Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Russia

British Volunteer Hackers Build a Missing Persons Platform for Ukraine In 72 Hours

A team of volunteers from the hacking group and browser isolation cybersecurity startup worked nonstop for 72 hours to build a missing persons platform for Ukraine to help Ukrainians displaced by conflict find their missing loved ones.  The missing persons platform is, De Ty means ‘Where Are …

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Putin the Terrible

It is difficult to write about a fast-moving conflict with limited information and much disinformation. But it is impossible to write about anything else as every other topic looks trivial. I am uninterested in the domestic politics of the UK and cannot bring myself even to notice whatever Nicola Sturgeon …

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He and She

When the Berlin Wall came down, the Soviet Union collapsed and China briefly looked as if it might go the same way with the Tiananmen Square protests, the West declared itself the victor, history had ended and we could sink into our sofas. We began to get fatter and lazier. …

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She needs to defend UK sovereignty too

Yesterday there was a minor incident in the Black Sea when a Royal Navy destroyer HMS Defender sailed close to the Crimean shoreline and was warned by the Russian coastguard to keep away. Some shots were fired, but no one was hurt and it is likely that no one was …

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The EU shows its true colours.

Only one major Western Country has started a vaccine war, undermined confidence in vaccinations and signed a trade and investment agreement with China.  That country is the European Union. The mainstream media liberally condemns any behaviour by the UK or USA that fails to make it onto the latest moral …

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Sturgeon has no mandate for anything now

Imagine there was an inquiry into a Government’s handling of a sexual harassment case in another country and we were following the details from afar. How would we react if we discovered that someone called Fabiani was the chair of this committee, but she had previously been sacked by someone …

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No White Knight Will Save You

Brent Cameron is a Senior Advisor with Concierge Strategies, and a local councillor in Ontario, Canada. The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s 2005 book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization” is available on Amazon worldwide – both in paperback and in Kindle e-book formats. For an …

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Self-Reflection in the Age of Self-Isolation

Brent Cameron is a Senior Advisor with Concierge Strategies, and a local councillor in Ontario, Canada. The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization” is available now on Amazon worldwide. Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates was quoted as saying something …

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The World According to Dumas

The 14th Anniversary edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization is available now on Amazon worldwide. The current state of the world has been – and is continuing to be – described, dissected, and analyzed by a never-ending throng of pundits, consultants, …

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Nick Clegg, Theresa Hunt and Tobias Ellwood

The Brexit News for 24th June. Nick Clegg has hit the headlines as Facebook’s £1m a year, £7m package Vice President of Global Affairs.  His most important statement is that the Russians and Cambridge Analytica did not use Facebook to influence the EU Referendum in 2016.   We already knew this but perhaps …

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Statecraft and Lawn Maintenance

The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization” is available now on Amazon worldwide. Many, many years ago, my father applied for a job at a lumber yard as a day labourer. He had left home under difficult circumstances at age …

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Political Tribalism, Brexit And The Liberalist Insurgency

Many so-called liberals are great at diagnosing destructive political tribalism when it manifests in other people, but are often blind to the same pathologies within their own ranks I wrote a long piece earlier this month about deepening political tribalism as it relates to Brexit. After the piece was serialised in Country Squire Magazine, …

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Better to be a dragon than a bear: the Chinese Russian relationship.

Part 1 Russia famously was described by Winston Churchill as “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma”. What is less frequently noted is that Churchill went on to solve his riddle. The key to understanding Russian actions was to look at Russian national interest. But is this not …

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MPs Allege Foreign Hacking Of The EU Referendum, Provide No Evidence

Cynical, calculating and alarmist MPs are undermining faith in democracy with their conspiratorial anti-Brexit shenanigans “A voter registration site that crashed in the run-up to last year’s EU referendum could have been targeted by a foreign cyber attack, MPs say”, screeches the BBC. The Guardian, spurred by its anti-Brexit bias to …

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How Donald Trump could limit migration more fairly

Most people in modern Britain have little or no experience of visas. Either we don’t need a visa or else it’s straightforward to obtain one by spending a few minutes on a computer.  Most people don’t want to go to the places, like Russia or China, which require visas you …

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Betrayal of Britain- The new Sudetenland

For years, Russia, bordering on bankruptcy and in social chaos following the collapse of the Soviet Union, had been ignored in international affairs. Its former allies in Eastern Europe such as Poland and the Baltic States had not only become part of the European Union but also joined the former …

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Lessons will be learned

How often have you heard or read that expression? After each horrendous child killing, an enquiry takes place, witnesses are called from every aspect of child care – social services, paediatricians, police, lawyers and so on. Blame is very lightly apportioned but when the report is delivered, at some stage …

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