by media is pertinent from the last couple of days. I may only be in the adolescence phase of reading law, but I am sure in the fact that convictions come from trial by judge and jury and not by Owen Jones. I will be clear. …

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Thank you for Brexit Day

The day is finally upon us. Today, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland leaves the millstone of the European Union and steps forward a free nation into the world. Today, history is made. Here at the Daily Globe, we could not be happier. As our readers know, …

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My Dream Tory Cabinet

I’m backing Boris in the leadership election and for the purposes of this article am assuming that, as the polls suggest, he will win the membership vote. This post, however, is focused on the rest of the Cabinet – because a government is about much more than one person. Prime …

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It is time for Boris

Originally, I supported Esther McVey for the leadership of the Conservative Party, and I still do believe that she is the best candidate. There is one issue – she is not gaining traction among MPs, and is still languishing with six supporters. This means I need to pick a different …

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Conservative MPs should vote for the Brady amendment…to run down the clock.

There are reports that Conservative ERG MPs are considering not voting Sir Graham Brady’s amendment being tabled tonight. Sir Brady’s amendment calls for the Northern Ireland backstop to be replaced with alternative arrangements to avoid a hard border, while stating support for the Withdrawal Agreement “subject to this change to deal …

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No Surrender!

Another day, another cave by Theresa May. Today, it appears that Theresa May is willing to keep the entire UK bound in perpetuity to the EU Customs Union.  It also appears the Prime Minister has plans to betray her allies in the DUP and Northern Ireland by having EU regulations …

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The EU Referendum is the perfect opportunity to use the Conservative Party for good

Earlier this week, the big-thinking but kvetching Times columnist and Conservative Home founder Tim Montgomerie announced he was leaving the Conservative Party. He gave his reasons for leaving the Tories being the party’s failure on deficit reduction, immigration, inequality and the Prime Minister’s EU charade. Given Tim’s long time disdain for …

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