Friday , July 26 2024

Tag Archives: Spain

Italy, Spain and the Future of the EU

Italy and Spain are in trouble.  Not only do they have the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the EU but their economies are on the rocks.  The European Central Bank (ECB) saved Italy with promises in March as the Italian Treasury was having to offer ever increasing yields on its bonds …

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The Catalan handkerchief

Spain isn’t greatly liked in Britain. This has been particularly noticeable in the past few weeks as the crisis in Catalonia has developed. Quite a few writers have indulged in the pleasures of Spain bashing and for a variety of reasons. Some Eurosceptic Brexiteers have sympathised with the Catalans and …

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The EU’s Catalonia response deserves condemnation

At first I would like to state that I have no opinion on Catalonian Nationalism. Indeed, before this referendum, I was opposed to it, as it had links to Scottish separatism. While I agree with the concept of national sovereignty, there are limits and I am opposed to breaking up …

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Real Spain on the Costa Blanca

If you’re looking for a cultural break to Spain but you don’t want to stray too far off the well-beaten tourist track of the Costa Blanca, consider Altea. Despite lying just north of Benidorm and within an hour of Alicante by car, the city has the feel of an unspoiled …

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Gibraltar is British.

Recently, Spain has been making a lot of noise about Gibraltar. The Spanish saw the noise Christina Fernandez de Kirchner aka Plastic Surgery Zilla and thought “hey why not use her tactics of making noise about nothing and distract our people over our dreadful economy?” Spain’s actions, like Argentina’s over …

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